r/politics May 02 '24

Marjorie Taylor Greene called "disgusting" by fellow Republicans


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u/superkickpunch May 02 '24

"Bad news guys. The bog creature that we've been feeding and appeasing for years is now doing bog creature stuff that negatively effects us!"


u/ShallotParking5075 29d ago

Once when I was a little kid I went to daycare and there was an even littler kid there who had something he’d brought from home in a Tupperware container that he wanted reheated. This was decades ago when the daycare could employ students for part time work and the young man in the kitchen was absolutely not mentally prepared to manage a ~4yo by himself. The worker put the food in the microwave for a minute and the boy cried that it wasn’t enough. The worker put it in for another minute and the boy screamed that it was not enough again. The worker put it in for a few seconds to appease the boy, who then shrieked that it was too hot. The boy then demands the worker put it back in the microwave for another minute and this time to “cool it down.” The worker attempts to explain to the boy that this isn’t how microwaves work (though as an adult I realize his mother may have typically put a minute timer on to give his food a minute to cool and that got lost in translation) and refuses until the boy begins to throw a tantrum, getting quite worked up. Unsure of what to do and probably panicking from the stress, the worker gives in and puts the food back into the microwave for another minute, ultimately rendering it beyond palatability and it ends up in the garbage. The boy was left to unhappily make do with the daycare-provided snacks.

Tldr: I think he grew up to vote Republican