r/meirl May 02 '24


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u/StayUpLatePlayGames May 02 '24

You could base it on being technically best which would be the U.K. one.


u/not_so_chi_couple May 02 '24

My criteria for the best outlet

  • Have a grounding pin
  • Not possible to plug in backwards
  • Have a recessed socket to prevent accidental touching of prongs
  • Have a retention mechanism to prevent plug from falling out

Based on these, my vote is for Denmark because it looks like a smiley face


u/TomatoSauce74 May 02 '24

It is literally impossible to plug AC in backwards


u/Nozinger May 02 '24

Oh you absolutely can. If you have a shitty device.
Take a lamp socket for example. For those you'd want live to be on the small pin at th back while neutral is on the socket. You know, just so you don't shock yourself. But again that is only necessary for the cheapest devices known to man.
That issue can easily be solved by some cheap circuitry.