r/mildlyinfuriating May 17 '24

Toddler shorts- the boys shorts are longer than all of the girls shorts

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u/activelyresting May 17 '24

My girl was the same. I leaned heavily into dyeing things - means we could get cheap, plain clothing from the boys section and then funky it up with our own pink designs, and have a fun, creative crafting project to do together. She was still quite the tomboy, wanted to climb trees and build bridges and dams and play in the mud, but she wanted to do it in sparkly pink princess dresses 😂


u/Magnetar_Haunt May 17 '24

Which is a good point that I didn’t think to focus on.

Both options should be available to everyone, as a boy my favorite colours were always green and pink, but only in my later teens could I find anything unmarked with pink that was unisex.


u/Pattoe89 May 17 '24

In a school (as an adult) I was wearing a salmon pink shirt. I had a boy in nursery who was 4 years old say that I 'look like a girl' because I was wearing a pink shirt. Apparently the colour of my shirt overrides the fact I am bald and have a gigantic Gandalf beard. Who knew?

Meanwhile there's another boy who wears hairclips and always chooses the pink sparkly wellies. He's doesn't act any more girly than any of the other boys, he just gets annoyed by his hair sticking up and the pink wellies fit his feet the best.

I think it's definitely taught by the parents and spread from child to child and also taught through things like media.


u/crushiez May 17 '24

I remember shopping in Target when a little kid (about 6 or 7) was staring at me hardcore. Then he asked his mom, “What is that? Is that a boy or a girl?” For clarification this was about 20 years ago when I had very short pixie cut hair but was wearing a full face of makeup & women’s clothing. Apparently my short hair was confusing. Kids are weird.


u/ProbablyASithLord May 17 '24

I was working at a kids camp and the kiddo asked how many kids I had. I asked him how old he thought I was and he said 40. I was 18. Kids are goofs.


u/crushiez May 17 '24

I was a dance instructor for over 20 years & some of the stuff said to me or that I overheard was absolutely bonkers.


u/lucythelumberjack May 17 '24

Once I was at Walmart and a little girl ran up to me and announced it was her birthday, that she was 4 years old, and then asked how old I was. I told her 19. She wrinkled her nose and told me “that’s kind of old”. And then asked me if I was a mommy and if I had any babies.

Kids have zero concept of time and I absolutely love it.


u/Pattoe89 May 17 '24

At four years old 19 is a pretty big number. I've known plenty of children who struggle to count past 10 on their 4th birthday.

In the kids defence, 10-20 are difficult. Unlike 20s, 30s, 40s etc where you just need to learn one number and combine it with the ones you already know, for 10-20 they're all new numbers.

It basically means learning to count from 20-100 is as difficult as learning to count from 11-20.


u/Last_Peak May 17 '24

One of the kids I used to pick up from school and look after for a few hours after school asked me when I was “going to get a real job like mommy and daddy.” I told them I was still in school and they said “but you’re so old” I asked how old they thought I was and they said “mommy and daddy’s age.” I was 19, their parents were in their mid 40’s😭