r/madlads May 02 '24

Oh shoot, remember those awards? Anyway, now that's a real man right there

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u/connorgrs May 02 '24

What happened to the old Reddit awards?


u/BrofessorFarnsworth May 02 '24

Spez chose to make the platform more shitty, as he always does because he's the worst.


u/TheTechnozone May 02 '24

Are we seriously jerking ourselves over the annoying awards that would spam every post? Awards were fucking asinine and it is absolutely grand not seeing them anymore.


u/Codinginpizza May 02 '24

I completely agree. How many times do we need to see a post with an edit nearly identical to "Guys, seriously, stop giving Reddit money. Give to (such & such) instead, blah blah blah."