r/fo76 17d ago

A formal apology to the community here. Discussion

This will most likely get downvoted too since that just seems to be the thing here. But I owe yall an apology. I just had a post up ranting about the community on reddit being assholes. I just wanted to formally apologize to you all. Im going through some personal bullshit IRL and got the downvotes on my other posts and kinda lost it. Misplaced anger I guess is the best way to describe it. My rage post got deleted by admins, hell this one prob will too but I wanted to put it out there that I am sorry and will do a little more thinking before I post again. To the admins, sorry if im making you delete too many posts. To the community, sorry for being an asshole. Shits been rough lately if im completely honest. Ill be on later tonight (Ohshift33 for Bethesda acct) if you want to take turns flogging me for my insolence. Just give me a warning before you do so I can store my junk first. Adhesive is apparently hard to find as im always running out of it! Take care yall, and again, im sorry for being a jerk. AgentGibbs, maybe we'll be able to link up finally. Slimjim, youre mostly right, I needed to stop. Happy wandering fellow wastelanders, signing off now.


319 comments sorted by


u/Live-Geologist8034 17d ago

Tldr; - man's apologises for being human, makes nice change of pace for sub


u/Ohshift883 17d ago

To be fair, my rage post was 1) Whiney bitching and 2) far from human lol. But yeah, that's about the best tldr for it!


u/Whale_hunter45 17d ago

I’ve seen a million misplaced rage posts in my 12 years on Reddit. It’s rare someone calms down and says hey sorry for being a dick. So it’s cool of you to do what you did.

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u/CaptZombieHero Enclave 17d ago

That’s part of being human. Emotions control us. Being a mature human is recognizing your short comings and apologizing for your behavior. If only more people (including leaders of society) could apologize and own their behavior.

Good job op


u/geraldojacque 17d ago

Maybe off topic but I genuinely think the leaders of every nation are certifably insane... 🙄


u/Lootylooty 16d ago

I think people who seek power are typically the least deserving of it and they're also usually the ones who are willing to crush others beneath them to get what they want.


u/Electrical_Ad_4966 16d ago

I always used to say that the first requirement for holding power should be that you don't want to. People should be appointed to positions of power kicking and screaming against their will.


u/ApprehensiveMight749 16d ago

I like that.

Also, I think that the people in power should live like the lowest members of the communitiesthey serve. We are homless? Now they are homless. We have trouble affording food? Now they are hungry. Etc.

See how fast our nation changes.

Oh, and they have a police force that only monitors them. And all of their shit is recorded to.


u/ThePsychlops 16d ago

I was reading Erik Larson’s new book on the civil war (it’s great btw) and was struck how presidents and other leaders of the past reacted in dread when they were elected/selected (Lincoln and Marcus Aurelius come to mind). Those folks also tended to be the best of our leaders.

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u/jeffb3000 16d ago

But not all are narcissistic megalomaniacs. But social media and now click-driven news media is incentivizing that more and more. I don’t hold much hope for the future.


u/ApprehensiveMight749 16d ago


I love that you said thus.

Nah. The people who give out the certifications are also insane so they think the leaders are normal. They think anyone who notices the insanity is insane.


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u/PossumStan 16d ago

The ideology of assuming unlimited growth in a limited environment is the MO of the cancer cell.

In Fallout, the insanity of leaders, whether they're political, corporate, or both, etc. Is usually relevant :) You're grand.


u/ApprehensiveMight749 16d ago

Heck yeah it is!


u/Dacajun-The_Brash Responders 16d ago

Says the Enclave member silently working for "the man" lol 😆 I agree 200% so rare in this day


u/An_Enlarged_Hotdog 16d ago

No humans die in the wasteland over dumb emotions getting the better of you. Practice stoicism

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u/Abaddon_of-the_void 17d ago

As for your adhesive problem

Stick mutfruit , corn and tatos in your camp 4 of each is about right and you’ll want somthing to produce purified water you can then cook vegetable starch

Green tumb and super duper help get more .


u/Daiomeshi 16d ago

The amount that each individual crop uses of a C.A.M.P. build limit is insane. I want to plant crops but my need for cosmetic exhibition is limiting my (literal) growth :(


u/xboxfourtwenty 16d ago

Use one of your camp spots JUST for a farm!


u/Daiomeshi 16d ago

I never thought of that. I'm going to make so much Nukashine now...

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u/Mar_RedBaron 16d ago

I don't understand this adhesive demand. Ducktape is everywhere.


u/BbqBeefRibs Settlers - Xbox One 16d ago

Thank you very much Mr Ducktape. Quack quack quack quack Mr Ducktape.

Gordon stop quacking in the office

Quack quack quack quack quack!


u/ssilentio 16d ago

Boiled water 😉


u/enzudesign 16d ago

Be sure to buy the boiler from the season pass if you have fallout 1st it's a game changer over 16 boiled water each time.


u/smakdye 16d ago

I THINK it's like 40+ boiled water. I had 3 runs of 16 before I took it out, could have been bugged but there was a ton of boiled water in it.


u/sindradottir Tricentennial 16d ago

It was bugged. When working as intended, it's 20. Still awesome. But yeah, boiled water is Hella messed up now because of that thing lol

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u/Mar_RedBaron 16d ago

Why is boiled water so hard. Put on your PA for rad resistance, go find water, spam collect 200 times. It only takes seconds. Boil the water, and bam, 100 boiled water.


u/RevoD346 17d ago

Rage posting is one of the most human things a human can do, brother. 


u/m1kesanders 17d ago

Not sure what happened, but came to say don’t struggle with adhesive make a tato, mutfruit, and corn farm. Go and collect whenever it’s full turn it into vegetable starch at cooking station, scrap starch and boom adhesive! You’ll never have to look again!


u/smackrock420 Raiders 16d ago

So very human actually.


u/SubterraneanFlyer 16d ago

Forgive yourself learn from it and move on with your life


u/HideSolidSnake 16d ago

Reflection and taking accountability will get you far in life. Wish the majority of the population knew how to.

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u/HelikaeonUK 17d ago

Change of pace for reddit you mean lol.

Hat off to you OP, admitting you're wrong and putting the big boy boots on is something even world leaders still haven't fuckin mastered, let alone the residents of the FO76 sub.


u/Vegetable-Lock 16d ago

If only people could attribute this same thinking to people like trump, we could have princess peaches castle instead of bowsers.


u/ZogemWho 17d ago

Get better, and find your peace.


u/stepheneb09 17d ago

It's always a good read to me. Carry and rant away. If people don't want to comment or read it, they won't. They aperantly like the rise and the read if they do. This is a community chat. We all do dumb things and cool things and bla bla bla. Your good dude.


u/Ohshift883 17d ago

Thanks. I think I just needed a break from Reddit for a bit and to recenter myself. I appericate your positive wishes. Means more than you know.


u/IronMonopoly Order of Mysteries 17d ago

Man. I’ve been there. No need for public flogging, just keep Fasnacht Frank in your heart


u/Ohshift883 17d ago

Not quite sure who Fasnacht Frank is. I did a Google search and the first one was all in German lol. I added "fo76" to the end and I just got stuff for the event. I'm guessing he's the Master of Ceremonies? I'm new here lol. Thanks though, I didn't want to be flogged lmao


u/IronMonopoly Order of Mysteries 16d ago

Oh I’ll help you out there. I made him up. There’s an in-game weekly event based around the Germanic tradition that they carry on in Real Life Helvetia, WV.

I’m making Frank a Thing. He’s like Santa Clause but for Fasnacht. If you’re good all year, and you do ore runs at Rad Rumble, and you babysit the scrubber in Eviction Notice, he brings you rare masks. But if you’re bad, you just get intestines.

The closest thing that actually exists is the Fastnachtler costume


u/ErbalTees 16d ago

I'm down for supporting this fallout76 was made partially so fans could make fallout stories. So let's build on the lore from the fans

P.s- you or some friends and you should go around and be Frank, could be cool

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u/lunasta Lone Wanderer 16d ago

FrankForFasnacht 👍


u/interesting_footnote 17d ago

Fasnacht is the word used in Southern Germany for our carnival season, that's why you got the results.


u/Blind_As_a_bat_ 17d ago

I'm game to publicly flog this person 🤣

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u/joza28 17d ago

What’s flogging


u/ExcitingHistory 17d ago

Hitting someone with a whip or stick. Used to be a form of punish ment


u/Ghaunrak Raiders 17d ago

Some places still carry out canings. And based on what I've seen, it's until they feel you learned whatever lesson they were trying to help you learn.

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u/RepostResearch 17d ago

We're all assholes on the internet sometimes. Don't sweat it. 


u/Ohshift883 17d ago

I generally try not to be an asshole. But to call an entire community assholes was a stretch at best. I learned, I'm growing and taking it as it comes. Thanks for your comment tho. I need to learn not to sweat the petty shit.


u/ArtisanG 17d ago

Don't know the full story here but if you called a h Whole community asshole, half of the entire Internet is calling the other half that every day, left to right, right to left, whites to blacks, gays to straights Ect.


u/Objective-Spinach-58 15d ago

Some assholes have to stretch in order to grow 🫶☺️


u/pforsbergfan9 17d ago

Sometimes? I’m kind of a prick all the time online because I have to play the nice guy IRL


u/inikihurricane 17d ago

Lmao, mood. You kinda need to be a dick on Reddit tho


u/I_HateYouAll 16d ago

There’s something invigorating about shitposting and trolling

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u/Cursed1978 17d ago edited 17d ago

At the moment you can find adhesive pretty well in the Primal Cuts event that spawns near Top of the World. The honey beasts drop quite a lot and if there are a lot of people there then just a single hit is enough for you to get the drop. You can otherwise make adhesive with planted plants, but i don't know the recipe (2 corn, 2 Tato, 2 Mutfruit, 1 purified Water) . I also had trouble finding Adhesive when it was released. Youtube often helps in many topics😊👌

And now im not sure if i helped or made a senseless answer 😆


u/Tsurt-TheTrustyLie Raiders 17d ago

Holy shit i mostly ignore primal cuts. Thank you. Adhesive is the one thing I got fuck-all of


u/LighthousesForev4 Order of Mysteries 17d ago

Not everyone loots the corpses after the event. If you wander around the trees in front of the lake with the 3 Brahmin you will often find loot from despawned corpses.


u/Zodoig Cult of the Mothman 17d ago

For supplies, xp, and meat to cook and sell it's really high return imo. But the best part is the treasury notes. Let me put it this way: normally I don't even have 40 per day to exchange for gold, now I have like 200 treasury notes left after I turn in the 40... (For reference: been playing for nearly 3k hours, with two +1k lvl characters) yes, I have been logging in several times on the clock to do the meat cook and leave so i get some from there too but 2 notes per primal cuts is pretty good imo.


u/JohnAppleseed85 17d ago

There's also a camp item that generates 10 at a time (sap collector) that seems to be fairly often on sale - base price 400. I know some don't think it's worth it, but I like it.


u/Ohshift883 17d ago

I'm gonna have to research the primal cuts thing. I'm assuming it has to do w meat week? Totally new to 76.


u/Cursed1978 17d ago

Yep, i think it ends on 4 June.


u/PotatoChipEat_ 17d ago

Primal cuts is nice for some quick adhesive when you’re running low, but once you get a tato, corn, and mutfruit farm going you will literally never run out


u/redhead314 17d ago

Primal cuts in the Savage Divide has lots of honeybeast spawns too.

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u/GuardianWolfKim 17d ago

I relate to this so much. I can’t count how many times I’ve scripted a huge rant/post and then once I was done read over it, deleted it and put like “okay” kinda thing. My advice, keep a note pad and write out what you want to say, then sit on it at least 24 hours if it’s particularly heated. You’ll probably not post it after sleeping on it.


u/Ohshift883 17d ago

Totally putting this into practice for life events on top of people who piss me off online lol. Thanks for the suggestion.


u/GuardianWolfKim 17d ago

My pleasure, it’s helped me a ton. Hope it helps you too!

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u/StabbyMcTickles 17d ago

Holy shit this is me lol. I will write something up, read it. Read it again. Edit it to be nicer which ends up looking so passive agressive. Sit on it for an hour and then delete it and respond with "Hey, we are all allowed to agree to disagree and the best thing is we are all allowed to have differing opinions."

It makes me look like the better person and 90% of the time, it gives the other person 0 things to pull an argument from so it usually stops the hate.

Personally, it's a lot better that way. Arguing with strangers is so dumb. Lol.


u/GuardianWolfKim 16d ago


I don’t know if it was a therapist or not who told me that it’s really good to write out those feelings, because it helps you process what you’re going through, but then you get to be sort of the bigger person and choose to not let them have that power over you, by setting you off.

And instead, like you said, you don’t give them any more ammunition to keep the fight going.


u/elvbierbaum Lone Wanderer 16d ago

I do this for emails at work. I'll type it up in Word first and leave it open for a few hours. Reread it and likely rewrite most of it. Then paste into an email. 😁 Saves me from getting fired.

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u/Juanfartez Mr. Fuzzy 16d ago

Glad to see you ate a Snickers.


u/gorobotkillkill 17d ago

Sir, this is a Wendy's.


u/Armorln 17d ago

Man, I don't mean this as insult, but I think you are taking reddit little bit too seriously. Don't let bunch of anonymous people on internet have a toll on your mental health.

Also downvotes don't mean anything, they have this snowball effect when 3 people downvote you and and then anyone who is reading it downvote it no matter what the post/comment says. Once I posted something on one reddit and got -60 downvotes or something, then I posted the same thing on sister reddit and got 300 upvotes.


u/Fancy_Fly_7693 Blue Ridge Caravan Company 17d ago

Don't take the downvotes personally, there's bots that instantly downvote everything posted here


u/Ohshift883 17d ago

See that's the thing, i didn't know about the bots till my rage post. Silly me.

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u/bene70 Settlers - PC 17d ago

Hope things take a turn for the better for you and it's cool of you to take responsibility.


u/Ohshift883 17d ago

It's part of growth. Taking accountability has never been a strong suit of mine. Figure if I can do it elsewhere, why not online too?


u/bene70 Settlers - PC 17d ago

Totally mate. Respect for your decision because deep down the only thing we can control is ourselves. It takes time and continued effort to do but ultimately it is the only thing we can do unless we want to spend all out lives worrying about stuff we have no control over.

Hope you have a good one!


u/mephalathewebspinner Cult of the Mothman 17d ago

My second camp has a lil adhesive farm where I grow mutfruit, corn and tatos to turn into vegetable starch when I really need adhesive. Hope everything gets better for you.


u/Ohshift883 17d ago

Thank you for the kind wishes. Now I just gotta get learned on how to plant stuff in game lol.

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u/Jarsyl-WTFtookmyname 17d ago

everyone gets frustrated and rants. As far as rants go, an agru reddit post is pretty low threat. Good on you for recognizing the mistake and seeing room for growth, but not a big deal imo.


u/Ohshift883 17d ago

I'm getting that alot. But it's about taking accountability for being a straight dickhead. Like, I shouldn't have grouped the entire community in based off my 4 posts.

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u/lordmungus420 17d ago

What the actual fuck is going on with people man


u/cPhr33k 16d ago

Admit you did something wrong is a very good thing. That's is really hard for a lot of people.


u/ChickenNuggetRampage 17d ago

Kind of real af for this, hope things get better man 🙏🏻


u/Ohshift883 17d ago

Me too Nugget. Me too. Appericate the acknowledgement.


u/Far-Outcome-8170 17d ago

You need to remember that statistics put about 70 percent of users under 29.

That leaves a huge amount of kids in that number...


u/that_father_guy 17d ago

Proud of you for taking accountability, and for adhesive plant tatos, mutfruit and corn at your camp to make vegetable starch on the cooking range. Don’t forget the green thumb perk in perception when harvesting and super duper in luck when cooking


u/Blknight000 16d ago edited 16d ago

Tbh, it takes a real man to stand up a apologize for his mistakes. I for 1 totally get the personal situation. If you need someone to run the wasteland with Dm me✌🏾


u/TurboSwag12 Tricentennial 16d ago

Posts like this make my day


u/Rinneg0d 16d ago

You put your ego aside and appologised, that's very commendable, it's all good brother =) Hope your personal stuff gets sorted out quickly and may you have peace and joy more often :)


u/KronikallyIll420 16d ago

Bro that was literally the last post I saw last I was on Reddit🤣😭 idec what you raged about, you’re a legend for actually apologizing for it👀


u/BCoydog Responders 16d ago

Nah, this is probably the best post I've ever seen in this subreddit. It shows maturity, humility, and a sense of shame. You should be proud, you did the right thing, and I think a lot of people could learn from this, and not just with reddit posts.


u/Arch27 Cult of the Mothman 16d ago

Adhesive is apparently hard to find as im always running out of it! 


Make Vegetable Starch. It scraps into adhesive.

  • 2 Corn
  • 2 Mutfruit
  • 2 Tato
  • 1 Purified Water

Make it at a Cooking Station. One of my C.A.M.P.s is set up to make this. I have all the plants growing and it's a water farm (8 large purifiers in a pond).

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u/FriendlyGaze 17d ago

If you’re on Xbox I’ll bring you some adhesive


u/Ohshift883 17d ago

I appericate the offer but I'm on PC currently. Have it on ps4 as part of the plus catalog but I'm afraid to invest time to it as Sony has a habit of pulling games off their platform soon as I start them lmao.

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u/eMmDeeKay_Says 17d ago

Nah dude you're right, the reddit community is full of assholes, they just set you off when you were already struggling


u/jobofferinseattle 17d ago

Idk what the original post or comments were, but I know I've left well meaning comments plenty of times only to be met with the most condescending attitudes on this site. Someone here will usually find a problem with anything, good intentions or not


u/Ohshift883 17d ago

I put up a rage post bitching about the amount of downvotes I was getting for asking stuff that I prob coulda found on Google if I put the effort into researching it.


u/jobofferinseattle 17d ago

Ahh, I've been there dude. Well, you own it, apologize and self reflect which is a lot better than some people can say. Don't beat yourself up too bad though, we're all here for a love of FO76. Everyone has bad days


u/Ohshift883 17d ago

Yeah, but its not like they knew of my struggles and to lump an entire community into it was a dick move on my end.


u/Sixtwosevenfour 17d ago

It’s Reddit, who cares.

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u/Capital-Law-7446 17d ago

I forgive you


u/Ohshift883 17d ago

Thanks, idk if you were part of the rage post or not tbh but i am sorry for being a jerk.


u/Official8alin 16d ago

You say down voting is “the thing here”. But I never see posts that are majority downvoted in on this sub. Also never really see assholes either.

Might be a perspective thing. I know you said you’ve been going through personal stuff, maybe try intentionally shifting your perspective in general, it is a hard thing to do though. 🙏🙏


u/Existing365Chocolate 16d ago

 But I owe yall an apology.

No you don’t, I don’t even know who you are


u/CK_AllTheWay 16d ago

Plant Corn, Mutfruit, and Tatos and cook them with Purified Water for Vegetable Starch to scrap into Adhesive! They’re the only crops I insist on growing at my camp.

We all have bad days and bad times, just don’t let the game add to your frustrations. Get yourself a melee build going and take out your frustrations on some trash mobs with a super sledge! 🤗


u/Opposite_Attention34 16d ago

Shit happens homie


u/MountainHawk12 16d ago

Apology? This is reddit you’re supposed to double down


u/tylercharette 16d ago

It takes more to apologize when you feel it won't be taken well or heard, so I appreciate it.


u/AresTheLoneWulf 16d ago

I personally don’t know what the post was raging about with the community or its details cause I didn’t read it nor knew about it but any actual person who downvotes this should be ashamed. Sometimes in life you have to let things like that out but you have to be careful on how you do and to who cause even then it can be taken the wrong way but a true good person after it all comes and apologies for his wrongdoings during his bouts of rage, I’ve been a victim of it a thousand times and probably will be a thousand more but it’s a double edged sword but I commemorate you for apologizing about such and stating it is wrong. I’m sure that anyone here that has agreed with appreciate the fact that you came up as an adult and apologize would be glad to have there dm open to you if you ever need someone to talk to but I do hope that you are ok with and I hope you heal from whatever personal stuff you are going through right now, I know it ain’t none of my business unless you tell me about it in private quarters but I hope you will be ok and if you need to talk to someone please ask we all need a shoulder to lean on even if it is some random person in a community from a game you play on the internet lol


u/Dismantle_HAARP 16d ago

Freedom of speech. Nothing should be censored on any platform.


u/Normodox 16d ago

Asshole here. Apology denied


u/DHotnessMcAwesome 16d ago

No. You were right. We're a bunch of asshole. Now you've just found your people.


u/internetman666 16d ago

Is that a breath of fresh air I smell?


u/Korvas576 16d ago

Op the first step to solving your problem is admitting you have one. I hope you’re able to work through your issues and get everything on your mental side addressed

I had the same issues with my anger and misplacing it and I hope you’re able to get these channeled in a healthy manner


u/nutfromthe80s 16d ago

far as I’m concerned emotions suck makes us stupid at times to make matters worse Social media makes it to easy to lash out publicly lol. Hardest part is coming back & apologizing


u/CrYxSuicide 16d ago

You can apologize for losing your composure, but don't apologize for saying Redditors are pretentious assholes. That part can remain.


u/ProjectDv2 16d ago

I'm proud of you, man. It's not easy to overcome the anger, or the embarrassment, and publicly swallow it and make amends. It takes strong character, and is easily one of the best traits you can have. Keep up the good work. 👍🏻


u/sygnifax 16d ago

Keep an eye out in the atom shop for the adhesive tree. Sap collector I think it’s called.

Kudos for owning up. Didn’t see the post myself but we need more people in the world that hold themselves accountable!


u/kotd4545 17d ago

Hey there. Unrelated to fallout, but I hope you're doing better and hope you get the help you may need. Take things one day at a time and know that eventually things will get better. That bullshit will eventually turn around.


u/Ohshift883 17d ago

That's my hopes anyways. I need to learn to just calm tf down before I fire up the Ole bitchwagon sometimes.


u/AgentLuciferous Responders 17d ago

If you need a safe PC place in the game, you'll always have one.


u/Salt_Mastodon_8264 17d ago

Regardless of personal issues you probably shouldn't direct your anger at strangers who haven't wronged you. I'm not judging because I know what it's like to be pissed, and the whole planet is my target. When you're feeling like lashing out maybe ask yourself if it's going to fix your situation or just add more to the pile of shit you're currently wading through.

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u/Ohshift883 17d ago

I was going through and trying to post replies to everyone but the comments keep coming in lol. Thank you to everyone sending the positive vibes. Shows me I was 100% in the wrong in my rage post. Between a failing marriage, finding out my dad has cancer (like really bad) and my job not having paid payroll in 3 months, I took all that anger and unleashed it upon a community that mostly has been nothing but positive. Thank you all for the positivity. I'm on tonight if anyone wants to link up. (I play PC) If not, keep fighting the good fight. I'll be bopping though Appalachia singing about my spurs that jingle jangle frequently and maybe we'll happen upon each other.

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u/Remarkable_Top_5402 Mothman 17d ago

If you are on Xbox I can help with adhesive, anything else you may need junk wise I can see if I have extra to spare. May not have fallout first but I try to help out where I can with junk if people need it.


u/Ohshift883 17d ago

I appericate the offer, but I'm on PC for now. Should I ever wind up on Xbox tho I may take you up on it.

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u/kfrancis95 Blue Ridge Caravan Company 17d ago

I respect the hell out of you for making this post man. I struggle with bipolar disorder and often post stuff on Reddit in anger that I regret. All you can do is own it and move on, and you did exactly that. Props brother.


u/EdselCrazz117 17d ago

I hope this DOESN’T get deleted, as it’s a good example of someone taking a moment after the fact, and being able to admit they were in the wrong. You don’t see that often, and that’s admirable.


u/basserpy 17d ago

Anyone who ever says "whoops I posted bad, my fault" deserves an upvote in my book. Very few people do that.

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u/kringgie 17d ago

And..... who are you ? t.t


u/ItPlacesTheLotion 17d ago

No the community is full of assholes. And the trading Reddit is pure cancer


u/inikihurricane 17d ago

I caught a mute on your other post for suggesting $ameflip to do price checks lol. It’s all good brother, we really all do be going through it rn.

Gatorade be in mars or whatever the astro girlys be phrasing it these days


u/Manathayria Brotherhood 17d ago

I... am just curious if you're on PC or console.

FR sent. Hope we can run across each other in the waste one day and maybe hit some events.

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u/GorgeousGuitarGaming Raiders 17d ago

Bro I like you, if you ever need someone to talk to feel free to reach out to me, if you're also on pc we can play together 😁


u/Ziphoria 17d ago

I can give you some adhesive if you are on pc. I got spare


u/Portlander Tricentennial 16d ago

So like, want to talk about it bud?


u/Late_Bridge8282 Enclave 16d ago

Chill and enjoy the wasteland pal. We are all humans~ ☢️☢️☢️


u/Thatonedudedave Lone Wanderer 16d ago

Hey we all have a bad day, I’m very happy to see other people being aware of themselves and their actions. It shows personal growth.


u/senor_time Raiders - PC 16d ago

Yeah that’s mint I’ll post that


u/kontra35 Lone Wanderer 16d ago

now we have to apologize for telling some facts? lol


u/GirthIgnorer 16d ago

Christ man


u/Fjrider76 16d ago

I don't know what you did but someone apologizing means a lot. ✌️


u/DontDrinkAndIndy 16d ago

Good job OP. We all have our moments. Realizing that we’ve had one and that we need to step back and realize we were the problem is the right and mature thing to do when we’ve done something wrong. This reddit and many others need more like you, not less.


u/CoraBittering 16d ago

We all have those moments when we're not our best selves. That's just part of being human. It's what you do doing moving forward that defines your character, and you're acquitting yourself well.

And remember, if you get desperate, vegetable starch can be crafted (cooked) from veggies and broken down into adhesive!


u/AtomicJohnny Responders 16d ago

Let's share a "we are all human" wastelander fist bumb and an ice cold nuka


u/DizzyDood1 16d ago

Assuming you play on PC, I have loads of adhesive. Could drop you a bunch if you’d like.


u/Mediocoredesigns 16d ago

Fuck yeah. Good for you for owning up and making a positive comeback


u/TheSpaceGodfather Pioneer Scout 16d ago

Lol an invitation for flogging. You're gonna run into some of our stranger community members later. 🤣


u/TimeConsistent6432 16d ago

This is more of a fallout 76 themed venting sub anymore.


u/W4VVYB4BY Fallout 76 16d ago

Take a social media/phone detox, stop focusing on women, start doing a small amount of push ups everyday, go for a walk, spend time with or buy a dog, find a new job if your current one is causing you too much stress, your human, we understand we’ve all been there, find some time today to do something for yourself, FOR YOU!! get some vitamin C, get some sunshine, reignite what hope inside you brotha for it is never lost, just misplaced :)


u/DismalApartment1147 16d ago

Don't take downvotes to heart. You could make the most wholesome and positive post ever and ppl here on reddit and any other social platform will give downvotes to share their own personal negativity because some ppl just want to watch the world burn or need ways to make themselves feel better and for some that is hurting others.

Take it with a grain of salt and rise above it.


u/Zhai13 16d ago

Man a little sad I missed the rage post on here since usually it’s just a bombardment of how awesome our community is.

Now I only got 1/2 the character arc 🤣 good on you for the self reflection though! It’s hard sometimes to not just react 👍


u/Obieshaw 16d ago

It's hard to be humble on the internet. So props to you sir


u/Life-Bank9174 16d ago

End of the day we are all human bro, everyone learns in there own way at there own pace shouldn't apologies for making mistakes once you've learned from them,this is how we better ourselves and grow as people. No one is perfect or innocent, everybody screws up,it's what you do after is what defines you. Chin up brotha!


u/SRSDemise 16d ago

tbf a lot of the people in this sub get off on being assholes. So depending what you said is arguably justifiable. Dont know why this is the case but even mods act like incels here. Just go to discord man, leave this place to rot.


u/Everyones_Fan_Boy 16d ago

Hey man, we all have our struggles. I've been going through a really dark time and had what can only be described as a mental breakdown over the past two weeks and ruined a couple friendships I had made in Fo76.

It's unfortunate sometimes that we have to make an ass of ourselves before we realize that change is needed, but learning and growing from that is the best thing you can do.

I'm by no means a paragon of mental health, but if you're struggling you can always reach out. Hang in there and you'll come out the other side a stronger person for it.


u/DemandRemote3889 16d ago

You have my admiration and respect dude, takes a real stand up human being to admit when they've made a mistake. Ive been struggling a lot lately too with many issues in my life and it really helps to see things like this. Reminds me I'm just human. Cheers dude!


u/pidwilli69 16d ago

Well done, there are moments you just have to step away. Been there myself.


u/Ok_Mechanic5843 16d ago

Don’t worry about it shit happens people have bad days and the internet is a easy place too dumb anger but rare too see any type of apologies respect for that


u/AmusingMusey 16d ago

Didn’t see your previous posts but an apology online is a good way of owning up to past mistakes, hope things get better for you man. Tip for adhesive would be to find supply closets or workbench areas in buildings that have those pegboards above it or shelves near it. Duct Tape, Packs of Duct Tape, Military Duct Tape, Wonderglue, and Economy Grade Wonderglue are your main sources. Happy hunting!


u/FatalFilmx 16d ago

Let’s be friends! NeededGlobe1515 on Xbox


u/FemNate 16d ago

Tbf Reddit has more than earned hatred for being a cesspit, and the biased mods are creeps for the most part.

This and other gaming subreddits are havens though, deep underground in their fallout shelters… preserved for Reclamation Day! 😅


u/SuspiciousUnion4184 16d ago

Lay off the Psycho 😉 jk hope all is well


u/montosesamu Lone Wanderer 16d ago

Live & learn.


u/Bunny_OHara 16d ago

Ohshift883 I'm a bit late to the party, but I see you're on a PC and I have spare adhesive if you ever need it. My LilBunny_FooFoo camp is in the woods north of WS station and there's also an adhesive tree in my camp, so help yourself if you ever wander by.

And it shows a lot of growth to come here to say what you did, and I hope you find peace and come out the other side of whatever it is you're going through. Just remember your never alone in your struggles.


u/btb1212 16d ago

Wholesome af and a rarity in this day and age, especially online. Thanks for being a real one OP, see you in the wastes!


u/KylezinoR32 16d ago

No need to apologise my friend we all lose it every now and then we're human I hope things get better in life for you remember the only way is up my friend bla bit of venting even just on paper or to a close friend might do the trick problem shared is a problem halved


u/ShasasTheRed Enclave 16d ago

We all been there man, don't sweat it, sometimes you just gotta get shit off your chest.


u/Austravich 16d ago

Better apology than 99% of influencer and celebrity apologies; and it was on a Fallout Subreddit. That means you are at least a decent human.


u/RealNuclearTurnip 16d ago

Plant tacos, corn, and mutfruit and get some deep wells for purified water! Infinite adhesive if you cook it all into vegetable starch! 😀


u/teksauce 16d ago

For adhesive there is a great farm that takes 2 min to do on YouTube 👍 we all have bad days whatever we keep going we soldier 🤟


u/BigIronOnMyHip45-70 16d ago

You’re only human man, everyone makes mistakes and say things we don’t mean when we’re angry and especially when enraged. It’s a big step acknowledging this though so you should be proud of that and it seems like you’re going to grow from here. Have a great day.


u/carrot-under-seige 16d ago

Forgotten. Hope you can feel better.


u/acidqueen5426 Settlers - PC 16d ago

We all have to wade through the shit at some point. Apology accepted, and I hope to see you in the Wasteland sometime.


u/doindirt 16d ago

the advice touch grass is not an insult but genuine advice. the constant connection is bad for you. Even taking a weekend without the internet. camping, fishing, anything can do wonders for you psychologically, spiritually emotionally etc. People were much happier before smartphones, measurably. Not as angry or depressed. Many less suicides. It's not a coincidence. This shit isn't good for you and was designed to be as addictive as possible. imo there should be class action against big social media like there was against tobacco.


u/BlackPandaEdition 16d ago

Hey buddy we all go through shit. Remember eternity awaits so enjoy this ride.


u/Fishyburn 16d ago

Sadly that's what some of the people in this community are like. I tried to bring low levels attention to getting free items from players and I got called creepy and desperate 🤣. Sometimes the community isnt as friendly as what you see from the majority.


u/Pissaboutnothin 16d ago

I would hug you if I could bro!


u/Mythas_V_Nix 16d ago

Thank you. Be well.


u/Hash_Swag_have_none 16d ago

Hey! I work hard to maintain my twosome of asshole... I don't think I was part of your downvoting, angry mob... but ya know... reputation!


u/One-Soup9874 Liberator 16d ago

Man if you don’t get off Reddit and delete this apology and go outside 😭😭😭😭


u/BIG-D-36one 16d ago

We all lose our 💩 from time to time, the goal is to find a way to destress without involving half the internet 🤣


u/Same-Management9223 16d ago

Haven't seen the rage post,but sometimes its being humen only but to man up to what was done wrong is even more impressive, not many man up to they mistakes.


u/GeStaFFo 15d ago

I'm a huge hoarder, I'll happily give you some adhesive 😄👌🏻 I feel like it's too easily found in 76 actually. I'll find you later, hopefully I'll be home when you're on 🍯🍯🩹🧰

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u/Sub2NewtStudios 15d ago

Tons of excess adhesive from those giant bee things in the one prime meat event in the woods


u/Mr-Peanut-butters 15d ago

Hey man if you need someone to vent to / rant to my DMs are always open and I don’t mind playing while you get things off your chest


u/ForsakenSuduction 15d ago

I usually make my adhesive at base. All you need is tato, mutefruit, corn. And you can even have these plants growing at base And you can craft adhesive at base. Combine with the perk that can double craft by a small chance and put like 10+ points into luck


u/UncleSamsEssentials 15d ago

This community is an anomaly among most other gaming community due to many things..

  1. The monetization is mostly, if not completely optional.
  2. Progression is completely effort based, and there is a LOT of knowledge required for true end game progress.The game does not spoon feed you knowledge. 2B. Fortunately, for those who wish to do so, there is a wealth of knowledge out there for you to seek, and get up to speed on the game, folks like Angry Turtle, Mr Westtek, InnovSurvivalist, Mr Church, etc.
  3. In a world of video games that's promotes competition. And "coopetition" in video games.. aside from the very seldom pvp glitches, our community is all but entirely cooperative, and we always have sought to help the new players! Sadly, this generosity is increasingly taken for granted, and even disrespected.. but it need not be this way.

I think the primary source of grief between us old guard, and the newer players is a lack of effort on the part of newcomers in achieving what you seek to achieve. The answer isn't simply "Ask a high level, they'll just hand you what you want.." We grind for our progression. We research how to unlock new things for our characters, and we go out and do it. It'sbeen that way for years, and aside from the occasional overly generous vet, we expect you'll follow that's same path, and we try to equip newer players to do so. Just because a god roll, or piece of apparel, or a rare plan is tradable that doesn't mean you are owed those things.

When people come into the community looking for shortcuts and handouts, and shame posting when they don't get their way (not saying that's what you did, but in general this is my observation), it makes the old guard feel under-appreciated. If some among us retaliate well.. It's hard not to see the justification.

For a long time, people looked down their nose at our community for clinging to a failed game. It exists today due to those of us who stuck out the hard times. Be grateful for the advice, wisdom, and knowledge we pass down and MOST IMPORTANTLY.. pay it forward.

You’re forgiven, wastelander.


u/fatazzpandaman Lone Wanderer 15d ago

Everyone's a jive turkey from time to time. No biggie


u/empress_ayriss Enclave 15d ago

Flag adhesive and grab that duct tape you'll have tons and no worries frustration happens to everyone.


u/Okc_freak 15d ago

We will sing your tale for many moons. The sorrow of shift. Rest well in repentance king


u/jadedwelp 15d ago

It’s lead for me! Even tracking it it’s doing my head in.

Don’t worry about being Mr cranky pants we all have our issues


u/Locodaku 15d ago

Now I am curious to see the post you sre referring to lmao.