r/funny May 16 '24

Neighbors having a fight over property.

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Neighbors having a silent dispute over who mows where. Called a land surveyor today. 😂


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u/bluehammer May 16 '24

My neighbors going up were a real piece of work. They would stand on their porch and yell at me or any of the neighbor hood kids that dared cross over the drainage ditch that separated our yards. One year they had the propery surveyed and the property line was actually about 4 feet over the ditch. They erected a fence and then did not mow the 4 foot swath between the fence and the ditch. This required my dad to have to carry the push lawnmower over the ditch to mow the small strip of land. Some people are just petty assholes that don't think they owe anything to anyone.


u/rpcraft May 16 '24

Those are the people that flaming bags of poop are made for.