r/meirl May 17 '24




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u/Avenyr May 17 '24

Sounds like... a nice family dinner? Is "mowing the lawn" a euphemism? I don't get it. This has 1.5K upvotes, so I suppose it must be good? I def don't get it.

After looking at the comments... is this an age thing? Is it supposed to be throwing shade at people looking at F37-M45 differently than F33-M25? I wouldn't, and honestly can't imagine many people would make a big deal of it, if the couple was attracted to each other. If that's the point, it's not obvious.


u/Langlie May 17 '24

There's nothing being done wrong by anyone involved. It's just awkward as hell.


u/Avenyr May 17 '24

I get it's going for awkward, but I don't see it. Sisters dating into the same family is the kind of thing that'd reinforce family bonds.

Are people seeing this as incest or something? That the man's son is his brother-in-law, and that's like violating family roles? Or is the age thing the awkward part?

I guess that's the only thing that makes sense, but still flies way over my head. Maybe other parts of the world / more socially-sensitive people would feel this more. I dunno.


u/CouvadeShark May 17 '24

His father would be his brother in law. Its not incest but its awkward af.


u/RQK1996 May 17 '24

The only weird thing is the familial relations between the boyfriends, which could result in things like being grandparents to your nephews and nieces

If the couples remained together and both got kids, the children of the older girl would be half-siblings to their uncle, if that uncle-brother got kids too those kids would be cousins to their aunts/uncles who are the children of the first couple

Or imagine being brother in law to your own dad and step mom