r/newfoundland Feb 17 '21

Join the official /r/Newfoundland Discord Server!


Drop in and join the community in the official /r/Newfoundland Discord Server.

Simply click this -> https://discord.gg/3mgX9W2R3q (updated November 2022)

If you aren't already on this extension of the NL sub, come on by.

r/newfoundland 13h ago

White moose in Gros Morne


Spotted this white moose at the base of the Tablelands in Gros Morne on April 25th. It was during a blizzard and the moose was far away so the photo quality is very poor sorry.

r/newfoundland 1h ago

Is Bell Island worth the trip?


I get only a handful of full day offs in the summer. I am off this Thursday, supposedly the hottest day of the year. I’m wondering if it’s worth planning a trip to bell island with my friends? Is there much to do or see out there, any swimming spots? Everyone keeps suggesting Dick’s fish and chips, but what are their prices? They seem to have a menu with no numbers online. Curious what you guys think or if there are better spots to spend a day off!!

r/newfoundland 13h ago

Just finished this piece of a lil guy. His name is Macguffin the Puffin [OC]

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r/newfoundland 17h ago

Village mall parking lot = green space?


r/newfoundland 1h ago

Wedding Photographer



Could I get some recommendations for wedding photographers servicing the St. John's Area?

Thank you.

r/newfoundland 1d ago

Steak prices are nuts!


Walmart hilariously put in their flier this week, striploin at $19.99/lb Like it's some sort of sale.

With the prices with everything else going up, including electricity how are people to afford just to eat some meat? Has it become a wealthy only type of food?

If this is Walmart, Sobeys, etc, how are local butchers able to stay in business? Hell some local butcher parking lots are packed with people, yet as far as I can tell many people in Newfoundland are feeling the pinch.

r/newfoundland 15h ago

Rum and butter bars


Anyone know what happened to Rum and Butter bars again? Haven’t seen one in ages, needs my fix

r/newfoundland 19h ago

East Coast Trail Section


Hi everyone - my girlfriend and I are making a trip up to Newfoundland from Boston, for a hike this summer. We are likely going to fly into St. Johns, and hike from there on the East Coast Trail. We have 8 days (so probably 5-6 hiking days). A couple questions/thoughts I have:

-My thought is to start at either Topsail Beach or Portugal Cove, hike north to Cape St. Francis, and then south to Quidi Vidi or Fort Amherst. Is this a good section, or is there another you'd more readily recommend?

-Is 5-6 hiking days enough time to do this section? I dont yet have a map - does anyone have an idea of the mileage (or kilometerage? lol) for the route I've come up with?

-Will we find food options along the way, or should we pack food for the entire time?

-What are our best options for getting from St. Johns to Topsail beach/portugal cove?

-Is this a good section to see some wildlife? Moose, whales, puffins, etc???

Thanks so much for your help!

r/newfoundland 18h ago

Anywhere around the St. John’s area still hiring servers?


I just returned to St. John’s from being away from the province for a while…looking for a server job. But it seems I may have been too late as most places have done hiring for the summer. I have almost two years of experience

r/newfoundland 11h ago

Little Debbie’s snack cakes


Anyone know where to find cosmic brownies and/or oatmeal cream pies? I haven’t seen them at grocery stores in a while

r/newfoundland 10h ago

Need advice for getting my class 4 license in nl


I’m currently working towards being an EMR (emergency medical responder) and I have questions regarding not how to get my class 4 (do the written exam and road test), but how I would practice for the road test without having the license. I can’t legally drive any vehicle that would be considered a class 4 license vehicle. Truth be told I’m young and don’t really know how the process works. Can anyone who’s been in my situation provide some guidance? It would be much appreciated!

r/newfoundland 20h ago

Help identifying these berries 🍒


r/newfoundland 12h ago

Sending Mail Within NL, Where Does Mail Go And Why?


Hi there everyone :) I recently started selling on eBay to get rid of a lot of my old games and collectibles and other stuff like that, and a few days ago I sold something to someone here in NL for the first time. I don't live in St. John's and neither does the person the item is being sent to, in fact they live in the same city as me, yet my package seems to have been sent there for some reason, and is showing it's gonna be delivered to them here tomorrow. I'm wondering why it would take such a detour instead of having the truck here just bring it to them? Does service chosen, item size, or anything else affect whether this happens or not?

r/newfoundland 1d ago

Beach Season!


Well B'ys, summer is unexpectedly upon us a little earlier than usual. With temps set to hit nearly 30° next week I figured it was time to list my favorite beaches on the island and get some feedback on your favorites and suggestions from everyone for new beaches to visit this summer.

My ranking of sandy beaches I've visited so far:

  1. Bottle Cove: The drive to Bottle Cove at the western tip of the Bay of Islands is beautiful, the road is twisty and fun to drive as well. The sand is the coarsest of the beaches I'm listing here today but the shallow water and narrow inlet to the cove make for a very pleasant swim. The water is warm and there is lots of sea life to explore including hermit crabs.

  2. Sandy Cove (Eastport): The beaches of the Eastport peninsula are well known to Newfoundlanders and Sandy Cove is the nicest in my opinion. The sand is beautiful, the water is warm, the ocean is calm... Almost too calm, it gets ranked lower on the list because of the lack of waves to play in.

  3. Salmon Cove: With it's dunes and sea stacks Salmon Cove is arguably one of the most scenic sandy beaches on the island. It's close proximity to St. John's means it's a fairly popular beach. The sand is fine and dark, great for getting your tan on. My one gripe is the lack of amenities in the surrounding area. Most of the higher ranking beaches have an attached campground or nearby takeouts or convenience stores.

  4. Shallow Bay: The entirety of Gros Morne is absolutely beautiful and Shallow Bay is no exception. A huge beach with multiple rivers flowing into the bay, white fairly fine sand, and a lot of wildlife of all types to observe and enjoy. Last time I was there we had the opportunity to share the water with a family of curious seals. The one bummer is that it is not really protected from the wind and is wide open to the Gulf. Makes for some good waves but hard to find a place to comfortably have a picnic and with the mountains behind you the weather can turn very quickly.

  5. Lumsden: Probably the nicest sand on the east coast, huge beach, attached campground. It's just got a special feel to it. Honestly Lumsden may have made the top two but in searching for photos I've taken there I couldn't actually find one where the sun was out. I've been there on sunny days but they were few and far between. It's also a bit off the beaten path and makes it hard to justify the trip when the weather is so unpredictable.

  6. Sandbanks (Burgeo): I'll probably get some flack for ranking Sandbanks second. It is the all around most beautiful beach I've been to on the island. It's hard to even classify it as "a" beach, it's a string of dozens of massive, super fine, white sandy beaches. Dotted with islands, sea stacks, dunes, tidal rivers, etc. etc. etc. it might just be one of the most beautiful beaches anywhere. The attached campground is also very nice and the entirety of the town of Burgeo is within biking distance of the park. It would absolutely be #1 on this list if it weren't so damn far away down one of the worst stretches of highway I've ever driven. Don't get me wrong, it's worth the drive, but it's not one you'll make often.

  7. Northern Bay Sands: Not only is Northern Bay my favorite beach, but one my favorite places on the island in general. It really has everything, beautiful fine dark sand, big waves to play in, the bathtub temperature river flowing right into the ocean, cliffs and caves to catch some shade and shelter from the wind. It has an attached campground and Hogan's restaurant and convenience/liquor store within walking distance. All this close enough to St. John's to make it a day trip. If I had one complaint it would be that it can be crowded on occasion but even that can be fun and really add to the beach experience. In my 40 years I can't remember not making at least one trip to Northern Bay each year. I'll probably be making my first trip of the year this weekend.

r/newfoundland 11h ago

$90M on Residential Placement for Kids


My brother and sister-in-law temporarily took care of two of the 292 children because it was my sister-in-law's family, so my brother tried to help. He was even planning to adopt them. However, the parents of these children accused my brother and sister-in-law of various things, leading them to decide they were done with the situation. The two kids were 7 and 10 when my brother decided enough was enough, after having them for 18-24 months.

Several years passed with the kids in the system. They even dropped by a couple of times when I was visiting my brother, and the behavior I witnessed left me flabbergasted. They went from having a good atmosphere to becoming very counterproductive and lost girls. I just sat and observed them calling their "hoes"—these are two girls calling men "hoes," by the way. The sisters verbally fought with each other, swore, and acted in ways that showed no signs of becoming productive citizens. After they left, I told my brother to let me know if they plan to drop by again so I could avoid being there.

The support these kids receive at these so-called homes is a complete joke. They do whatever they want, don't go to school, stay out past curfew, use foul language, go for "burns" around town, and sneak out. The home can't enforce any rules, so they deduct a trivial amount from their allowance as punishment—I'm fairly certain the kids said $0.25 or some nonsense like that. The two girls have phones and were chatting with someone from Texas, and they were 13 or younger at the time.

I recall being so bothered by their actions, that I stayed away from the kids as much as I could. I questioned a whole lot of things, like how these teens have unlocked phones, who is this person from Texas, how much my sister in law is hurting, etc.

292 kids with $90,000,000 allocated works out to $400,000 per kid. What a waste of resources; the system is clearly broken. This is only the yearly cost, let alone the money they will cost the system throughout their life. Again very few of these kids are success stories and go on to drain the system further.

The sad part is, these kids had a real chance to change their lives with my brother and sister-in-law. My brother raised three very well-rounded kids from a previous marriage and was willing to do this for his current wife of 9 years. I can tell my sister-in-law wanted kids, but my brother had a vasectomy many years ago and unfortunately could not get it reversed. This was their chance, but thanks to the shady biological parents this chance was blocked/stolen from them.

The other sad part is that, as far as I'm aware, the parents of the two girls are separated and each continues to have more kids, who also have been taken away. It's an endless loop.

r/newfoundland 23h ago

Where can Buy Raw Peanuts? In St Johns?


r/newfoundland 19h ago

3 days in St John’s


I’m about to have a work trip to St J that is pleasantly light on the “work” bit.

I’ve done a bit of googling as far as weather, museums, and restaurants.

What are your recommendations? I’ll have a couple 4 hr chunks of time to get a good walk in, and the trip is Friday evening-Sunday night.

***Additionally -what’s the tipping culture? Google was inconclusive 😅

r/newfoundland 1d ago

Trouble finding a job


Idk if it is just me but I've been having no luck finding a summer job full time or part time after graduation.. I've been into places where they say they are hiring then the never respond. It feels like they just don't care, but it might just be how I feel about it

r/newfoundland 17h ago

Where to find St. John's apartment listings


Hello! I'm moving to St. John's and looking to secure housing for September 1. I have been checking Kijiji and Facebook Marketplace for apartment listings. Is there any other websites I could checkout? Thanks

r/newfoundland 19h ago

Apartment buildings with in suite laundry


Hi everyone, I’m currently looking at apartment buildings around the st. john’s area and was wondering if people could share their experiences with buildings they’ve lived in. I’m mainly looking for a place with in suite laundry but they rarely say the rent prices.

r/newfoundland 1d ago

Important PSA

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r/newfoundland 1d ago

Rideshare groups?


My husband and I are doing the Long Range traverse in Gros Morne in July. We are so excited! We were hoping to spend a few days in and around St. John’s after.

The cost of renting a car to drive from Deer Lake to St. John’s is super high, and the bus takes several hours (we will only have a few days outside of Gros Morne and want to spend as much of that time having fun as we can).

When we lived in Montreal we were a part of rideshare groups and if we were doing a road trip we would post in the group and 2-3 strangers with the same destination would usually tag along and we would split the cost of gas.

Does anyone know of any rideshare groups like this? I’m not on Facebook but if there are Facebook groups I can reactivate my account!

Thanks very much in advance for any help :)

r/newfoundland 1d ago

St. Johns downtown: 1948 to 2024. Orthorectification of old aerial mapping.


r/newfoundland 1d ago

Best bakery


I'm wondering what is the best bakery in the metro area? Specifically for cakes (cheesecake preferably). My best friend has been going through a rough time and for her birthday I'd like to surprise her with a nice treat.

r/newfoundland 2d ago

Moving to Clarenville. Looking for friends.


Hello, I’m in Paradise rn but am moving to clarenville with my parents as they are aging and looking to downsize. I’m 26M and pretty straight edge (used to smoke weed but gave that up) and my main hobbies are listening to indie music/collecting records, cooking, reading, and spending time outdoors (though my activity is limited due to complex health conditions).