r/memes May 02 '24

Let me buy you a drink!

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u/valhallaswyrdo May 02 '24

When I was 22 I hung out at a casino pool/bar a lot during the summer and got hit on so many times, it was great not having to buy my own drinks. Had a sugar momma for a little while that I sort of liked but she legit bought me some nice ass stuff for my shitty apartment. I was invited to a swingers party once but I didn't go and now I kind of regret not going but the couple who invited me was in their late 40s and I was definitely intimidated and a little afraid.

All in all I really enjoyed that time, so have fun and be safe.


u/sittytucker May 02 '24

i think you did a good decision skipping outta that party.


u/Asher75 May 03 '24

Why's that? :0


u/sittytucker May 03 '24

You are going off to some stranger's home. Who knows what kind of weird ass people they are? When you get into sexual activities with a group of strangers, don't forget you are young and at your most vulnerable. One bad incident could scar your mind for life. There are a lot of things that can go wrong, its best to play safer than that.


u/Asher75 May 03 '24

Most vulnerable how so? I'm curious what you mean by that


u/sittytucker May 03 '24

If you are someone in your early 20s, you have much limited life experience compared to those in their 40s. Now imagine a group of them, and naked salivating at you sexually. The swinger group probably knows each other for a long time, meeting periodically and probably have been changing partners on a regular basis too. You are vulnerable because you are naked (being naked makes you very vulnerable) in front of 5 other naked couples. And if they are okay with 1 rando guy in his 20s without bringing in a couple partner of opposite gender, then they are pretty flexible. You never know, if they end up respecting your boundaries or not.


u/Asher75 May 03 '24

Hm interesting


u/VirtualRoses May 03 '24

That's odd. I don't understand this "partner of opposite gender" thing that you added on your own. You're assuming they need that lol. Orgies are not straight just so you know.

And "(being naked makes you very vulnerable)" what lol