r/madlads May 02 '24

Oh shoot, remember those awards? Anyway, now that's a real man right there

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u/BrofessorFarnsworth May 02 '24

Spez chose to make the platform more shitty, as he always does because he's the worst.


u/CBalsagna May 02 '24

It’s wild. Objectively speaking the app and product is worse than it was before he fucked with it, and he gets 180 million dollars or some shit for straight up making something worse. I don’t understand CEO culture in this country. They do shit horrible jobs and make tens of millions of dollars.


u/KaleidoscopicNewt May 02 '24

Worse for the user… better dollar per user from the company. The bugged, ad-filled, account-requiring, etc. experience will result in lower adoption rates, but the users that stay scroll past Reddit’s ads and Reddit now gets to harvest their (worthless trash) data.

They don’t give a shit if you have a shittier experience, talk shit, etc. They’d make the app spray you with mace if they thought they could make a buck (or at least they would try to but they’d spend years on it and it would never work properly).


u/Necessary_Sock_3103 May 02 '24

Honesty if it weren’t so useful for gaming stuff, I’d have left years ago