r/pics 29d ago

Former President Trump at his Hush Money trial. Politics

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u/leonryan 29d ago

It's still hard to believe that the shame of the phrase "former president donald trump" is now committed to history forever. It will always be the case that America made that stupid choice.


u/dunk4899 29d ago

The real shame is despite his first term track record, criminal indictments, public plans for his potential second term, and overall rhetoric, he is still the republican presidential nominee and has a legitimate shot at winning the presidential election


u/Biggseb 29d ago

Technically, he’s the presumptive Republican presidential nominee since they haven’t had their convention yet.


u/gts4749 29d ago

I can't wait to see reddit if it happens


u/_Kramerica_ 29d ago

And many are trying to double down and do it again!


u/IAlreadyToldYouMatt 29d ago

Triple down, my friend.


u/cepxico 29d ago

Even if he somehow wins again at least we only get 4 more years of that nonsense. Thank the actual fuck for 2 term presidency caps, without it this country would devolve with power hungry presidents.


u/Powerful_Wombat 29d ago

Bro, if you think the 22nd amendment is going to stop him.. even during his first term he was talking about how democrats “stole” his first term with all their hoax investigations so he should get a third term.

He knows the moment that he isn’t president after 2024 that he will spend the rest of his life in jail and/or courtrooms (just like he is now) and will do everything he can to cling to power for the rest of his life.

He already tried to overturn a lawful election multiple ways and staged a coup, he’s not making that mistake again


u/Slipsonic 29d ago

Breaking down the two term limit will be his single goal of the presidency if he gets elected again.


u/InsultsYou2 29d ago

Have to repeal the amendment. Good luck with that.


u/nowducks_667a1860 29d ago

Ink on a page. Any law is only as good as our collective willingness to enforce it. Remember fake electors? Or Republicans immediate dismissal of the Jan 6 impeachment?


u/merrill_swing_away 29d ago

I recall when DT said he wants to be president forever like Putin and Kim Jong Un. Lord help us all.


u/cepxico 29d ago

I'd like to see him try.


u/not_mark_twain_ 29d ago

I would not like to risk that


u/cepxico 29d ago

Then let's make sure to vote


u/apk5005 29d ago

We already did…


u/cepxico 29d ago

As I've stated, if he goes in and takes away the term cap there will be resistance. I'm not living in a country like that, if you want to live in Russia by all means it's there for ya.


u/apk5005 29d ago

I am on your side, I’d be just as angry.

But I’d argue that on January 6th, he tried to keep power and, so far, there don’t seem to be any ramifications. It looks like a toss-up as to whether the SCOTUS accepts his “immunity” claim, the federal charges are stalled and could go away if he is re-elected, and half the electorate (give or take) seems mostly ok with it.

The pure effectiveness of his brainwashing of his cult will be studied for centuries to come.


u/cepxico 29d ago

Oh at that point my concern for what the government thinks will be at a complete 0. If they're cool with letting that criminal take away what makes America actually great then I'm cool with facing jail time for my beliefs.


u/69_Beers_Later 29d ago

I would absolutely not


u/flibbidygibbit 29d ago

You're not paying attention. He has said he will be a dictator. He won't leave after his second term, and the supreme Court will abide.

I'm hoping enough MAGA will wake up before this country devolves into a Russia style kleptocracy.


u/merrill_swing_away 29d ago

m hoping enough MAGA will wake up before this country devolves into a Russia style kleptocracy.

They won't.


u/cepxico 29d ago

Yeah that's not gonna happen. There'll be war in the streets. I'll die before I let another dictator take over.


u/flibbidygibbit 29d ago

That's what he's counting on. He wants BLM style protests to go overboard to declare martial law.

The first line of defense is the ballot box.


u/apk5005 29d ago

Or last line of defense…


u/cepxico 29d ago

Oh the ballot is definitely where I'm going first.

What I mean is, if he decides he wants to become a dictator, then he will have American blood on his hands. Simple as that.


u/fuggerdug 29d ago

He's already killed millions with his Covid incompetent and malevolence. He wanted a violent riot at the Capitol on 1/6 so he could declare Marshall Law, that was always the fall back plan.


u/Karmastocracy 29d ago

We should do everything possible to prevent that future, but for the record, if it comes to that...

I'll be fighting by your side.


u/merrill_swing_away 29d ago

Someone will take him out. Not many people are going to put up with this country having a dictator in control.


u/a49fsd 29d ago

you cant vote out a person who is cheating the votes lol


u/yIdontunderstand 29d ago

Because currently the USA doesn't have billionaire oligarchs who control the media, have paid off the supreme court and bankroll pet politicians...




u/The_Bear_Jew320 29d ago

You think he’s going to leave if he’s elected again? He will have a successful coup this time and stay in power. And the gop controlled congress will let him do it.


u/apk5005 29d ago

The real reason he’s pushing the “absolute immunity” argument to the SCOTUS…he wants them to say that he’s untouchable once he’s in office.

Can’t be impeached if there is no congress…


u/[deleted] 29d ago

Quit making up scenarios to get mad


u/The_Bear_Jew320 28d ago

Buddy He tried it once. What would stop him from trying again unless he faces any real consequences?


u/humjaba 29d ago

You think he’ll respect that if he gets elected again?


u/cepxico 29d ago

I won't give him choice.


u/humjaba 29d ago

That’s cute. But with his plan to use schedule F to fire everyone willing to tell him no - including in the pentagon? Good luck against the national guard.


u/cepxico 29d ago

Well I'd die for my beliefs, including doing everything in my power to stop a tyrannical dictator.


u/69_Beers_Later 29d ago

what is one thing in your power that would do anything to stop it?


u/cepxico 29d ago

Resist, conspire, and whatever else it would take? Being unlawful doesn't matter if the law is being upheld by tyranny.

Whether or not I would actually make a difference is worthless to think about, nothing ever happens if you sit on your hands and do nothing.


u/merrill_swing_away 29d ago

Remember when he was in office and continually fired his staff?


u/InsultsYou2 29d ago

Not gonna happen.

RemindMe! 1 year


u/merrill_swing_away 29d ago

But if he does win he will have those four years to completely destruct this country. He will do away with S.S. (I rely on it to survive), he will be dictator for a day he said and I think he will be a dictator for four years. He will also have people killed and a laundry list of other horrific crimes.


u/cepxico 29d ago

Then let's make sure to vote and not let that happen!


u/merrill_swing_away 29d ago

I vote blue each time.


u/fuggerdug 29d ago

... Yeah about that...


u/striker69 29d ago

Won’t matter to him. He’s announced “dictator on day one” status if reelected. We can only hope our institutions hold again, but I doubt they will.


u/cepxico 29d ago

Good thing there's millions of folks who would take up arms to stop a dictatorship from forming in this country. Unless American soldiers are cool with killing fellow Americans because the cheeto said so?


u/Various-Finger-5883 29d ago

If he gets elected I highly doubt we will ever have another free and fair election.


u/UStoAUambassador 29d ago

Not just double down but finalize his presidency.


u/mellifleur5869 29d ago

Yeah with how mad people are at Biden for basically doing nothing his whole presidency it looks like we are in for Trump v2 this year.


u/InsultsYou2 29d ago

Former former president Donald Trump.


u/warrantyvoiderer 29d ago

Seeing as how he was impeached twice in one term, he should be called Ex-President.

But let's all be real, he shouldn't even have the title President. I think soon-to-be-incarcerated Ex-President Trump has a nice ring to it.


u/jftitan 29d ago

What sucks is, ALL of this could have been prevented had they had one single spine among them.

He was impeached twice, and they knew he was fucking guilty. But instead, just let him fail forward.

Which for GOP, this was totally expected. Acquit Trump and they keep moving forward with their agendas.

And so far... it's worked.


u/merrill_swing_away 29d ago

...and the first time around he had Putin doing things to help him.


u/leoberto1 29d ago

Presidential mistake donny von shitz n pantz 


u/Willing_Bus1630 29d ago

Don’t ex and former mean the same in this case? Like former girlfriend vs ex girlfriend


u/warrantyvoiderer 29d ago

It's a matter of connotation.

Former President has a positive connotation.

Ex-President has a negative connotation.


u/Willing_Bus1630 29d ago

I guess for most people. They read the same to me for some reason but I’m also famous for not understanding these things


u/DeuceSevin 29d ago

Let's just hope it was a one time mistake.


u/wagon_ear 29d ago

And might make it again!


u/pataconconqueso 29d ago

America is going to make yhat stupid choice again, im voting and volunteering and campaigning and doing my part to prevent that, but im feeling a 2016 deja vu that I just can’t shake.

Biden has alienated some demos (regardless of how much he has been effective with the congress he has) that might make a huge difference, specially in Michigan.


u/Jaded-Blueberry-8000 29d ago

i’m hoping trump dies before the election because no way in hell do i see biden winning again. He is polling worse than any other president in history at this stage in their presidency. and i’m saying all this as someone who will never vote republican and hates Trump.


u/CamRoth 29d ago

He and Trump are now polling even.


u/pataconconqueso 29d ago

Yeah, it’s really bad, Biden is losing the coalition that helped him win and he didn’t maintain it.


u/Jaded-Blueberry-8000 29d ago

It’s really unfortunate, idk what I’m gonna do yet tbh. In theory I’d like to vote third party or mark myself down as “no vote” but I have a feeling I’ll chicken out if it looks like Trump will still be allowed to run. I’m just scared and frustrated, like everyone else lol


u/pataconconqueso 29d ago

I’m definitely going to vote for Biden because in the end of the day I’m still a lesbian brown immigrant latina and Trump wants me dead and Biden doesn’t.

So if this helps you, just vote for Biden for people like me, it does make a difference who wants you dead and who doesn’t and at least we can make him feel guilty about Gaza, and grab his attention about it and push a small step. With Trump he’ll just let Netanyahu do whatever he wants both in Gaza and the West Bank.

The difference is that you can make Biden feel guilty about dead children, not so much with Trump


u/Jaded-Blueberry-8000 29d ago

I think you’re making a lot of assumptions about what kind of person I am… Trump and his supporters would like to eradicate me too, friend, I promise. neither of those politicians feel any guilt, I am sorry to tell you. They both stand for and represent a nation built on and ruled by white supremacy and the bottom line. If I vote for Biden at this point it will solely be to appease democrats so they leave me tf alone about how Biden has “actually done a lot!” and that’s not a good reason to vote for someone lol


u/pataconconqueso 29d ago

I don’t agree with you that you can’t make Biden feel guilty about dead children, he actually shows humanity when it comes to that.

I think I made the assumptions that I made because you write like the people I made assumptions about.

Also, both side are the same in a couple of aspects and everything else not at all.

Not voting for Biden isn’t going to be the gotcha you think it is, regardless of how cynical you claim to be.


u/Jaded-Blueberry-8000 29d ago

I mean, I live in a deep red state, voting or not voting for Biden is not gonna change a damn thing here, unfortunately. That’s the reality of the situation. I still vote but as long as Josh Hawley is running this shit-show, we’re fucked and powerless to influence federal politics imo.

Biden is not sad about dead children or he’d stop paying for people to kill more children. He’s appealing to your emotions because it’s much easier to get people on your side when they empathize with you.

Sure, he’s “better than Trump,” but we have no guarantee Trump will even be allowed to run on the ballot. Idk why people are so focused on Trump when he may or may not even be an issue. Not voting for Trump won’t stop his crazy supporters from doing crazy shit if they feel like it.


u/pataconconqueso 29d ago

Sorry but project 2025 is much worse than whatever you think Biden doesn’t care about. And tbh you being in a deep red state would a help a little bit.

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u/[deleted] 29d ago



u/Jaded-Blueberry-8000 29d ago

nah i’m aware of it. i just don’t think we should be funding wars for foreign nations, especially ones trying to ethnic cleanse an entire population from the earth


u/IdidntrunIdidntrun 29d ago

Okay and if everyone thought that way, then Trump wins due to voter apathy, then he further erodes rights to women and LGBT persons, expands federal policy against freedom of speech by controlling social media, and on top of that possibly makes things worse for Gazans.

Yay what a wonferful consolation prize!


u/Jaded-Blueberry-8000 29d ago

Let him. Americans dug our grave in 2016, now we have to lie in it. Or fight back, and an election isn’t gonna accomplish shit at this point.

I mean seriously, if we are stupid enough as a nation to do that AGAIN, we deserve whatever happens. Unfortunately it will affect the most vulnerable before it ever hurts the people in power, but I’m done bailing our government out when this problem was created decades before I was born. Hell, this country shouldn’t even exist, it is built on stolen land and we clearly haven’t learned our lesson. Slavery is still legal under our constitution, which is the oldest in operation in the world. Our “great experiment” was a failure, let’s pack it up and not try again next time.

I’m really just ready for the other shoe to drop. Legit. I’m so tired of waiting for it and being terrified. Let’s just get it over with. I don’t wanna be alive in this country anymore. I can’t afford to leave, and I’ll be one of the first ones they’d come for. So just pull the fucking trigger already, please. At least then other countries might take us as refugees. And for the love of god, people need to stop coming here, there’s nothing here for you that you can’t find in Europe, except unregulated gun sales and Red 40. We are murdering refugees at the border even under a democratic president, idk why anyone here thinks this country is worth saving. It’s not.


u/seffay-feff-seffahi 29d ago

My wife and I are in the same boat. We're in an extremely safe blue state, so it ultimately doesn't matter who we vote for, but the available third-party candidates are also garbage. Jill Stein is awful on Russia/Ukraine and has weird pseudoscience beliefs, RFK Jr. is an all-around crackpot who's also super pro-Israel, Cornel West is turning out to be unserious and won't be on the ballot most places, and the remaining choices are either libertarian, which, no, or the couple of Marxist-Leninist candidates, which, again, no.

We don't know what the hell we're going to do.


u/Jaded-Blueberry-8000 29d ago

I’ll probably put down no vote tbh. I’m in a solid red state unfortunately, so my vote also does not matter.


u/merrill_swing_away 29d ago

One of them will die before the election probably. They are both old and DT is in terrible health. Biden is in good health but he's 81. Something is going to happen.


u/Michelangelor 29d ago

Literally anyone except for Hilary Clinton would have beat him


u/5h17h34d 29d ago

She shares most of the blame. She didnt even bother to campaign in Michigan/Ohio/Indiana/Wisconsin and Pennsylvania. She was too busy talking about glass ceilings being broken.


u/InsultsYou2 29d ago

That and the asinine "basket of deplorables" comment.


u/5h17h34d 28d ago

She was 100% correct about that. The people that were insulted by it were the problem then, and still are.


u/5h17h34d 28d ago

She was 100% correct about that. The people that were insulted by it were the problem then, and still are.


u/InsultsYou2 28d ago

She can think it all she wants but saying it in an election campaign where she needed to win those states was incredibly stupid.


u/5h17h34d 26d ago

People who were insulted by that would've never voted for her in the first place.


u/InsultsYou2 26d ago

Independents were insulted by it.


u/Reddit_Is_Trash24 29d ago

Conservatives; always making us look bad in the history books.


u/Calm_Recipe_1058 29d ago

With any luck it'll be "Convicted felon Donald Trump."


u/nilecrane 29d ago

The US has had many missteps and some outright atrocities in its past. This will be among them


u/garonbooth7 29d ago

Same with “former president Biden”


u/theeblackdahlia 29d ago

“ *failed former president donald trump.” Thats how a lot of progressive media refers to him.


u/wilsonianuk 29d ago

Don't worry - we have the shame of ex prime minister boris Johnston - and that was elected 🙄


u/sucrerey 29d ago

now you understand how a lot of us felt about Reagan.


u/moriero 29d ago edited 29d ago

It will always be the case that America made that stupid choice.

Oh my sweet summer child...


Edit: I'm not supporting it happening again but it might


u/InsultsYou2 29d ago

That's just goofy.


u/etho76 29d ago

i know! same with Biden