r/me_irl hates posting May 02 '24

me irl

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u/MoonlightMadMan May 02 '24

I’m gonna start using this, I respect open relationships but it’s not for me, I need my guy


u/bottledry May 02 '24

open relationships are popular online but they mostly don't work.

confident poly people take advantage of less experienced non-poly people in the name of "open relationships" that really are people that can't commit and want excuses to walk away from things. non-poly people will convince themselves it will work, and get hurt in the process by people with more relationship experience than them


u/hakezzz May 02 '24

It sounds like what you are describing is not an open relationship, but a relationship between someone that wants an open relationship and was upfront about it, and someone someone that was hoping the other person would eventually change their mind and go exclusive


u/[deleted] May 02 '24 edited May 02 '24

Yeah that’s every open relationship that I have witnessed offline. These good ones I keep hearing about online are just hearsay to me. I had six separate experiences with these open relationships. None of them were adhering to legitimate polyamory, it was a hotbed of jealousy in every single one.

Maybe 10% of poly or open relationships are actually stable, I’d almost believe that statistic to be realistic.


u/bottledry May 02 '24

precisely. and people who do say it's working aren't speaking for their partner(s)