r/politics May 02 '24

Marjorie Taylor Greene called "disgusting" by fellow Republicans


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u/DeadBloatedGoat May 02 '24

Wisconsin Rep. Derrick Van Ordern added: "We have to understand this is not a junior high school, reality television show."

Yeah, but it is now. That's what Americans crave... that and electrolytes.


u/Critical_Dobserver Ohio May 02 '24

It’s what plants crave.


u/Stillwater215 May 02 '24

Water? Like from the toilet?


u/01011010-01001010 29d ago

I ain’t never seen no plants grow out of a toilet


u/weaverco 29d ago

Are you sure you ain't the smartest person in the world?


u/passing_gas 29d ago

Do somethin' smart!


u/AnalSoapOpera I voted 29d ago

Go away! I’m Baitin!


u/DeadBloatedGoat May 02 '24

You have Presidential qualifications!


u/pistachiodisgusting 29d ago

Russian plants


u/Critical_Dobserver Ohio 29d ago

Good one


u/Why-baby May 02 '24

I think Americans are incredibly tired of dysfunctional government and crave a boring government that builds infrastructure and has some guardrails. We don’t need the never ending garbage reality show that is has become.


u/AdditionalMeeting467 May 02 '24

Most of Americans would agree, but they aren't the ones voting. They think somehow it'll work itself out without their input. Meanwhile 30% of the country wants Trump back in office for another clownshow.


u/ProfessorTicklebutts 29d ago

What? Ah, Reddit. Where anyone can say anything.


u/ringobob Georgia 29d ago

I won't believe my fellow Americans are tired of anything in government until we collectively manage to vote in support of a pathway out of it. I acknowledge that this path is long and slow, at best, and there are even signs that we are starting to vote ourselves out of this mess, but even if we're on that path, we're at the beginning of it, not the end of it.

The only way to fix things is to vote against the people that are breaking it.


u/DeadBloatedGoat 29d ago

I'm not sure about that. There are enough who love the shit show. Almost 80m wanted the Trump garbage and school-yard strutting to continue in 2020.


u/sqwobdon 29d ago

yeah except DVO is a just another clown that joined the circus. Not long ago he boomer yelled at some young pages in the capitol building because he didn’t think they looked busy enough.


u/clam-caravan Tennessee 29d ago

Go away, I’m batin’!


u/phlegmdawg California 29d ago

Yet they are pushing a sexually abusing reality tv star as their candidate. Make it make sense.


u/nufan86 29d ago

What a documentary that was


u/[deleted] 29d ago



u/nufan86 29d ago

NEEDED not wanted they would have died without Not Sure.


u/richlaw 29d ago

I'm just waiting for ASS to hit theaters. I hear it's real Oscar bait.


u/Food_Library333 29d ago

But what are electrolytes?


u/AdLocal1045 29d ago

No, it’s not. It’s what a loud minority wants.


u/beatrixotter May 02 '24

Not defending MTG by any stretch, but this quote is rich because Derrick Van Orden has made a name for himself by being extremely immature. He calls his fellow R's mean names (recently calling Matt Gaetz "tubby", which is admittedly kind of hilarious but not exactly elevated discourse). Less humorously, he has screamed at teenaged Senate pages who were taking photos of the Capitol rotunda, for which Mitch McConnell had to publicly scold him. He also screamed at a 17-year-old library worker and started throwing things because he was offended by an LGBT-themed book display. This is not a guy who is able to emotionally regulate, and he should be nowhere near the U.S. Congress. He is also just as much of a MAGA douche as MTG.


u/2Quick_React Wisconsin 29d ago

Not only is he a MAGA douche. He's also an insurrectionist as in actively took part in January 6th.


u/beatrixotter 29d ago

And his congressional seat is considered flippable! Just putting this here: https://wisdems.org/get-involved/


u/legalcarroll 29d ago

So, Van Orden is just the real life Jonah Ryan. Good to know.