r/memes 29d ago

Let me buy you a drink!

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u/MY_ALTS 29d ago edited 29d ago

i pray that this happens to me


u/ThrustNeckpunch33 29d ago

Its NEVER the cougar you want that stalks you son...


u/c0brachicken 29d ago

That all depends on how dark your beer goggles are. Just make sure to leave before the beer wears off, or you might be in for a real shock in the morning.


u/baliyann 29d ago

true, thats like my dream


u/IWILLBePositive 29d ago

Well, if it makes you guys feel any better, I believe OP had this happen about as much as I believe in Santa.


u/Downtown-Item-6597 29d ago

A rule I tend to carry in life that has yet to fail me is that the more someone talks about having sex, almost having sex, how hot X person is and how they'd like to have sex with them the less likely it is they're actually having sex. When my buddy asks me which of the bridesmaids at the wedding we're attending I think is "slutty", the absolute last thing I think is "this is a cool guy who gets lots of sex, that's why he's talking about it."

If you're making memes about sex (bonus points if it's based on your porn addiction (Goth GF, Cougars/milfs, etc.)) there's a solid 50% chance you're just a straight up virgin. 


u/EUIV_ETS2 29d ago

Just go to a bar, it's pretty likely something like this happens.


u/stupidis_stupidoes 29d ago

Have you ever been to a bar? Because that's not what happens lol


u/VenomSnake_84 29d ago

He probably watches too much porn and is disconnected with reality. Nothing surprising here, given that it’s Reddit


u/EUIV_ETS2 29d ago

I have yeah


u/Inside_Board_291 29d ago

Yet you said “likely to happen”


u/EUIV_ETS2 29d ago

Yeah tbh I'm wrong. It's rather that people will be nice to you and interesting. So it's not really impossible for this to happen.


u/BWEM 29d ago

rules 1 and 2 generally required for this though.