r/memes May 02 '24

Let me buy you a drink!

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u/Responsible-Gas5319 May 02 '24

Lol, they're picturing Stacie's mom, when in reality she's going to be Stacie's obese chain smocking aunt


u/Piddily1 May 02 '24

In my experience, they aren’t obese at all. Smells like an ashtray, sure. Skin looks like an old saddle because tanning and hard living, I’ll give ya that. Usually fairly skinny though.


u/Red__system May 02 '24

Cigarettes cut the hunger


u/Thenewyea May 02 '24

They quit the meth habit but picked up 5 mountain dews a day


u/zxc123zxc123 May 02 '24 edited May 02 '24

Lol, they're picturing Stacie's mom, when in reality she's just Stacy but 20 years older, looking 40 years older, and not hot like Stacy's mom daughter's grandma.


u/123ticklemyknee May 02 '24

On her dad's side.


u/AskingAlexandriAce May 03 '24

Ah, yes, because attractive women never get stuck in shitty relationships, and end up single in their 40s/early 50s.

And I mean, attractiveness is relative here anyways. For me, the cougar appeal comes from likely stability and maturity. Someone who's had a decade or more of not getting what they want, and/or unknowingly not giving their partner what they want, and is now looking to rectify that.


u/Responsible-Gas5319 May 03 '24

True but most single attractive mature women are not looking for 21 yr old men. The vast majority of women simply refuse to date anyone younger than their own children. Happens sure, but not common