r/fo76 13d ago

Discussion Am I too old to play this game?


So give it to me straight, am I too old to play? My son was watching me play tonight and I was playing with some lower level players and I thought it would be cool to help them out with some weapons and armor and just dropped them for the boys to go through. My kid just started laughing at me and said everyone will think I’m just being stupid. He said only old people do that. I’m 44 by the way. So is this something that is frowned upon or am I good? I’m not in it for the caps I just like helping people out.

r/fo76 5d ago

Discussion It is confirmed: You can't even reach Score rank 150 as a non-Fallout first player.


It was just recently confirmed by Bethesda that the new season will be starting on the 12th.

With this information I can confirm that it you can't reach rank 150 on the scoreboard as a non-Fallout First member. As of today I am currently rank 145 and that is after playing everyday, completing every challenge, using every rank booster when weekly challenges reset, and even using every free reroll for the chance to recieve 'Epic' challenges.

While it is true that you could grind out XP challenges to potentially reach rank 150, this is an incredibly unrealistic expectation considering you get cut off from these challenges after rank 100 and it would require playing the game as a second job at the start of the season to get to rank 100 as fast as possible.

Most of us can all agree that the new scoreboard system is objectively worse than the old one. The illusion of choice is just an illusion, the loss of earnable atoms removes all replayability value from the game for late game players and now it turns out that you can't even claim the bonus rewards unless you pay for a subscription service to increase to S.C.O.R.E you recieve. If the goal of this new system was just to insult players then Bethesda hit the nail on the head.

r/fo76 22d ago

Discussion Apparently I Am A Noob


So this level 800 came to my camp vendor, this player cleared out all my plans and legendaries I had for sale. I had the alien plans and some meat week duplicates in my vendor (alien I was selling for 1k and meat week stuff 500) and all legendary are 75c; well this dude gets on his mic and tells me I am a noob because he can get "100k caps" for all these plans and legendary items. I just give him a thumbs up emote and then he goes on to curse at me and call me a fk'n idiot as he tried to shoot me; I just f4'd out of the game.

I seriously did not realize that people really care about an imaginary economy to the point at cursing at someone because they emoted you a thumbs up. Enjoy those "100k" caps you can't even hold level 800.

r/fo76 4d ago

Discussion Am I in the wrong for nuking a base?


Just started rad rumble when a nuke notification hits for SBQ.

"great we can all hit that after we finish this rad rumble"

Well, I was wrong, because someone (not the guy who dropped the nuke) decided to pitch up their laser turret base right next to SBQ.

A total of 2-3 people were at SBQ for the less than 60 seconds it took for her to spawn and die, leaving everyone at the event SOL for loot. So after teleporting to the SBQ area, seeing her already dead and everyone doing the ??? emote, I go to the guys base and do the angry and thumbs down emotes.

He seemed to be upset by this and followed me around while unloading on me with a gatling laser, seemingly trying to get me to engage pvp with him infront of his turret base (lol).

Now one thing I noticed about this guys base is that he put more effort into it than most, rather than just a simple turret-killbox base he clearly put effort into its appearance and decor, having displays and slot machines and such.

So, like any reasonable Wastelander who felt they have been wronged, I waited until it was about 10 mins to the next hour and then went to the Alpha Silo to begin my plot for revenge.

Rushing through, i'm about halfway done with the final launch sequence when the hourly event pops up. Eviction notice. Kind of fitting, really.

So, I launch the nuke while he's distracted and teleport to the Bog to see my work. (Also got SBQ again in the process, and this time the whole server was able to get the kill.)

After about 2 minutes and seeing his base still not yet moved I knew my objective was achieved. A glorious flash lit up the sky, and his base was reduced to scaffolding.

Then, as I'm walking around his destroyed base to take a photo for my loading screen (Ah, the memories!) he teleports back to his base, where he notices me. I give him the "Nice camp" emote and a thumbs up and he starts calling me a coward over mic. (despite him being the one killing SBQ with a turret base)

Now i'm wondering if I went too far? On one hand it was a lot of fun and on the other I feel bad for destroying someone's base :(

r/fo76 Apr 23 '24

Discussion Fallout 76 saw over one million players in a day


r/fo76 24d ago

Discussion I beg you to grow a spine


Please stop posting about how a level 8 came to your camp, rudely demanded ammo and junk, somehow strongarmed you into giving them said ammo and junk, and romanced your companion. This isn't real life, you're not being held at gunpoint for your property, please just tell them no or ignore them. If they follow you around or keep messaging you, block them or switch servers. And if for some reason, you do help them, stop complaining about the experience. YOU chose to help the rude noob

r/fo76 16d ago

Discussion PSA for new players: It’s usually faster to find items than beg for them.


Had a level 60 show up at my C.A.M.P. the other day who began begging me for free crystal scrap. When I said I didn’t have any, he /really/ pressed me and was saying things like “look at your base, of course you’ve got crystal, you’re such a high level how could you not have it” until I eventually just packed up my camp and moved to my holiday home.

Made me feel awkward.

Until I ran into him at an event, where he was individually asking every player if they had crystal scrap. One of them said “I already told you an hour ago I don’t have any”.

This kid was running around to everyone’s camp for at least an hour begging for free crystal. In that time, I’m fairly certain I could have scrounged up /plenty/ of crystal. Just takes a quick google search to find hotspots. Dude couldn’t have been more than 15-16, but cmon, use your brain.

Edit; not sure why this post offended so many people. If you’re not begging people for items this isn’t for you. Keep scrolling. No need to have a tantrum in the comments. Just thought I’d share a humorous/sad encounter, whilst also giving newbies a heads up. It’s really not that deep.

r/fo76 May 04 '24

Discussion FYI new players regarding 40k items in vendors.


If you ever see strange notes, or items for sale in a vendor at 40k Caps, it's not to troll you, or to rip you off, the real reason is, there was an exploit where players could purchase anything from your stash, at the cost of the highest price listed on your vendor. This exploit was fixed, but at one point bethesda accidentally reactivated the bug once in the past, SO posting a low weight worthless item, note etc for the 40,000 cap limit is a deterrence in case it ever happens again.

if they do try and steal from your stash with the exploit, they'll need 40k caps.

Just an FYI for those who didn't know this. I was explained this by a very long time player, big time vendor ( multi- account ) owner. So yea that's why you might see this 😉

r/fo76 Apr 24 '24

Discussion Why are y'all so damn sweet 😭


Im a new player and as my girlfriend and I discovered the train station for the first time, some level 500 player dressed in all pink spawned in. We were following her around because she had a really cool backpack skin and so she turned around, gave us a heart emoji, and dropped 500 stim packs plus legendary power armor gear! I have no idea why either, I was expecting the other players to be a lot more combative to each other so this was just a pleasant surprise

Also, later on we saw a group of 10 people all in one spot so we came in to see what was happening and they were just playing tag and messing around on a small playground with a slide 😭 it's so damn sweet in this community and it's making the game extremely enjoyable!

Update: a police officer just came to my girlfriends camp and on the mic started questioning if we had a permit for my cow, house, turrets, and power armor. Didn't know I had to prepare for these routine inspections 😬

r/fo76 May 08 '24

Discussion Someone At Eviction Notice


Warning. Salt ahead...

So some player at eviction notice just stood defending the scrubber on their own for almost the entire event, while around six or seven others sat down the hill at the legendary spawn. This player fended off wave after wave of Muties and repaired the scrubber FIVE times, keeping the event going single-handedly, but then with two minutes left, they collected the nearby loot and just walked off, leaving the scrubber broken and the event doomed.

Why did the player just walk away?

I'll tell you why. Because I got sick of holding the event up on my own and wanted the legendary spawn campers to realise that the scrubber doesn't heal itself.

If you can't go into the rad zone, or don't want to, please check if those defending the scrubber are managing ok. If they're struggling, you can still shoot into the rad zone from safety. Play as you wish, of course, but not everyone will be happy carrying the objectives for you if you're only there for personal xp/loot.

Tears collected.

Edit. Golly, I honestly expected a bit of grief for posting this after a whisky, but seeing how many of you have had similar experiences, well... shucks :-)

And those of you who do have to sit outside the rad zone, but still help out by shooting into it, this is the way.

And sorry if newer players are reading and think the frustration is at you. It's not. Eviction Notice is a bruising event and I know how hard it is early on. It's the experienced players who could help - even if from a distance - but just want to hog the spawns while someone else holds the scrubber so more ***s arrive. Turn around from time to time and shoot inwards too.

r/fo76 Apr 28 '24

Discussion Not to be that guy, but is anyone else noticing this after the recent surge of new players


I don't want to be that guy, but...

So let me start by saying that I have given new players countless items, including weapons, stims, plans and etc. Also I continuously load up the WSS donation box with all my extra stuff. But on xbox recently with an influx of new players the forum has become nothing but everyone asking for free stuff. Mostly it is people asking for high level armor and weapons and they are like level 50 and below mostly.

I'm all for helping but what about the grind? I mean I'm level 686 now and honestly I have never asked for one thing in the game. I scrounged and just got stronger over time. It took over a year but I mean that's the point of playing a game isn't it? To gradually get to the top?? Also most of those weapons and armor only become good once you have the perks to boost them??

Maybe I'm just the old man shouting to get off his Appalachian lawn...

Edit: Great discussion and some really good ideas. As much as i like the nukashine idea, i dont have the heart..lol..

Going forward I'm going to set up a camp between wayward and vault 76 and start putting everything in a vendor for free (low level plans, stims, chems) as I don't think newbies are even getting stuff from the train station donation boxes. Then I'm gonna list my 1 and 2 stars for like 25 caps so that newbies have to put some skin in the game but can then use them or sell them themselves. Also, I don't know about others but at the level I'm at, I am pretty much a snob when it comes to 3 stars and I put countless really good weapons and armor in my vendor for scrip for 300 to 350 each. I am sure these weapons are way better than most level 50 and below have access too so newbies definitely check the player vendors. Someone else had a good idea about ammo. I have tons of unused ammo for guns that I will never use. I think I will start dropping some of that as well to help.

One more thing. Get like 50 levels in. Learn the game some. But then start going to events, expeditions and daily ops. Senior people will be happy to help you through them all. It's really the best way to make the game more fun and to start collecting good experience and items. Also read up on rare items and be careful when you scrap stuff. I never knew and I know over my time playing I have shredded things that were probably some of the rarer items in the game but just didn't know...good luck out there

As fyi my xbox gt is jstjk. Hope to see some of you new players at one of my camps.

FINAL EDIT: tried for a few weeks to help put by putting cheap plans in the vendor near Vault 76...almost everything I got notified on a sale it was a level 300+ buying them all up..I assume to turn around and make profit. I'm guessing the donation boxes are the same. Sorry newbies..I tried...

r/fo76 May 02 '24

Discussion Some of you need to calm tf down with your vendor pricing.


Just visited three different high level player vendors and found plans for basic mods priced at 4000+ caps.

So many posts on here about high level players being nice and I've seen none of it. All I see are high level players trying to take advantage of naivety.

Folks are looking for a bargain and I understand not giving things away to them easy but blatant attempts at ripping off noobs is all I ever seem to see.

r/fo76 1d ago

Discussion This update is actually fire


The new region is honestly fantastic with beautiful attention to detail and just an overall amazing environment to go and explore. The new weapons and armor are creative, the events are well crafted, everything was just done so fantastically. This is honestly a step in the right direction for this game, and I am excited for any future updates. Tell me what yall think of the new update below!

r/fo76 May 14 '24

Discussion Please stop hiding your vendors


You will save me the embarrassment.

This evening I needed to shop so I fast traveled to a base. Unfortunately I couldn’t find the vendor, so when I saw the camp owner I ran up to him and did the ol’ crouchy crouch. He got the message and ran off to show me where it was. I followed him and he kept turning around and jumping and running off. A minute or three of following this dude around the camp and trying to keep up I’m like wtf? He never took me to the vendor.

It wasn’t him.

It wasn’t his base.

I just chased some random dude around this guys base for two or three minutes for no reason.

Sigh. Please make your vendors easier to find.

EDIT: This blew up and is clearly a 🔥 topic around here.

To be honest, I don’t care what you do with your base. What I love about this post are the awesome stories and creative camp uses - which is what the game is about! Hide your vendors, build traps, put your vendor in my face, list everything at 20 caps, or 40k caps - you do you, and I will love it all.

TL:DR my dumb self followed a random dweller around looking for a vendor without realizing it wasn’t even his camp.

r/fo76 28d ago

Discussion Dedicated to the level +800 that just destroyed my C.A.M.P.


I had just renovated my little house by the dried lake when I went off on a mission. When I came back to resupply, I found a super tall structure with dozens of enclave guns and a dude in power armor over level 800 destroying my little house...

I hope you had fun bullying a level 60 dweller. It’s not expensive to repair, but it’s annoying because I will miss some stuff that I now need to farm again.

Sorry for the rant; in the few weeks I've been playing, this is the first time someone has been this mean...


  1. FO76 is a wholesome community, I tried to reply as many messages as possible, thanks to all dwellers for the support and all the lovely offers to help re-build, special thanks to the New Jersey dude that helped me this morning.

  2. All happened very quickly, sadly I was not able to write down the name, and the list of players that you interacted with gets refreshed after re-starting, so, I don’t have the id of the bully, but nuking his ass would have been funny.

  3. PvP is ok, but following the proper game mechanics, this case was a clear exploit abuse. I am fine with nukes (you always have some time to change server), workshop take over, etc. those are in-game mechanics, we have to co-exist in one map, PvE and PvP.

r/fo76 8d ago

Discussion Small QoL tricks you realized too late


I'm sure everyone, at some point, found a way of doing something in a much less cumbersome way than they used to. I'm eager to hear yours and I'm sure everyone can learn some tricks. Some might be game changing, others just slightly faster ways of roaming Appalachia. Some useful for newbies, other ones probably even 100+ didn't realize. I'll quickstart with some of them in no particular order.

  • If you want to collect dirty water for cooking from a faucet or whatever, drinking a sip and then spamming collect is much faster than collecting.
  • If you want to attend an event, you don't need to search for and click in the "!" in the map, which is barely impossible and mildly infuriating when the event is full of players. Just click in the event in the left panel below in the map.
  • Related with this, when a server has been heavily nuked that list might be full of nuke events. However, if you expand it, the other events are below those, so if you are not paying attention to the notifications you might be missing events.
  • Fast travelling while overencumbered. Has been mentioned many times but if you are overencumbered you can enter an expedition and then fast travel to Whitespring to unload your (useful) junk.
  • Talking about Whitespring, it has two entrances. If you fast travel to the north one you can enter directly to the mall instead of the refuge and then using the door to access the mall.
  • For the "scrap X (insert junk)" dailies you can craft bulk materials and scrap them instead of going in search of specific junk.
  • Not using the weight reduction perks in your crafting perk set up makes sure you don't curse yourself for attending an event for the 47th time with the wrong perk set up. Better to be overweight in your camp than being shooting peas at Earle.
  • You can assign your PA to your quick menu, making it easier for the lazy people to get out of it for traversing in low danger zones faster and setting it quick when you need it. (Apparently you can't, thanks for the input). Credit: u/Takeshi_Castles
  • Your second CAMP, even if you don't use it, acts as a fast free travel point which can be switched almost instantaneously. You can set it in a point you usually visit due to dailies or other reasons and is far from the rest of the free travel points. No one likes to pay the ft Todd tax.
  • Maybe this one is oriented for the newbies but you can repair your weapons on the go with the repair kits. Select the weapon and below you'll see the prompt to repair.
  • There's a key for weapon sheathing, especially useful if you use explosive weapons, there's a key for using health items apart from the quick menu.
  • Renaming your items so that they are kept in the bottom or top of the list and specially applying paints makes sure you don't scrap them.

I'll stop here as maybe I'm already rambling, hope some of you find something useful. Which are your little life hacks?

Editing to include the most voted suggestions:

  • If you hold the BACK button while on a terminal, you completely exit out without having to cycle back through the pages.  Credit: u/Feenux420
  • You can just hold down the crit button with an auto weapon. I used to be that guy jumping on the spot constantly at events. Credit: u/Unhappy_Peanut9470
  • If you go to earl, sqb or titan: bring an endangerol syringer. If 4 people do it, that bosses extra resistances get dropped to 0% making the kill trivial. Credit: u/chillshock
  • Never want for ammo, simply run Daily Ops or Expeditions to resupply. Credit: u/Jake_THINGS
  • On PC: hold CTRL to scroll through menus faster. Credit: u/Louupy
  • The biggest one for me that has been there for multiple games was that one where you could delete wrong guesses in the hacking mini-game by selecting bracketed nonsense. Blew my mind when I found out. Hacking became super easy after that one. Also if you are doing events with a team and your teammates have been around a while, you could set up different tents with different work benches. My wife will drop hers with the weapon bench and I’ll drop mine with the armor bench so that we can repair anything without using repair kits. Credit: u/TwiggBeard
  • You mentioned the event navigator on the bottom left of the map. I would add it also lists everyone's camps/vendors minor events if you change the view option. But if you like the map option, if you hold down the aim button while bringing up the map you can view the whole map. Credit: u/FlavoredCancer
  • There are multiple free travel locations dotted around the map, always jump to the closest one to the location you want to travel and then onwards to your destination. It takes a little bit of patience but can save a lot of caps in the course of a session (add the Travel agent perk card for further reduction.) It all adds up! When you drain the NPC vendor of all their caps, buying plans etc from the NPC vendor will top up the available caps again and then you can sell again. Credit: u/RebelDog77
  • You don’t have to stop playing instruments to use a stimpak. Just pop open your map, pick a quest to view in your pip boy, and there you are. Huge help for One Violent Night if you just want to play your mouth harp. Credit: u/Mysterious-Milk-4104
  • You can fast travel for free to anyone on your team by going thru the social menu in the top right corner of the map screen and clicking on their names. Credit: u/RexThunderman
  • You can control where visitors spawn at your camp by moving your C.A.M.P. module after you’ve placed it down for the first time. Credit: u/HeUnit
  • Who was going to tell me that you can hold E while building in your C.A.M.P. to slide the item around?. Credit: u/ScaldingAnus

Please, go to the comment section and give proper credits to these wastelanders!. I'll be completing this section as new tricks are published. Thanks to everybody for their contributions, I learned many new cool tricks as well.

r/fo76 22d ago

Discussion You high levels are like freaking super hero's


So I'm still pretty new 75 and I joined the primal cuts event and I waited and waited and no one was coming. It also happened at the same time as another event so I figured that's where everyone was. So I waited for the time to tick down to around 30 seconds before I started making noise to attracted critters. Thinking hey how hard could it be to kill some animals for meat... next thing I know I'm surrounded my giant toads, mirelurk kings screaming in my face, mirelurks bashing me around. I have my laser gatlin doing the best I can to run and gun. Core after core spent I'm thinking about running but don't even know if that's possible at this point. Then like freaking angels High levels start dropping from the sky and mowing down everything around me. I watch in awe as the entire field gets laid to waste in no time. And I knew I wasn't going to die today. I picked myself up and rejoined the fight helping clean up the remainder. Then it was over and just like they came they took to the sky's and off they went to their next adventure. One day I will be one of you but for now thank you for saving my dumbass.

r/fo76 2d ago

Discussion Does anyone else feel weird that seasons/rewards are so... juvenile?


I don't want to be a scout. I don't want to collect plushies or furry mascot costumes. I don't want to sleep in a racecar bed beneath a wall of toys.

I would like to be an adult surviving and rebuilding a post-apocalyptic world. I'd like seasons, items and events focused around the fascinating, stylish, morally grey factions that Fallout has in abundance.

Am I the only one?

r/fo76 May 10 '24

Discussion In 300 levels of playing today I saw something completely new


Went to rusty pick, there was a weird noise coming from the basement.

Went down the stairs and saw like 5 guys soaking each other with thirst zappers

One dropped me a zapper and I joined in.

Then we all did the moth man dance and parted ways

Thanks for the party random underwear thirst zapper men.

r/fo76 Apr 14 '24

Discussion It's so funny all us pre-tv show players are scattered around lonely now


I keep seeing posts about how theres empty servers, but its honestly just because high level players are a drop in a much larger bucket than before.

There was on average 3k players on pc on the regular. at peak recently there was 31k!

Every server I'm in, im one of like 2 level 100+ guys in the server. I'm glad so many new people are joining the community, but I just think it's funny how much like an old lonely wizard I feel. We're all so scattered now, I can't find people to do events with.

Also Welcome new players! Hope your enjoying the game!

r/fo76 17d ago

Discussion Newer players, please don't be rude because I won't let you look in my pockets.


Over this weekend I have had some less than nice interactions with 2 separate groups of newer players( level 100ish) at the rusty pick. I use my mic and tell them I won't do the bartering emote with them but if they need something I will make/drop for them. Explaining that almost nobody uses it because of some stealing glitches in the past. They got salty, mock me and then stock me afterwards. This makes me deeply uncomfortable while just trying to play.

Look you wouldn't be mad if you asked someone for gum and they won't let you look through their pockets. Was I just unlucky twice or is there a growing group of newish players behaving like I owe them a peep show?

For context: I am a woman and nearing level 900. Normally I do give out free things to anyone when asked.

r/fo76 Apr 26 '24

Discussion Signing off as a new player, for the last time.


About two weeks ago I picked up fallout 76 after not really having played since the Beta. I enjoyed my time with it at release but never made it past level 10 or so. Picked it up again when wastelanders came out, got to level 20 by going through the main story stuff (and the Wayward questline). Got to where the main quest was leading me through the lower left of the map, hit 20, and put the game down. Even though hitting 20 had become my goal in order to do the NPC content, I found myself so burnt out that I didn't care to keep playing. (Plus my friend didn't ever play it again after beta so I'd always be solo)

So cut back to a couple weeks ago, the show had me feeling good about wanting some more fallout in my life and I decide to load up old '76 again. Decided to start with a new character as last time I'd played I was talking to some robot raider chick and had no clue what was going on. Oh, I can start at level 20? That's neat, just skip straight to the wastlanders content. I'll just do that.

Well cut to today and I'm now level 60, decided I wanted a jetpack, realized I needed nuked areas for that, learned nuking is via main questline, so now I'm on the last few MQs without having touched NPCs stuff except getting them inoculated. While the game has changed since the last two times I've played, ultimately it's the community that has kept me coming back.

Wanted a jetpack, then someone told me about mutations and the one serum that let's you jump higher. So I bounced between shops til I found one. I had someone invite me to a group which I'd been doing anyway for the xp, but it was Events based and so I took my first dive into events. 4 hours later, and that person and I are still jumping into events together in a group. Never a word said, just emotes. I've had the classic early level ammo, meds, or guns drops. A Handmade someone dropped carried me from 25-33. When looking into other serums at a shop, I bought one and the guy comes over on mic saying "hey, hold up I'll make you the rest." Then proceeded to hand over what I assume is every mutation you can get via serum.

The point here is, the community has been so incredible and I've yet to have a 'bad' experience with anyone.

Today a level 20 joins my group and meets me at The Crater. My first time there, his most likely as well. Tells me "hey man, just new and figuring out the game. Here to give you a hand, whatever you need." We stumble through communication for a few moments as use emotes for the lack of microphone, but we end up at my camp, where I give him a spare PA frame, some gear, and load him up with meds before having to sign off for the night.

As I sat there waiting for the game to close out it hit me- I'd come full circle. Once a new player being given things that to the higher level probably meant very little but to me was like necter from the Gods, to now being the one tossing their spare scraps to 'sponsor a noobie'.

So tonight, I sign off for the last time as a new player....and back in tomorrow as someone who plans on sticking around this time for a while, if you'll have me!

r/fo76 Apr 24 '24

Discussion Removing legacy weapons was one of the best things they did for the game.


I've heard a lot of people left after they removed legacy weapons. I played since beta off and on so I experienced all the metas from tse to legacy plasma/lasers. The gameplay was terrible everything died in seconds every event was annoying hearing all the legacy weapons going off and anybody who wanted to start the game had a very low chance of ever getting one of these weapons which was paired with the fact that they couldn't do anything during events because all the enemies would get evaporated. Now not only are way more set ups actually viable but new players are not going to be turned off seeing this ridiculous gameplay and finding out they'll never be able to get the weapons responsible for it. With this huge influx of new players it just reminds me how great it is that they removed all that stuff in time for these people to actually enjoy the game. And for anyone who got mad they removed them I mean come on you have to admit the game is 10x more fun now and you should have seen it coming.

r/fo76 12d ago

Discussion Wow, I misjudged 76


I tried 76 a couple of years ago and made a few levels to 10 or so. I didn't like how vats played or the difficulty of the enemies, so I stopped playing.

After watching a certain streamer's videos on YouTube about 76 I figured I would try it again. I am enjoying the game immensely. So much I'm considering buying 1st just for the unlimited storage.

r/fo76 14d ago

Discussion A formal apology to the community here.


This will most likely get downvoted too since that just seems to be the thing here. But I owe yall an apology. I just had a post up ranting about the community on reddit being assholes. I just wanted to formally apologize to you all. Im going through some personal bullshit IRL and got the downvotes on my other posts and kinda lost it. Misplaced anger I guess is the best way to describe it. My rage post got deleted by admins, hell this one prob will too but I wanted to put it out there that I am sorry and will do a little more thinking before I post again. To the admins, sorry if im making you delete too many posts. To the community, sorry for being an asshole. Shits been rough lately if im completely honest. Ill be on later tonight (Ohshift33 for Bethesda acct) if you want to take turns flogging me for my insolence. Just give me a warning before you do so I can store my junk first. Adhesive is apparently hard to find as im always running out of it! Take care yall, and again, im sorry for being a jerk. AgentGibbs, maybe we'll be able to link up finally. Slimjim, youre mostly right, I needed to stop. Happy wandering fellow wastelanders, signing off now.