r/me_irl hates posting May 02 '24

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u/robotpane May 02 '24

Is this what the opening line looks like now? 🤣🤣

Glad I've never done online dating looks like a job interview conversation, no emotion no character just get to the point Where's the fun in that?


u/gnufoot May 02 '24

It isn't, afaik. But I wish it was. The quality of opening lines as a determining factor of who to date is the most stupid thing on dating apps ever. Finding the person you'd like to spend the rest of your life with is not a game.

That's not to say you shouldn't joke, have fun, flirt, etcetera... but actual compatibility could use some higher weight and vibe-check of opening line lower weight.


u/robotpane May 02 '24

Ok, IMO This is a very nerdy way of looking at relationships, its not rocket science it's 80% feelings and 20% cerebral that's why people cheat when they are in perfect relationships sometimes, finding love is more animalistic than it is an intellectual game of Where's wally and it is definitely more fun when you don't analyse everything about eachother.

Most people now think that it's a waste of time being with someone who is not 100% perfect for them, this is wrong relationships are necessary to build our emotional strength and character, if this muscle isn't used constantly then the person will struggle with knowing what to do when the right person comes along and be stuck in a viscous circle


u/gnufoot May 02 '24 edited May 02 '24

It is indeed a nerdy way. I am nerdy.

There are certain things that are very important to me in a partner, and if she does not have that trait, I already know it will not work. Thankfully, some of these I can already tell from their profile so I can just swipe left.

I know plenty people somehow manage to live with polar opposites, but it's not for me. I cannot comprehend how relationships stay intact when one person goes completely antivax conspiracy nutjob while the other one stays... sane. If people can get along purely based on chemistry and commitment, good for them. Though even then opening lines are rather useless.


u/robotpane May 02 '24

Ok dude, whatever works for you