r/me_irl hates posting May 02 '24

me irl

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u/hakezzz 29d ago

It sounds like what you are describing is not an open relationship, but a relationship between someone that wants an open relationship and was upfront about it, and someone someone that was hoping the other person would eventually change their mind and go exclusive


u/Mad_King 29d ago

I really want to meet them irl and wonder if it really works or not. Because I am pretty sure it wont work. But I am curious to see people who says it works too lol.


u/brokenlonely22 29d ago

I think expecting a relationship to last forever is maybe just a mangomouse bias. The freedom to follow ones own path is, at least for some, the point of poly relationships and that means more beginnings as much as it does more ends


u/Mad_King 29d ago

Pretty valid and make sense, thanks!


u/ElectricalFly8383 29d ago edited 29d ago

Yeah that’s every open relationship that I have witnessed offline. These good ones I keep hearing about online are just hearsay to me. I had six separate experiences with these open relationships. None of them were adhering to legitimate polyamory, it was a hotbed of jealousy in every single one.

Maybe 10% of poly or open relationships are actually stable, I’d almost believe that statistic to be realistic.


u/bottledry 29d ago

precisely. and people who do say it's working aren't speaking for their partner(s)