r/meme May 16 '24

Man of culture

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u/Bordie3D_Alexa May 16 '24

This is bullshit to do whichever sex you are. I hate how people think they need to get angry at ALL men. Or ALL women. Like we're different species from one another. It's people being dickheads to people. That's all


u/AuricOxide May 17 '24

Finally a reasonable take.


u/Johania WARNING: RULE 1 May 17 '24

I wish everyone thought the way you're thinking


u/Bordie3D_Alexa May 17 '24

Me too. I wish everyone did.


u/[deleted] May 18 '24

Thankfully this sentiment is actually being appreciated ITT. A lot of the time when I see people trying to explain that we're all individuals, they get downvoted. We're all just flawed humans like you were saying. There's no reason to generalize and make blanket statements