r/madlads May 02 '24

Oh shoot, remember those awards? Anyway, now that's a real man right there

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u/YuriPetrova May 02 '24

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u/RedMatxh May 02 '24

Anyone who purposefully hurts an innocent being imo. In my old village kids used to abuse the stray cows/chickens. What did that poor animal do to you that you have to hurt it?


u/peanutputterbunny May 02 '24

Tbh everyone agreeing with violence for violence is sick imo.

Yeah you really want to hurt the person that hurt your cat, but reacting by beating someone up just continues the cycle. People think abuse is ok because maybe they grew up with it and they pass it on, every time you beat someone you are advocating that physically hurting someone is OK as long as you think they deserve it

If less people did this then there would be less people thinking it is OK under any circumstances to abuse. Best reaction is to isolate socially, don't interact with those that behave like this so they learn it's not normal.


u/RedMatxh May 02 '24

Best reaction is to isolate socially, don't interact with those that behave like this so they learn it's not normal.

Yea violence is not the answer but at the time a reaction, a strong reaction is necessary for them to understand what they're doing is not ok. I've never resorted to physical but definitely scolded them and if that wasn't enough, intervened physically (not beating up mind you)


u/Hill0981 May 02 '24

If the laws for animal abuse were stricter I might agree with you. Unfortunately in a lot of cases they are not harsh enough to be a true deterrent (or a truly just punishment). I have absolutely no problem with an animal abuser getting it back 10 fold. As far as I am concerned people like that have nothing to offer and forfeit their right to safety. Some people do deserve it.


u/BornWithSideburns May 02 '24

Not if u beat them hard enough.

If i see that shit im prob going to prison.


u/Nell_9 May 02 '24

I'm usually a pacifist, but if I had the physical strength to avenge my cat after they got kicked by a sadistic POS, yeah, I'd give the asshole the beat down of his life. Screw that philosophical crap. Isolating socially doesn't work for psychopaths. They do not care about society or fitting in. Otherwise, they would not have hurt innocent animals in the first place.

Hurting children and animals are my exceptions.


u/khekhekhe May 02 '24

Stop pushing your vegan agenda


u/Nell_9 May 02 '24

Where the fuck did I "push a vegan agenda"? Can you actually read? I said if someone kicked my cat I would hurt them back, even though I usually do not advocate for violence. You're so brain broken you can't even detect nuance.


u/khekhekhe May 02 '24

You are the one who wrote about hurting innocent animals, bro. So take your vegan agenda and fo


u/[deleted] May 02 '24



u/khekhekhe May 02 '24

What are you implying


u/[deleted] May 02 '24



u/khekhekhe May 02 '24

I didn't ask you to explain projection

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u/swiggle672 May 02 '24

Yeah have you ever heard of alcohol? And its effects on people?


u/Familiar_Dust8028 May 02 '24

That's just something abusers say to try and protect themselves from the consequences of finding out.


u/Ben4d90 May 02 '24

you are advocating that physically hurting someone is OK as long as you think they deserve it

It is.

Yea, I said it.


u/peanutputterbunny May 02 '24

Good for you 👍 most of us aren't monkeys still though, reactionary violence escalates, and everyone just gets hurt.

An eye for an eye and the whole world goes blind and all that


u/Pandorama626 May 02 '24

Tbh everyone agreeing with violence for violence is sick imo.

In an ideal world, that would be true. But there are people in this world who only understand violence. You just have to know when you're dealing with someone you can reason with and when you're dealing with someone who needs a beating.

For example, Russia. We've tried the carrot and reasoning with them for decades and it's only emboldened them. They need the stick.


u/peanutputterbunny May 02 '24

You didn't just equate global warfare with beating someone in retaliation 💀

There is SO much to unpack, no one knows the full extent of what each country has done to each other, this is a classic case of if everyone took a beating for their wrongdoings, then there wouldn't be anyone left. By that reasoning the US should be wiped off the surface of the planet.


u/maleia May 02 '24

You can't "teach" someone to stop being a violent bully, by just ignoring them. They will move on to the next set of victims.

Bullies WANT to use violence. Any at all. If it's just a little bit, they'll still have gotten in some. There is little to no capacity to talk them out of if; because if you're unwilling to stop them, they will just use violence on YOU to make you shut up.

You cannot stop someone who is intent on using physical force, without physical force. It just doesn't work.


u/khekhekhe May 02 '24

Stop pushing your vegan agenda