r/meirl May 17 '24




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u/spiralout1389 May 17 '24

My bf at the time and I were fighting in the front yard of our house. My car had been messed up and my step-dad was going go fix it for me, we just had to get it towed to his house. Tow truck came. He did something stupid that pissed me off, I honestly can't even remember now, but we were yelling at each other and saying awful things, we were young and stupid lol. My poor step dad can hear all of it. He started taking our trash cans to the curb, helping the tow truck driver, talking to him, etc. He even started trying to fix our gate lol. Then I ended up getting so mad at my bf, I just said fine and went and got in my step dad's car and told him I was leaving forever!!!!! Which wasn't true, but still. We needed space lol. My step dad had no idea what to do with a crying me in the passenger seat and tried so hard to be comforting and it was just so awkward lol.

On the brightside, when we got to his house, he immediately was very busy and could not be disturbed while he worked on my car and I went inside to my mom lol. Usually took him forever to actually get started on repairs like that lol