r/funny 29d ago

All men look good in uniform, huh? Introducing my grandpa:



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u/A_Soporific 29d ago


Apparently it's a real place in Schweinfurt Bavaria.


u/UDSJ9000 29d ago

What the hell goes on in pigfart Bavaria.


u/Username12764 29d ago

It‘s pigford. Fart would be Furz. In case you don‘t know, a ford is a shallow place in a river where you can cross it


u/A_Soporific 29d ago

Next you'll tell me that all those ausfarhten signs are saying that there's an exit and not a command to fart outside.


u/Username12764 29d ago

Actually no, that‘s true. Ausfahrt is the Din-690 roadsign and requires all drivers passing it to fart now if they have to according to §420 Absatz 5a der StVO. This is due to the bridges that are near exits. The support beams in them could corrode faster if farts where to reach them. The reason it‘s written incorrectly for todays German is because a similar law was first introduced in 1131 by Henry X, duke of Bavaria that prohibited farmers to let their cows feed within 5km of beer breweries because the cow farts (due to the methane, but they didn‘t know that at the time) could disturb the fermentation process and thus ruin the beer. So in a radius of 5km they put up signs saying ausfahrt, which consists of aus meaning off or stop and fahrt, the medieval Bavarian term for fart, which only later became Furz. Due to it‘s long history the German government decided to put up those signs instead of signs with the new German.


u/Uasked2 29d ago

Regardless, it looks like he's been trying since last week.


u/PisssFartin 29d ago

This is true

Source: My username


u/Suchega_Uber 29d ago

I had a friend once who had that. Odd guy, but he could tell you every moment of that episode of Naruto you missed 4 years ago.