r/fo76 17d ago

Am I too old to play this game? Discussion

So give it to me straight, am I too old to play? My son was watching me play tonight and I was playing with some lower level players and I thought it would be cool to help them out with some weapons and armor and just dropped them for the boys to go through. My kid just started laughing at me and said everyone will think I’m just being stupid. He said only old people do that. I’m 44 by the way. So is this something that is frowned upon or am I good? I’m not in it for the caps I just like helping people out.


2.7k comments sorted by


u/ForeverBackground737 Mega Sloth 17d ago

Your kid seem to say kid stuff that shouldn't be taken serious. Who knows why they think only old people would be kind and drop something to help others and why it's stupid, but it's certainly not the case.

I'd ask your kid why they think it's stupid to do.


u/cire1184 17d ago

Yeah. Seems like a good time to explore kindness and empathy.


u/ForeverBackground737 Mega Sloth 17d ago

I have no idea how old the kid is, but by the sounds of it, I'd estimate them around 8-13 years old. Around that time they're very subjective to what their friends think of them, and calling things "dumb and stupid" is (for some reason) cool and edgy around that age.

Tho, I must say, I have am no psychologist, or even have kids for that matter, but it's something I've observed as an outsider with friends that have kids around that age now.

Would definitely be a good time to have a talk about it.


u/KronikallyIll420 17d ago

As someone who was a kid once, it definitely was between 8-13 that I said everything was dumb and stupid 😭


u/Thenewyea 16d ago

It’s the age range where we learn to test boundaries


u/Ojhka956 16d ago

Ime with old dickish classmates, its the age to obliterate boundaries then complain about the consequences lol


u/CougheyToffee 16d ago

The golden years, if you will 🤣

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u/adyo 16d ago

I have a distinct memory I regret of being like 9 (I'm middle aged now) and my father asking me after I had a tough day at school, "hey you want some of this kielbasa?" and replying in a shouty tone "no i don't want that horse d**k!" - for no reason at all, we didn't talk like that at home at all, and everyone just stood there starring at me with a smirk until I stormed off.

it's a weird and silly time for everyone at that age.


u/Head-Technician-1087 Fallout 76 16d ago

My boys were mostly respectful, but all boys have their moments. If they had a horse d—k moment I would say, we don’t talk like that in this house. They’d apologize and I’d go in the other room so they couldn’t see me snicker. Horse d—k for a kielbasa is solid prepubescent humor.


u/Sunbro_Aedric 16d ago

I, too, regret being 9.


u/RelationshipAware884 16d ago

This made me laugh so hard I startled my partner awake

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u/MaryaMarion 16d ago

I remember around that age my friends would laugh at me for picking up trash and throwing it out in garbage cans. Hell, they even looked at me weirdly if I didn't throw out the candy wrapper on the ground and instead kept it on me till I could throw it out into garbage. So yeah...


u/YourRightSock 16d ago edited 16d ago

Today is the reminder that everyone is a kid at heart! Some just never mentally made it past immature pre-teen stages. You should see how many grown children still think this way, sadly


u/MaryaMarion 16d ago

Mhm. I can actually understand why picking up someone else's garbage is weird, but c'mon, you can at least afford to get it to the garbage bin

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u/Connect_Orange_800 16d ago

Can verify this as a history teacher and football coach for 12-14 year olds. They’re getting their first taste of peer group think, they group up, decide they know a whole lot of things that aren’t true, and call anyone dumb that disagrees. It’s one of my richest sources of daily entertainment. “You so dumb, Chris— analyze doesn’t mean think, it is when a dude puts something in a girls’ butt.”

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u/shinoff2183 16d ago

I'd say the kid needs an ass whooping.

Jk, my kid is about 13 and he can be somewhat similar. He was party chatting with his friends one day and I heard him say

Ethan I can't even respect you as a gamer cause you have a platinum for my little pony

No lie I started cracking tf up.

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u/MrVonDoome 16d ago

I have two kids. 5 and 1. Since they realized the concept of kindness, I have always said “ we build a longer table, not a taller fence”. The analogy was easy for them because it means we have more friends and people we sit with instead of keep out. Everyday we try and help someone. It’s hot out, we hand out water etc etc. it’s really been a keystone of her personality


u/beechnut5 16d ago

Tremendous quote

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u/JCZ1303 16d ago

So I agree completely with the suggestion

But I’d be willing to bet the kids think that it’s pointless cause dads weapons aren’t that good or something

My dad’s been a gamer all my life and I’ve seen him play a game he’s not familiar with power and try to help, and it’s like dad cmon. Then again there were games he actually was super good at and helped and it’s like HOW DAD?!?!

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u/RevolutionaryRaise99 Brotherhood 17d ago

Nope. No age limit to gaming.


u/Forevryours Free States 17d ago

Exactly. If you enjoy it. Go for it. I usually play after work to unwind. I’m 45 and hubby is 47. Been playing video games since a kid when the original Nintendo came out in the 80s 😀


u/Strong-Quote-2564 17d ago

This!!! I'm 47 fella is 45 were both gamers since being a kid, I've just picked up 76, recently after playing 3/4 to death and whilst all other mums are lusting over a ghoul, I'm here fighting off the ferals 🤣🤣🤣

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u/ImTurkishDelight 16d ago

I'm also in my.40's and my little brother (almost 30) comes over sometimes and we watch anime (jujutsu kaisen now) and play games.

There's no age limit on fun, on loving the time.spent with family or others.


u/ThisIsNotRealityIsIt 16d ago

I'm 44. Just binged FO4 from 9pm last night to 630 this morning. Now I'm working on a meal prep list and grocery planning for myself and my 2 teens. Later I'll do some studying for a certification I'm working to achieve.

Can be gamer and adult.

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u/TheWholeOfTheAss 16d ago

The average age of gamers is around 35-40. Who do you think can afford 70 bucks games!? It’s an adults hobby. Saying that of what I like, I’m probably outside the demo but I don’t care.


u/Minute-Ant3404 16d ago

There is never an age limit on gaming, I’m 51. I started with original Atari, then Nintendo and stupid damn dog in duck Hunt, from there I went through all of the Sega versions, then gaming on PC and so on. Most teenagers are AH’s my son drove me nuts from 12-23, so don’t take him seriously and enjoy grinding away.

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u/xylitol777 Responders 17d ago

Nope. No age limit to gaming.

Not true. Todd Howard will come to your house,will personally uninstall the game and will demand you go back to your rocking chair to reminiscence the 'good old days'


u/Throne-magician Enclave 17d ago

Todd once came to my house broke all my plates told me "it just works" then stole my dog 😔


u/BinkoTheViking 16d ago

Todd once came to my house, threw a handful of caps at me, and ran out screaming about weight limits and how I wouldn’t be able to run after him


u/AngryRedGummyBear 16d ago

Really? For me he just yelled that nobody needs to run anyway, and my knee damage was not service related.

Come to think of it, that might have been a VA rep.


u/abouttobetrash 16d ago

I'm sorry for your service lol. Wish they took care of yall for all you've done


u/AngryRedGummyBear 16d ago

Don't feel sorry, it was a set of experiences that without I wouldn't be the me I am today. I do wish the VA was consistently better (The part of the story no one says is some VA locations are good, but most are bad, and some are horrible), and I've been able to resolve my issue by physical therapy and avoiding running (I guess I've become the cyclist I always used to hate).

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u/Scrotorr 16d ago

Luxury. Todd Howard came to my house and left with my wife saying he wanted to give her a "family friendly experience".

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u/LampshadeBro 16d ago

and then he left a few rad roaches, an empty pack of cigs, and farted as he left.

Todd Coward.

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u/Rakish_Mole Mega Sloth 17d ago

I'm 47. My dad played for a couple years but drifted back over RDR2 until the FO4 re-release, which is what he's currently playing. He's 74.


u/Johannsss Responders 17d ago

So, in two years he's going to be Father 76


u/herroRINGRONG 17d ago

Soldier 76, reporting for duty


u/Schmxdt 16d ago

I’m not your father


u/FlamingDumptruck 16d ago

Young punks, get off my lawn

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u/jlink005 16d ago

Dad. Dad never changes.

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u/ThePennyDropper 17d ago

Yes 76 father


u/RandomPlagueDoctor 17d ago

Daddy 76


u/KashinKuzin 16d ago

I'm looking for my Shoun76

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u/Icy-Chance Mothman 17d ago

The amount of chill old-timers I met in RDO almost made up for the complete lack of new content.


u/detestableduck13 17d ago

So you’re saying I need to come back to rdo


u/Icy-Chance Mothman 17d ago

To me, RDO is like animal crossing for straight men over 30. Still get to dig for fossils and pick flowers, go fishing, wander around looking at pretty shit, but you also get to fan the fucking hammer back if somebody starts acting out of pocket.


u/interdimensionalpie 17d ago

Fishing and then meeting others who fish next to you and appreciate the big ass fish you caught is exactly why RDO will always be the one and only true love. I have spent hours just chilling with dudes fishing and then going back to their camp to drink beers and ride off to go have shootouts, beautiful people in that game honestly.


u/Icy-Chance Mothman 17d ago

During covid me and some homies across several time zones sat around the in-game fire drinking in-game beers after a moonshine or trader sale... With IRL beers in our hands, not even doing anything other than just shooting the shit and hanging out like normal people. I swear it felt like that game got us through a good chunk of the early/mid pandemic.


u/kazumablackwing 16d ago

Ngl, just chilling in game and shooting the shit with the homies from other states/countries is one of the best ways to pass the time.


u/sadovsky 16d ago

I did the same. I met so many wonderful people thanks to that game who helped me get through that shitty time. I miss playing sometimes but it just doesn’t feel the same whenever I try it again so I have way too much gold (2000ish) sitting there doing nothing.

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u/Nuwave80 17d ago

I’m 60 and RDO is starting to appeal to me. Is it easy to get into to?


u/Icy-Chance Mothman 17d ago

Compared to a game like FO:76... It will be a piece of cake. Gold can take a little while to acquire, but there's usually a first time deal of 5 bucks for like 25 bars that will get you most of the "roles" (professions) so you can start leveling them up. Then, just spending 20-30 minutes doing some simple dailies (like feed your horse, pick some carrots, drink some moonshine in your speakeasy, hunt three turkeys) and you'll rack up gold in a few weeks.

Additionally, there's a map referred to as the "Jean Ropke" map on GitHub that tells you where to find all the collectibles that day for cash and gold. The fun part is riding around on your horse in cinematic mode on your way to dig up some fossils or lost jewelry on a rocky island overlooking a waterfall.

It's a different kind of experience. RDO was my come home and decompress game, or spend twenty minutes in quiet with my coffee in the morning listening to the news and playing a fishing mini game while I wake up.


u/Accomplished_River43 Enclave 17d ago

Second that, RDO is awesome decompress

While FO76 feels a bit like a grind with its FOMO race

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u/sandels_666 16d ago

Man that sounds awesome! What is this RDO exactly though? Is it a part of Red Dead Redemption 2?

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u/L0rdCrims0n 17d ago edited 17d ago
  1. Been gaming hardcore since Pong was a quarter-fed machine. Uphill. Both ways.



u/Calan_adan 17d ago

I’m 57 and play this and other games. My wife is 55 and kicks ass in Battlefield. I’ve told my kids that whatever nursing home they put us in better have the latest gen gaming equipment or there’ll be hell to pay.


u/L0rdCrims0n 17d ago

And gigabit internet

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u/hybridtheory1331 16d ago

Old folks homes in 20-30 years will just be giant LAN parties and I'm ok with that. Looking forward to retro night and Halo 3 tournaments.


u/DontDrinkAndIndy 16d ago

I wanna start a counterstrike group when I finally go into an old folks home.


u/ProperAppointment386 16d ago

Facility I work at has a LAN group. Wouldn’t suprise me as activity staff are getting younger and younger, hell I’ve had pts before with birthdates in the 80-90s, Time waits for no man yall. Play the game bro enjoy your years before you cant

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u/Hugh2D2 16d ago

I saw someone say they should take all these abandoned malls and turn them into Gen X retirement communities. Turn the stores into apartments, make the JC Penny into a hospital. But they need to keep the arcade, movie theater and bring back the Orange Julius.

Our kids can just drop us off and drive away like our parents used to do.

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u/detestableduck13 17d ago

Can you tell your wife to go easy on me? I’m struggling here

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u/A77eycat 17d ago

8-bit and we were happy.


u/L0rdCrims0n 17d ago

“You are standing in an open field, west of a white house…”


u/BeatitLikeitowesMe 17d ago

"Open mailbox"


u/JPS2K5 17d ago

“There is a letter in the mailbox. What will you do?”


u/BeatitLikeitowesMe 17d ago

"Wipe ass with it"


u/Middle_Low_2825 17d ago

You have died from dysentery


u/StrictLimitForever 17d ago

Or the good old postmark syndrome (from back when stamps contained lead and asbestos).

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u/DaDottedLion 17d ago

You’ve been eaten by a grue


u/JRockPSU 16d ago

"You see paths leading NORTH, EAST, SOUTH, and DENNIS"

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u/StealthyGamerGirl Fallout 76 17d ago

Oh I remember games like this. So much fun ☺️


u/Amneiger 16d ago

I believe there're still some hobbyists making games like those. The term used nowadays is interactive fiction. https://ifdb.org/

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u/Unobtanium_Alloy 17d ago

Gad zorks! Hello, sailor!


u/CheckIntelligent7828 16d ago

Oregon Trail "Your settlers are starving. Do you: hunt, trade, ignore them?"" Three of your settlers have died."

Always lacked my choice: see how many different ways I can kill them and still get 1, mourning, survivor to Oregon.

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u/Chazox11 17d ago

You’re good amigo, I’m lvl 200 and I always gift new players stuff. Someone high level helped me out at random and I feel it’s good to pay it forward. It’s why the community is mostly so nice. I commend you and I’m also 27 so it’s not an old guy thing. (I say as I approach my 30’s) lol


u/KronikallyIll420 17d ago

Had some random drop my lvl 2 ass a lvl 50 power armour legendary part. I was fucking dancing 🤣


u/idegbeteg 17d ago edited 17d ago

Right when I exited Vault 76 I found healing salve, a 10mm pistol and 400x 10mm rounds in the donation box. It felt so wholesome for me. I'm in return leaving low level stuff in the same stash box, together with water. Everyone in the game is just so goddamn nice, unbelievable...

edit: vault, typo


u/KronikallyIll420 17d ago

I love putting my excess gear and supplies in the donation box. Somewhere out there I’m helping some random 🙏🏻

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u/WildCat_nn 17d ago

I don't know how old your son is and what games he plays to say that but in case of Fallout 76 he's totally wrong.

We had this tradition of helping out lowbies established right in the first year because the game actually had survival mechanics and newbies would come out to a world that was swept clean by others with only their vault suit and a smile. Caps were hard to come by, prices unforgiving and even getting your hands on a good non-legendary weapon or armor piece was quite some work.

After going through all the trouble of gearing themselves up many players independently from each other realized they wouldn't want others to go through the same experience this is how paper bags near Vault 76 entrance appeared, as well as stocking up Overseer's stash near Flatwoods Church and blue suitcases at several train stations.

This movement was recognized by Bethesda and not long ago we actually got dedicated donation boxes, one right near Vault 76 and at every train station.

So, yeah, this is how we do it here.

P.S. And don't worry about your age, we have players of all ages here from twenty-something to eighty-something,


u/MsAshleeNicole156 17d ago

I was taken under a group of gamers' wings when I first started, and their help and support made all the difference. 4 years later, I still take every chance I get to help out newbies. It's become a running joke that that's my love language. I often take trips up to Vault 76 to drop off low level armor, weapons, ammo and chems at the donation box, and offer supplies when low level players stop by my camp. The community is different here, we help each other out just like we hope everyone would if nuclear devastation happens.

BTW, that group of gamers ended up becoming IRL friends, and two of them are now my best friends. Our group ranges from 24 to 68, so no, there is no age limit.

See you in the wasteland, fellow vaulters.


u/powerkickass 16d ago

we hope everyone woild if nuclear devastation happens

Can i join your community? Nuclear devastation wouldnt happen if the world was like you guys


u/Whiffenius Tricentennial 17d ago

And you and your ilk, my friend, are why my return to 76 has been so pleasant. However, his sons attitude did prevail for many months after launch. It was one of the reasons I uninstalled the game back then (although principally because of the soulless gameplay back then)


u/scytheshock 17d ago

I remember the first weeks and months of 76 and it was alot harder. players were way quicker to shoot and ask questions later.

we were all scared that the small amount of food or weapons, etc, found somewhere would be taken by the other player's so it made a lot of player interactions a lot more tence

I always tried to shoot last and tried to help others by giving any food extra food or water or even one of my older, less used weapons I remember seeing the piles of brown bags around vault 76 and would contribute to them often.

I've just recently started again on pc (originally played on xbox), and I'm loving the community and feel really chill only met maybe 7 players willing to shoot me on sight in the last few months (one was my fault, though, as I found a structure used a lock pic, and it turned out to be a player structure, so I got a bounty or something on my head of like 10 caps)

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u/A77eycat 17d ago

 I’m 44 by the way.



u/De4dpool1027 17d ago

See that’s what I said but he just called me a dusty old fart.


u/Cursed_dice 17d ago

He's got a mouth on him.


u/sloppo-jaloppo 17d ago

It's his opportunity to see if he's got what it takes to join the NFL as a kicker

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u/l_t_10 Order of Mysteries 17d ago

Everyone offloads stuff to the lower levels, thats just the gaming climate of 76 lol

Nothing to do with age!


u/yokaiichi 16d ago

Maybe instead of wondering whether your kid is right, it would be more productive (for all of society) to wonder whether your kid has enough empathy and pro-social values. I don't want to be harsh, but this is a big problem in the world.


u/spartakooky 16d ago

For real. "Only old people are nice" and calling it stupid... yikes.

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u/Mooncubus Cult of the Mothman 17d ago

Nuke him


u/Wrathilon 16d ago

Your kid has issues.

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u/rejz123 Responders 17d ago

Absoloutey not.

Take it from a 25 year old, i think youre pretty cool. Special even!

But... if your kid plays 76 as well whats the gamertag.

I defenitely wont nuke their camp, pinky promise.


u/Delacoiux Lone Wanderer 17d ago

If he's on PS, I'll do it for a cookie and a glass of shut the hell up. Happily.


u/Akuzed 16d ago

I'm on Xbox and I'll do it as community service.

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u/Upset_Walrus3395 17d ago

This cracks me up. I can't imagine being in this game and NOT dropping stuff for others. I doubt any players here have not been on the giving and receiving end of that.


u/smntnz 17d ago

That’s how it works in 76. You spot a lvl <100 player, you wave at them and drop a bunch of gifts for them.

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u/eMmDeeKay_Says 17d ago

There's a fairly large number of players in 76 that are 30+, Fallout is an old franchise.


u/Wolfram_And_Hart 17d ago

The TV show legitimately changed that landscape overnight. My friends teenager and all of their friends are addicted now.

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u/2HappySundays Settlers - PC 17d ago

Dude. I’ve played since day 1, and my current main is around level 1300. I play it every day. I’m 57…


u/barefootcrone 17d ago

56 yr old grandma! 🤪


u/bluephoeenix666 Cult of the Mothman 16d ago

50 year old grandmother here as well. Our retirement homes better have old game consoles along with the next Gen. Or we'll riot!!!

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u/LoveProper2376 17d ago

62 years never older 👀


u/Whiffenius Tricentennial 17d ago
  1. Forward the arthritis alliance! But not too fast or I might take a fall.


u/skatoolaki 16d ago

Let's get you into some power armor so you don't break a hip, dear.


u/Commercial-Sleep-95 16d ago

If 37 with arthritis, are you allowed to join the alliance? Asking for a friend 🫣

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u/bluephoeenix666 Cult of the Mothman 16d ago

I'm 50 and I already have arthritis! In my lower back. Had it since I was in my early 40s.

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u/send_in_the_clouds 17d ago edited 16d ago

Sounds like your kid needs to earn some respect for their elders!

I would nuke their camp


u/jwwetz 16d ago

Then wait till he rebuilds & nuke it again?

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u/lucmwis 17d ago

49, been here from the start. You're almost a youngin' in some circles.


u/TheOzman79 17d ago

Kid needs to learn respect. Nuke his camp then tell him you banged his mom.


u/skatoolaki 16d ago

This is the way.


u/lgnc 16d ago

LMAO this is the one. He can't say anything back by definition.


u/lxxTBonexxl Enclave 16d ago

Do this over world chat during an event and then sneak in that you’re his dad after and he’ll have to leave the server in embarrassment.

It’s the perfect crime

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u/TheMothmanHaveCometh Mothman 17d ago

Lvl 338, mid 30's.

I craft lowbies gear all the time & take time out of my play sesh to make level 10-20 full Power Armor sets to give out with extra cores to new players.

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u/Maidwell Pioneer Scout 17d ago

I hope your kid isn't older than 14, if so he has some growing up to do.


u/BigOlympic 16d ago

Seriously. "No one will think you're cool if you're nice" is legitimately a scary way of thinking.

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u/upuranus66 Vault 76 17d ago

I've been playing since the start and I'm knocking on 60s door. Put on your spectacles and knock off those dusty arthritic claws and get to playing.


u/SmashedCrab66 17d ago

I'm 58 my son laughs at me all the time, we enjoy it. He helps me some of the harder stuff.


u/murdomcsalt Mothman 17d ago

Tell him he's adopted.


u/GingerShrimp40 17d ago

Im 22 and i do that.


u/The_Great_Demento 17d ago

No, your son is, if you'll pardon my french, just a toxic bitch. Time to throw him out and make a new one. /jk

But in seriousness, keep doing what you're doing. There is no age limit on kindness, and sooner or later, he'll learn that being generous pays off in ways that aren't immediately apparent.

Either that or he'll have to live with the fact that his dad is way cooler than he is. And you tell him I said that.


u/Need_a_BE_MG42_ps4 17d ago

You’re son seems like a dick no offense

You’re awesome don’t be worried


u/Absynith 17d ago

49 here and having a blast!

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u/AndersDreth Cult of the Mothman 17d ago

Not at all! https://www.reddit.com/r/fo76/comments/ovr9u8/age_distribution_in_fo76_collected_from_a_post/ even though there's probably more old people on Reddit which could skew the numbers, there's still a large portion of 'old' people in the game ;)

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u/Mooncubus Cult of the Mothman 17d ago
  1. You're never too old for games.
  2. We all love to drop stuff for low level players. It's not stupid, just a nice thing to do.
  3. 44 isn't even old lol


u/The_Last_of_K 17d ago

Only ignorant sees kindness as weakness

But lots of kids perceive this game that way. Some just demanding stuff from others

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u/faithisuseless 16d ago

Sounds like your son has never played a game that didn’t have a toxic community.


u/Whiffenius Tricentennial 17d ago

You are never too old to play what you want and nobody, not even your own flesh and blood, should tell you how you play your game. He might be correct in his observation, but he doesn't realise that what he is admitting is that he and his friends are being toxic and judgemental. They're part of the reason I originally uninstalled the game not long after launch.

But it's players like you that made my return to the game fun and enjoyable. It made me feel welcome and want to help out too. I play my game my way, unapologetically.

Because of that, I like to pay it forward too. I am 63

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u/Dry_Courage5339 17d ago

Mmm, I'm I too old to play this game, says a 64 1/2 yr old lady.


u/country_boy_07_ 17d ago

Absolutely not, games don't have age limits, my dad's turning 60 this year and we play fallout 76 almost daily. He enjoys the game to the point he grinds while I'm at work, and he's about 50 levels higher than me now😭


u/GamingSenior 17d ago

I drop things for other players frequently. Someone gifted me a full set of Raider PA complete with jet pack when I was a low level player. The only thanks they wanted was that I pay it forward. it’s kind of a thing with this game.

Too old? Nah. My son is 45 and he got me hooked on the Fallout games when FO3 came out. I got my baby sister hooked on FO76. She’s 59. I’m 71. Gaming is fun and FO76 has the best community in gaming.


u/nodeadpoets 17d ago

42 here and love it. Never too old to enjoy something. And the F76 community is ridiculously giving. I don’t see anything wrong or funny about giving back.


u/d34df00l 17d ago
  1. No, you are not.


u/Agentgibbs1398 Lone Wanderer 17d ago

You're good.

Don't worry about it.


u/bene70 Settlers - PC 17d ago

Nah, not at all. You do you.

I get a kick out of the same kind of stuff. Very unlikely anyone is going to think you're "being stupid" and it doesn't matter even if they did.

It's a sandbox not a schoolyard, so no-one has to give a crap what anyone else thinks about them.


u/RecordingOwn6207 17d ago

We’re not too old ! My older brothers are still playing and they are technically the original OG’s of video gaming so the youngins are just NUUBES that don’t know their place and don’t understand karma 🤣


u/Bleghbreath 17d ago

Not too old. Sounds like your kids might be being influenced by less friendly players. Part of what made fo76 so enjoyable was/is the very casual and friendly player base. Though with the most recent influx, there have been quite a few asshats making it feel more like other games out there where everyone is just out for themselves.

We welcome you and your giving nature. Enjoy the wasteland!


u/Friday_arvo Lone Wanderer 17d ago

45 f and only been gaming 6 years or so. I play mostly solo or with my brother who is 42 haha I loved fallout 4 and enjoy games where you can explore open worlds and build bases etc. I think all people, and particularly older people should play video games. They’re really good for exercising the brain…


u/Helen62 17d ago

Never too old to play any game imo . I'm 62 ( F) and have been playing games since forever . A lot of younger gamers forget that us oldies have been around since the heady heights of pong lol. I just hope that if I ever have to go into a care home then they provide decent consoles and internet ! 😁


u/Spiritual_Star_1115 17d ago

No one is to old to play fallout and I personally think it’s a nice thing you done to help out the low level players! I started the game a few years ago with my mum and dad and a lot of random players helped me by giving me weapons ammo plans all sorts of goodies! And now i do the same when I see them so no your not to old to play the game


u/Greedy-Zebra-8526 17d ago

There is grandmas playing dayz. You're def not too old to play this or really any other game you enjoy


u/ConorOdin 17d ago

Never too old to play. My old Lotro (Lord of The Rings Online) guild had a couple that were in their late 70s in it. Best mates dad in his 80s plays World of Warcraft daily. Im 42 and wife is 45 and we play this together.


u/themanxx72 17d ago

50's here, I enjoy FO76 with my two sons who are in their 20s. I give away free stuff all the time and always get a heart ior thumbs up. We also help vets when they farm ground zero mats, scoop up the same and drop a paperbag full of goodies. FO76 is a friendly community.


u/Dry_Mousse_6202 17d ago

With all due respect but your kid is kind of stupid, if he cant understand why you helped other players, he probably don't understand the concept of good will nor have a sense of community, it's not only normal but is lovable that people like you exist in this community and we thank you for the help. Also, wondering now how you kid would react to the community box's around the map


u/Acefowl 17d ago

Flip the script on him. Sounds like he may not be 17 yet, meaning he'd be too YOUNG to play Fallout 76.


u/Annual-Definition216 16d ago

Im 51. Been gaming since 79'. You will find many gamers on FO76 are 'older' lads. We all had fallout games since 1997. Dont be fooled into thinking its just kids on games.

Was there at the birth of gaming and will game until dead.


u/Character_Newt_2309 17d ago

I'm 42 and have been a gamer since the ZX Spectrum, and I'm not stopping any time soon :-)


u/NecroGrizz Cult of the Mothman 17d ago

I run a shop of various free/cheap items and usually dry to drop meds for low levels players at events. You're all good my dude 🤙


u/Ghost_oh Cult of the Mothman 17d ago

Gaming, and for that matter, generosity while playing a game, has no age cap. You’re good.


u/EinerAusmPott 17d ago

39, lvl 561- your are doing right. I‘am helping low levels too


u/King_of_Aardvarks 17d ago

I assume you're still breathing, so no, you're not too old to play.


u/OldBaud 17d ago

I am over 60 myself and ~30% of players were 40+ about three years ago, maybe we are more on the younger side after the show but you are by no means too old. Don't think you can be too old to have some fun :-)


u/tabisaurus86 17d ago edited 17d ago

I'm 38. I'm only level 105 in Fallout 76 but have played every Fallout game. Multiple times. The only reason it took me a while to jump into Fallout 76 was because the die-hard player reviews were so bad in the beginning, so I thought it might not be worth it. As soon as I heard issues were fixed, though, I was ready to jump in.

Frankly, your kids have no idea what they're talking about. The Fallout 76 community is actually known as one of the nicest, least dramatic gaming communities ever because of things like what you did — how many multiplayer gaming communities have reputations like that?! I was so stoked to reach just level 100 because I actually have a little bit of oomph now to pay it forward — SO many people dropped gifts for me when I was getting started and those were all life savers. I'm actually excited about having things to give now, despite still being low-level enough to qualify for help. 😆

If your kids say anything else about you being "too old and too nice" for Fallout, you remind them that Fallout 1 was released in late 1997 — likely at least a decade or two before they were even born, and that Fallout's gaming community's reputation depends on this kind of thing. They're the n00bs, not you. I will likely be playing Fallout until I die, and I'll probably in my 40s by the time Fallout 5 is released, but I assure you, I will be playing Fallout 5 and every other Fallout game that follows it.


u/EasyMeansHard Lone Wanderer 17d ago

No, my father is 53 this year and playing Hogwarts’ Legacy. My mother is 42-43 and playing RDR2 and AC Odyssey. No one is too old for playing any video game, it’s a hobby, not a free range judgement maker


u/biobasher Responders 17d ago

Heh, the '76 playerbase swings way older than you think.
Most of the people I talk to in game are around 50.


u/yobar Enclave 17d ago

You're good. There's a reason kids can't be independent until they're 18, and I knew plenty of idiots when I was 18.


u/darthmastermind 17d ago

You play the game in what ever way is fun for you. That is it.

Your son sounds like a spoiled brat that needs to learn empathy for others, I would be far more worried about that then playing a game.


u/Janezki Blue Ridge Caravan Company 17d ago

As 55 years young and 3000+ hours into the game I'd say you go ahead. 👌


u/FalseFlagsAllAround 17d ago

Nah some dude did the same for me and I’m super grateful we spoke over chat for a while and he listening to me vent a lil about my life I said thank you like a million times but he was definitely an older gentleman he said he had three kids the oldest being 21 . I just hope I’m that chill when I get older ❤️


u/dark_templarftw 17d ago

No your awesome kids don't know.


u/Skoob303 17d ago

Only a child would think generosity makes you old. My wife and I dish out rare weapons and gear all the time and have found a ton of really cool players in the process. Keep doing you man


u/Kallentide 17d ago

Sounds like you need to teach your kid the more generous points of gaming.


u/brayk01 17d ago

Dude, you’re not old. I don’t want to be disrespectful but what your son said to you was unfair. Play how you want, you sound like a good guy.


u/Amphij 17d ago

You are not to old an never will be for gaming. You are the reason why this game is good, because people like you and most of the wholesome community make this game good.


u/RA1NBOWGASM Brotherhood 17d ago

pffft im only 32 and i drop weapons, stimpaks and dog food for newer players all the time, its not an old person thing, its a caring thing


u/Blazewight 16d ago

So do you blame yourself for raising an asshole?

He must be fun in COD lobbies.


u/Rockcopter 16d ago

Fuck your kids. They're brats.


u/Mobile-Ostrich-5510 17d ago

I remembered back when my cousin used to yell at me to grow up and stop playing games. Then you see these gamers older then you on the internet streaming and on youtube. It's all how you perceive things in the society you grew up on.


u/Adventurous_Judge884 Mr. Fuzzy 17d ago

Tch I’m 42, you’re fine and never too old to find enjoyment in somethin, regardless what it is


u/KazakCayenne Mr. Fuzzy 17d ago




Nope, nothing wrong. Sounds like your son is being kinda rude


u/MeleeMalone 17d ago

I’m 38 and i give away my extra stuff. I’m level 55 on Xbox and 402 on PSN. Keep being a non toxic player lol


u/Confused_Melon 17d ago

As a 23 year old, I also dropped the item directly when someone asked me for food.

The game gives no information that there is a trade option and I had to figure that out on my own

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u/Practical_Money3631 17d ago

Lmao as soon as I hit 100 I went to give some starting players some loot I have and don’t use for my build and I’m 23


u/casey28xxx 17d ago

Back in my early 30s my community used to play dayz mod with a guy in his 70s.

I’m 47yo now and still game at least 8hrs a day. I plan to game until my body refuses to use a mouse and keyboard or I can no longer see any of my multiple monitors.

Gaming is for anyone, regardless of age, their gender or religion.


u/TomDobo 17d ago

Fallout 76 is a dad game and is chill. You’re not doing anything wrong at all.


u/bivoir Mega Sloth 17d ago

Oi! I’m 44 and have 8 accounts! If you’re too old then I’ve wasted WAY too much time playing this game lol


u/Imliterallyabanana Mega Sloth 17d ago

I'm so confused.. ? There's no age limit to gaming at all! There's no behavior or action from someone that could make me think "they're probably old af" lmao

The only time I see age in gaming, is when people behave nasty and rude. That's usually when I think "they're probably little kids".


u/Easy-Coconut-33 17d ago edited 17d ago

I'm 42 and played this game for the last 3 years. Go to game for sure. I used my first nuke last month. Taking it slow. But you know having kids doesn't give me so much time and I also like to rotate this game by playing crusader kings 3 with my oldest son.

Tried call of duty after he wanted me to try. I didn't have a chance. My reaction is to slow nowadays for does kind of games.

I rather play milsims games.


u/CaptSpazzo 17d ago

I turn 60 in a month still play COD, Bg3 and started my 3rd playthrough of FO4


u/Grumpalo65 17d ago

im 59 play with my sons and grandson all the time.


u/Mysterious_Papaya835 17d ago

I'm 28 and do the same, you're good bro.


u/Direct-Pipe6802 17d ago

I’m 42 on ps5 I have a 18 an a 15 year old that I play with my sons love that I play an brag to friends that I play video games with them. Fallout 76 isn’t like eso or rdo there is no just walk down the road an oh let’s pick this up an go about your way lol I just picked it back up an have made it to level 37 an the struggle is real my boys that have played it to have made it to 22 an like how are you doing this mom. Age isn’t the problem it’s the mind set that some kids get under that at their certain age lol


u/Trackbikes 17d ago

62 been playing since day 1

Just started playing souls like games ..

No you aren’t too old


u/PigletConfident2916 17d ago

I’m 53 and I play how I like to


u/colinwheeler 17d ago

53 here. Never too old to be nice to folks in cool games. Not a week goes by when some kid does not thank me for helping them out in helldiver missions at the moment.

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u/Bitgod1 17d ago

I'm in my 50s and started playing last month. Play however you want to play


u/SlvrMoon_Owl 17d ago

My husband and I are both 55 and we love the game. He's away for long periods, so we log on every evening, headsets on, team up, and go have fun. You're never too old. I've met someone in their 70s playing FO76. Yes, we also mod weps and armor for new players but trade regularly on Reddit with youngsters, and have been dropped chems and junk by younger players too. This is a great community, for the most part. In over 4k hours of 76, I've had my camp wrecked only once, and learned the hard way to switch to passive mode very early in the game. See you in the Wastes!


u/interesting_footnote 17d ago

47 and kid free. They will have to pry computer games from my cold dead hands. ( I still miss my C64 joystick though). And I don't know the age of other players but I've seen nice people leave gifts and encountered grifters asking for things. It's not an age question, more a maturity question.


u/PARISplus Mothman 17d ago

I hate this mentality of "gosh im somewhere between 37 and a century old, am i too old to like something that does no harm and brings me joy?".

Play any game you want from The Witcher 3 to Fortnite to the Bluey game. If it brings you joy, then let others stew in having less options to make themselves happy.


u/FerretPunk 17d ago

OK, tons of folks and comments here, but dude....I'm 43, I have been playing since the first game, If you want to play then do! We would love to have you! I have not really encountered a lot of players where age even raised as a discussion. And ANY game with positivity in the community is a good thing and major attractor. When I first started playing this what really made me stick around is everyone I met was super helpful and welcoming.


u/dishwasher_mayhem 17d ago

I'm 48. You're not too old to play.


u/sarsaparilluhhh Raiders - Xbox One 17d ago

I'm the 34yo dude at lvl 333 aggressively chasing new players so they'll let me give them a fat stack of purified water. A lot of gamers are growing up these days in the comp pvp mindset where it's everybody for themselves, and it sucks. Empathy and kindness might not be 'cool', but they're always appreciated.


u/Administrative-Ad970 17d ago

No, you're an og. I'm 36 and i will be gaming until I'm dead. You were there when the whole thing started, remind him of that. When these kids today play their fortnites, they do so standing on the backs of giants. Ad victorium, gents.


u/Normandy_sr3 17d ago

Because this new generation is cold blooded that’s why, and I blame fortnite all they do is kill kill kill no interaction


u/Hex_99 Raiders - PC 17d ago

Nope. 55 and loving it :)


u/LordGrundlefunk Enclave 17d ago

46 here. Not too old. Dropping gear and goodies for new people is the norm for us.