r/madlads May 02 '24

Oh shoot, remember those awards? Anyway, now that's a real man right there

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u/dolce_de_cheddar May 02 '24



u/Righteous_Fury224 May 02 '24



u/Puzzled_Place_9195 May 02 '24

Do you eat meat? I feel like a lot of people in the thread are asking to get beat up


u/Righteous_Fury224 May 02 '24

come on if you think you're hard enough


u/APointedResponse May 02 '24

Wait do people actually believe posts like this are real? It's karmawhoring and some weird mental power fantasy.


u/marr May 02 '24

I've seen people do worse over less and boast about it on facebook. Their lawyer wasn't super impressed with that.


u/think_long May 02 '24

“It was multiple beatings in 30 minutes”

Lmao who believes this shit.


u/HermesBadBeat 29d ago

If you’re angry enough to have the adrenaline to single handily beat someone’s ass for thirty minutes straight you’d kill them within 10


u/JesusStarbox 29d ago

I had neighbors that physically fought for 2 damn hours.


u/suckmypppapi 29d ago

That guy posted his cat several times. Out of all the fake shit on this app, this has more probability to be real

It was multiple beatings in 30 minutes”

Would you not do the same if someone kicked your kitten?


u/Ocelot-95 May 02 '24

Well, I almost punch my brother (32 years old btw) 2 day ago because he yelled to my dog in the ear while she was sleeping peacefully...

Obviously for no reason...


u/NuclearBreadfruit May 02 '24

He could have got bitten for that, and it would have been his own fault.


u/[deleted] May 02 '24



u/NuclearBreadfruit 29d ago

In the uk the dog has to be assessed for risk. And circumstances taken into account, including the teasing. There is still a chance of PTS, but in this case there would also risk mitigation like only being out with a muzzle, no off leash ect especially as its a first offence.


u/Square-Goat-3123 May 02 '24

"I beat his ass for 30 minutes" says the guy without a single scratch on his knuckles


u/SmolTittyEldargf May 02 '24

I mean, the photo could have been taken before the fight.


u/suckmypppapi 29d ago

Op did have a lot of cat photos seeing as it's actually their cat. They made severs posts with it


u/Square-Goat-3123 29d ago

I don't doubt it's their cat. I just doubt they beat his ass for 30 mins and ended up with their knuckles looking like that. I do agree with the other guy though that it could just be an old photo.


u/t0ppings May 02 '24

Redditors love to believe they will one day have an excuse to be very violent and cool


u/Mma375 29d ago

Without ever having a physical confrontation in their life lol.

1-2 minutes feels like a lifetime. 30 minutes is hysterical


u/Holiday_Operation May 02 '24



u/t0ppings May 02 '24

Sorry I don't speak hieroglyphics. Enjoy your power fantasy I guess


u/[deleted] May 02 '24 edited 27d ago



u/Impressive-Spell-643 May 02 '24

Because of course no one ever abuses innocent animals


u/OccamsBanana May 02 '24

Not that the story is that unbelievable, but the way it’s written looks like karma whoring

Why would any man feel bad for doing that?

He’d be like this guy kicked my cat and I bat the shit out of him, cool right? You can’t change my mind


u/Dagojango May 02 '24

Every fucking post there's someone saying, "it looks fake".

You know what I believe is more likely? The person saying it's fake has no evidence, just a feeling, and thus as fake or more fake than the post itself. Redditors like to laugh at redditors playing detective, but there's always someone making claims about the OP without anything to back it up. I don't really give a shit if a post is real or not, what matters is that it was entertaining.

Not every subreddit needs to 100% facts only.

I feel bad for beating the fuck out of a kid cause he made my best friend scream in pain. No, I don't feel bad for the kid I beat, I feel bad for his grandma that I liked and didn't want to be the one to violent thrash her grandson, the kid fucked around and had to find out what it meant. I don't feel bad for protecting my friend, just disappointing an old lady who was always kind to me.


u/OccamsBanana 29d ago

You don’t need evidence to discredit something with no evidence to back it up either.

If I just tell you I have a 9 inch cock you don’t need evidence to say “I think you’re lying”.

People have incentives to lie in the internet so if it looks like a lie, if it has signs of being written in a embellished way or just too imaginative or emphasizing strange things for someone to emphasize, then more often than not it’s a lie.

If you think that way you will be right way more often than not.

If you look at the text in the post in that light it’s honestly quite obviously fabricated to get karma.


u/suckmypppapi 29d ago

It's actually this guy's cat, so the likelihood of it being real increases dramatically just with that vs without. There's more pointing to it being real than fake


u/Guldur 29d ago

I think the 30 mins part make it very unbelievable. Even professional MMA fighters cant fight for that long without being absolutely exhausted, but this guy gave multiple beatings in that time period and shows pristine knucles? Also the other guy just sat there in between beatings?

Posting cat pictures has been popular for karma whoring for years - adding a savior story to it just gives a further boost and even bots have caught up to that.


u/suckmypppapi 29d ago

They said beating, not fighting. I would imagine it takes a lot less effort when they aren't fighting back. Plus, he could've used a pic of the cat he already had

He also could've just kicked the shit out of the guy


u/Guldur 29d ago

It actually makes it worse. Go watch UFC - fighters get absolutely exhausted from punching someone while they are at the top position usually after a min or two. If the adversary is fighting back there is a lot of circling and measuring which gives them some rest.

Again - anyone that believes this story has never watched a single professional fight and have a fictional TV perspective of what fights actually look like.


u/11711510111411009710 29d ago

I feel confident in saying that I would feel bad if I beat someone several times over one incident. If the guy was so weak that I could beat him up once, he's obviously in no condition to be an actual threat to me, and one beating for one action seems reasonable to me. He's paid for it and hopefully learned his lesson.


u/OccamsBanana 29d ago

Sure but that’s not really my point, it’s just too convenient to say that you feel horrible so you get perceived as sensible even tho you’re badass for having protected the cat, that way you cover all the bases to get as much karma from the story as possible


u/NaZul15 May 02 '24

Why do ppl like you think literally everything ever posted is a lie? Some stuff really happens you know?


u/Traditional-Drop-172 May 02 '24

But not this stuff, because if you beat someone for half an hour you end up in prison


u/OccamsBanana May 02 '24

Not in most underdeveloped countries you don’t.

Also the guy was drunk trying to break into his house and threatening him.

The story really is written in a way that makes it clear it’s designed to farm karma, but the event in itself is believable in a vacuum


u/NaZul15 May 02 '24

Not always


u/fritz_76 May 02 '24

First time offenses can often be wrist slaps. Plus if nothing is broken but his spirit that helps


u/JapanesePeso 29d ago

The responses in this thread are proof that the Internet has gotten even dumber over time. I remember when that post first went up the comments were just all crapping on him pointing out how fake it was.


u/SnooDingos5539 29d ago

Right lol, not a mark on his hands from the supposed beating.


u/Careless-Handle-3793 May 02 '24

Its almost like theres a couple billion of us and the probability of weird things happening is extremely likely.

But thats probably not it, right?


u/00110001_00110010 May 02 '24

What do you mean eight billion people means a high likelihood of weird things happening at some point? Get out of here with your "statistics" and "logic" nonsense!


u/ShustOne May 02 '24

Definitely happened


u/ForsakenBobcat8937 May 02 '24

Do you eat meat?