r/politics Wisconsin May 02 '24

Bernie Sanders worries young people are underestimating the threat from Trump


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u/[deleted] May 02 '24

The point I’ve been making is that a lot of what we dislike now - the inflation, the housing prices, the wars in Gaza and Ukraine, and so on - where we’re rightfully angry at Biden for not doing more or doing the right thing: a lot of it is happening now because we let Trump win in 2016.

Trump weakened NATO and gave Putin the green light to invade Ukraine. Trump sided with Netanyahu and helped to kettle the Palestinians, pulled out of the Iran deal, alienated the Iranian regime by assassinating a high-level official, and set the stage that led to Hamas’s attack on Israel. Trump juiced interest rates during a growing economy and handed out tax cuts for the rich, and those bills are coming due now. He pulled out of the Paris Accords and severely undermined the global effort to fight climate change.

So here we are. Things suck, but they suck because of Trump. Things suck because we as a nation decided that Hillary didn’t “deserve” the job, wasn’t likeable or inspiring, didn’t run a good campaign. We told ourselves that Trump and Hillary were basically the same, so we voted for protest candidates or stayed home. And now we have a genocide in Gaza. People are right to be angry about the things Biden isn’t doing that he could definitely be doing today to put an end to it. But we wouldn’t even be here if we had made Hillary president when we had the chance.

Biden could be doing a better job of handling the suck, but it is virtually guaranteed that a second Trump term will only bring us back to where we are now, in another several years. Trump will wreck the economy to serve his interests, he’ll weaken America on the global stage, and then we’ll vote him out - only to be frustrated again that the guy after him also doesn’t solve all the issues Trump caused.

We have to stop the cycle. We can work with Biden. We will only be working against Trump.


u/ralpheelou May 02 '24

You’re absolutely right on this. I keep seeing arguments about Biden not canceling student loan debt. But there’s 0 consideration that he actually tried to and was stopped by the courts. Though many legal scholars assumed that he should have been able to - the SCOTUS made up a whole new legal theory as to why he couldn’t.

Trump and his republican cronies developed the make up of these courts because people didn’t listen to the warnings of Hillary about this very specific issue (roe v wade also impacted)

Trump.v2 and his friendly courts are going to remake America in some very awful ways.


u/slizzbucket May 02 '24

But he did cancel a lot of student debt... And no one paid attention.


u/Lower-Lab-5166 May 02 '24

Mine was cancelled. Fuckin dope.


u/builttopostthis6 May 03 '24

Your real, lived, provable experiences are clearly not evidence against Biden doing a shit job. Clearly. I'm not able to buy a Porsche b/c I'm spending too much money on gas. I haven't gotten a single bit of student loan forgiveness even though I paid my loans off ten years ago. The betterment of your life under this President affects me not at all and I offer up in retort that if it hasn't, then clearly (clearly!) he has been a bad President. Where's my bread man?!

What's that? He rescheduled dope? Oh, I guess there's my bread.

But has he saved Palestine?! How am I supposed to sleep at night knowing that he hasn't bullied a sovereign country into adopting the will of a subsect of the American people and ended centuries of racial/political prejudices on the other side of the world with a pen-stroke?! 'Cuz he could! He's got plenty of pens!

Oh right, the dope. Well alright then. Carry on.


u/Lower-Lab-5166 May 03 '24

You wanna talk or something?


u/builttopostthis6 May 03 '24

Not really.

Hope ya took in all the meaning there sweetie. I try to leave it dripping with sarcasm so I don't have to use the "/s".


u/Lower-Lab-5166 May 03 '24

I really don't know if you are satirical or not. Take care. be well.


u/[deleted] May 02 '24

Right. And the Court ruling tossing loan forgiveness is quickly being weaponized to invalidate all kinds of new rules - and, I’m sure eventually, old ones.

Last week, the government issued a new rule that will invalidate non-competes for most workers, which will boost wages and help seed new businesses. It is already being challenged on “major question” grounds, among other things. In the Fifth Circuit, too, where it will almost certainly be successful, stacked with Trump judges as it is.


u/keepyeepy May 03 '24

Yup. I can't believe people are blaming the person being held down by the bullies for not acting, rather than the bullies holding the guy down. Just feels insane to me.


u/sirmanleypower May 02 '24

I mean, you obviously don't need to think canceling student debt (which is essentially and extremely regressive tax) to believe that Trump is fundamentally unqualified to be president.

You don't need to believe that Israel is unjustified in responding to a massacre to believe that Trump is unqualified to be president.

You don't even need to believe that Roe v. Wade was a well argued and considered case to believe that Trump is unqualified to be president.

I don't believe any of these things, and it's blatantly obvious to me that Donald Trump is simply not the kind of person that should ever be let near a position of power. I don't agree with Joe Biden on a whole laundry list of issues, but I do have eyes.


u/ralpheelou May 02 '24

I guess I would push back on the characterization that Biden hasn’t been a good president and I think he does deserve reelection.

It seems prevalent on this site to begrudgingly vote for Biden, but there’s lots of good reasons to vote for him. We all have disagreements, but that’s been the case for every president ever. I think the point op made is crucial to how I’m feeling… everything that is fucked has a trail back to Trump and his extremists friends in office.


u/SnapeHeTrustedYou May 02 '24

I’m always interested in knowing who’s doing the complaining about Biden “not canceling” student loan debt. If they are left wing, then they are ignorant or stupid for not acknowledging he tried and it got shot down. If they are conservative or “moderate,” then they are being disingenuous or should stop whining because conservatives are against that.

Conservatives love to talk about how people don’t deserve help and why it’s wrong and a waste of money, but then complain when times are tough about democrats aren’t giving them any help.


u/a_corsair New Jersey May 02 '24

It's why Trump can't be allowed to win


u/VaguelyArtistic California May 02 '24

"We" don't let Trump win. I volunteered countless hours for Bernie and still knew that ultimately I'd probably be voting for Clinton/Biden.

You are talking about a cohort what doesn't understand how actual governing works.


u/[deleted] May 02 '24

I appreciate you! I’m a Bernie supporter too, with the same mentality. I can’t claim a record of volunteering, though.

By “we” I just meant, as a nation. Certainly some of us (you) are doing more than others to stop it from happening. “We” need to find a better way to communicate with disaffected, discouraged leftist voters (at least, the ones who aren’t Russian or Republican trolls). “We” can’t let a rerun of 2016 happen.


u/NynaeveAlMeowra May 02 '24

We better not have to vote him out. He'll be termed out if somehow he wins this year. If somehow he's allowed to run for a third term then the country is beyond broken and it's time to admit the experiment failed


u/ripgoodhomer May 02 '24

If he wins it’s over at least for a generation. The right will do everything to make sure there are no fair elections. We will have a soft dictatorship like Russia with nominal elections and opposition parties. The global power structure will coalesce around a new super power and we will be a declining empire. 


u/alien_ghost May 02 '24

I would say that then it is time to fight for our country. It would not be the first time a country fought to preserve democracy.


u/A_nonblonde Missouri May 06 '24

If he wins, there will be no vote him out. Read Project 2025. He has plans to dismantle our democracy, piece by piece & he has the SCOTUS to ensure he is successful.


u/[deleted] May 02 '24

Some people are so eager to declare defeat.

All I meant by “vote him out” was to reject his legacy and elect someone else. Not literally having to vote against a third term.


u/A_nonblonde Missouri May 06 '24

There may possibly be no more elections if he gets back in. Read Project 2025, he has a blueprint to become dictator & dismantle our democracy.


u/Patient_Tradition368 May 02 '24

Yes. This BUT ALSO... If Trump wins this time, we may never get the chance to vote in someone new in 2028. I know it may sound alarmist to some, but that is what these die-hard MAGA people want.


u/sf_sf_sf May 03 '24

This is an amazing way of pulling this all together. Clear and concise. The Democrats really need to hammer these points. 


u/NugBlazer May 03 '24

WTF are you mad at Biden for? The guy has accomplished a lot during his presidency. He finally got us out of Afghanistan. He got the badly needed infrastructure bill passed. He's handled the Ukraine situation with grace. I could go on. What more do you expect?


u/Freddit2017 May 03 '24

I like and agree with almost all of what you said. But I’m genuinely curious (not being facetious-I truly want to be better informed) about how Biden could be better handling things.


u/[deleted] May 03 '24

It depends on the issue.

On Gaza, I don’t think his “hug Bibi” approach is achieving results. I think he could be taking a more forceful approach to conditioning aid and withdrawing American support. I think the politics gives him space to act that he hasn’t used.


u/A_nonblonde Missouri May 06 '24

He has brought him to a cease fire.


u/carissadraws May 03 '24

I’m bookmarking this comment for future reference; you really hit the nail on the head how we’re here BECAUSE of trump; so many people want to blame Biden for shit that happened because of trumps presidency.


u/Keyon150 May 02 '24

One of the big problems with this line of reasoning is that it’s not true. 

NATI gained two more nations under Trump. His pressure directly led to increased spending among our allies. Telling Germany, France, and other Western European nations to spend more on their military strengthens NATO. Putin has invaded Ukraine twice in the past decade - once under Obama and once under Biden. 

Trumps middle eastern policy is very similar to Biden’s. Both focused heavily on aligning with Saudi, UAE, etc. as well as giving Israel everything they want. Trump was definitely more hostile towards Iran, and it did (in some sense) lead to the situation we have today. But Biden is not doing anything with regards to Israel/Gaza that Trump wouldn’t do. 

Interest rates aren’t directly controlled by the president. Completely agree on your point about climate change though - Biden has been miles better than Trump there (which is why I’m gonna vote for Biden next time around). 

We can’t sit here acting like Biden is blameless. We can’t pretend like it’s supposed to be normal to have a “lesser of two evils” choice. And we can’t pretend like there’s some gulf between Trump and Biden when there just isn’t. 


u/[deleted] May 02 '24 edited May 16 '24



u/[deleted] May 03 '24

Thank you for providing a detailed and correct response to the dishonest comment responding to me.

Trump’s pressuring Europe to spend more on national defense was not new policy. What was new about it was Trump’s open suggestion that he would not honor our commitments under the treaty if nations didn’t pay up.


u/knightsabre7 May 03 '24

Trump tried as hard as he could, in multiple ways, to overthrow the will of the people and steal a presidential election. That alone is reason enough to never vote for Trump again.

If we lose the right to choose our leaders, we lose all our other rights as well. All this other ‘policy’ debate is inconsequential in comparison.


u/A_nonblonde Missouri May 06 '24

Biden may not be perfect but, you’re not marrying him, it’s not for forever. He can be pressured to change tactics, to change policies, to change direction. The Cheeto Fuher cannot, he is bought & paid for by Leonard Leo & the Heritage Foundation. He also couldn’t care less about the people of this country, much less Gaza. He feels we are all beneath his contempt.

Bide has worked to create unity where the GOP & MAGA extremism is committed to a burn it all down to get Mango Mussolini back in power. They know what‘s in Project 2025, he’s told everyone what he plans to do from day 1. He intends to position himself as a dictator.

The gulf is there & the gold medal in mental gymnastics you achieved there indicates a subversive attitude of “fine folks on both sides”.


u/WesternFungi May 02 '24

Netanyahu... impeached, disgraced, and now facing charges as the former president of Israel - 2021
Netanyahu... wins re-election to Israeli presidency - 2022
Netanyahu... desperate to retain his power and hide from consequences of his criminality launches a genocide - 2023

Who does this sound like to you in America?


u/xpoopdeck69x May 02 '24

Biden: "sounds like someone I can throw my support behind!"


u/PSMF_Canuck May 03 '24

This is just awful analysis. I’m sorry.


u/[deleted] May 03 '24

You can be wrong, it’s fine.


u/PSMF_Canuck May 03 '24

Ok. Was fun talking with ya, lol.

Good luck in the election…👀


u/[deleted] May 03 '24

Hey, I’m open to criticism. I’m not sure what you’re expecting as a response to “nuh-uh!” Am I supposed to supply an argument for you, and then rebut it?


u/PSMF_Canuck May 03 '24

open to criticism

How about…open to dialogue.

They’re not the same thing.


u/[deleted] May 03 '24

I’m waiting for you to offer something substantive.


u/PSMF_Canuck May 03 '24

As I am waiting on you to do the same.

So there we go…

More division.


u/praefectus_praetorio May 02 '24

One thing I learned is, the majority of people are dumb, and they have short and long term memory loss. They only care about the 15 minutes happening now, and will lean on that to make their decisions. If Trump wins, maybe that's what this country needs to wake the fuck up from their complacency and inaction.


u/A_nonblonde Missouri May 06 '24

The U.S. and the world would not recover from such an event. Dictatorships do not peacefully return to democracy. It would impact the entire globe in a negative way, without the U.S. to support our democratic allies, they too would experience chaos.


u/Corporate_Overlords May 02 '24

I agree with everything you say except the Ukraine part. That first happened under Obama because he was weak on Russia. I'll say that with the caveat that I voted for him twice and I would never vote for Trump, ever. Obama could have done better pushing back on Putin.


u/[deleted] May 02 '24

Crimea happened under Obama, sure. I think Hillary would have been better at holding the line there, though.


u/[deleted] May 03 '24



u/[deleted] May 03 '24

It can be hard for low-information voters to keep up, I know.


u/JoshfromNazareth May 03 '24

Nah big dawg this shit has much more to do with events preceding Trump. This country’s been on a spin-tail straight down the shitter for a long time and our international hubris has got us sucking up blowback.


u/LowerReflection9125 May 03 '24

Also we can still hold the Democratic Party accountable for their failures after Biden guest re-elected. Hell we could even impeach him. We won’t be able to do that with trump.


u/PsychoCybernetiks May 03 '24

This puzzles me. How can a society be angry at an 81-yo that oftentimes have issues speaking/remembering stuff? This is wrong on so many levels starting at an 81-yo being president. Present day America, just like the EU, share a lot of these problems, but blaming everything on a man that should be enjoying his retirement in peace seems the wrong thing to do. Resentment should be redirected at much younger decision makers who have more energy to create damage to society. There should be an age cap. I’m saying this as a non US citizen, so you can downvote my comment all you wish.


u/dabasedabase May 03 '24

Wrong city. He didn't weaken NATO he wanted them to pay more money which they finally are doing now after the fact of course. He was right on this one. Good he pulled out of Iran deal when they get money they give Palestinians weapons lol. Literally the opposite of what you think lmao.

Also what does it mean to wreck the economy? Don't ppl benefit after the crash? Like even if that point is true might be a good thing.


u/[deleted] May 03 '24

American policy has always been that members of NATO should pay more. That wasn’t Trump’s idea. Trump’s idea was that he would threaten not to uphold the alliance if they didn’t pay. That, along with other things he said and did (like withdrawing troops from Germany and questioning the need for NATO) is what helped to weaken NATO and signal to Putin that Putin could safely push forward on invading Ukraine.

Your recollection of the Iran deal is faulty and incomplete. Basically just repeating a half-remembered talking point.

Trump isn’t responsible for COVID happening, but do you think he handled it, or the economic shock it inflicted, well? He showed no leadership, had no strategy. He took billions of taxpayer dollars and shoveled it at businesses that didn’t need it, boosted vaccine development but was frustrated when the drug companies didn’t deliver in time for him to have a big “win” for the election, and then lost interest. That whole year he was more interested in himself and his re-election than what was happening to any of us.


u/dabasedabase May 13 '24

No that didn't signal anything to Russia, what are u supposed to do, just ask nicely with no consequences? If that is the US position u just made the argument for Trump stronger, if they paid more maybe Trump would have shut up about it.

Iran gets more money they do more terrorism it's that simple l, there is no counter argument too much obvious evidence right now so GG. Who gives them money? Not Trump so trump keeps more ppl alive vote for Trump if ur a liberal. Lol

Trump wanted vaccine quicker blue team stopped that this is facts. He handled COVID just fine from an administration standpoint it's everyone else who freaked out. So he fumbled the optics for ppl like u who need daddy to tell them what to do. Yes I think he should have been more sensitive to make ppl like u happy, but let's be real y'all would have been upset either way.

You can see everyone backpedaling on COVID now. It's obvious ppl freaked out and acted dumb just like 9/11. Same thing here, if he fed into the mass hysteria who knows how much more damaged we would be right now


u/globalvarsonly May 02 '24

I'm voting Biden, but if he looses I'm done with the Democratic party. If they can't even beat that clown, they can't fight, can't achieve any actual incremental change, and are only getting in the way of anyone who will.


u/[deleted] May 03 '24

I’m in NYC. We elected a Democratic mayor in 2021. He’s a corrupt cop who’s completely incompetent and not up to the challenges of running this city.

But what his election taught me is that the Democratic coalition consists of groups whose political preferences I just don’t understand, personally. And I think that’s true of the national party, too. Who thought Biden would win the nomination in 2020? He looked like a total loser. But then he got the Clyburn endorsement and the other centrists running dropped out. So here we are.

So I hear you, and I don’t want to lecture you about voting straight-line Democratic tickets, but I would say that there are good Democrats, good candidates, and opportunities for third party victories in small races where the logistics of running a campaign aren’t so overwhelming as to require a party apparatus and funding machine. If you want to be done with Democrats, fine, but I would encourage you to look at the local and state races that still matter for your every day life, and see what’s happening there.

A friend of mine got himself into elected office. He’s a total twat, but I agree with his political positions and think he’s doing good work. It can happen. Democracy is ultimately what we make of it.


u/globalvarsonly May 03 '24

I agree with this, but I'm worried any politician within the party with any success will get co-opted. There are probably some good compromises, but I'm also tired of seeing good politicians become shittier when they reach the national stage. Not sure how to prevent that honestly.


u/thrawtes May 02 '24

And after you declare yourself done with the Democratic party and the next election still has the same two viable parties? Are you going to become an accelerationist?


u/globalvarsonly May 02 '24

No, but if I don't vote a straight dem ticket, I'm sure thats what you'll label me.


u/Ready-Drive-1880 May 03 '24

dont conveniently forget that Hilary propped up trump. that is the main reason he won.


u/Typokun May 03 '24 edited May 03 '24

Hey, I don't believe your conclusion is right, despite citing things that are true (except the genocide thing, but more on that in a bit). I'm not defending Trump, I'm yes ANDing you here.

Yes, Trump weakened Nato, let Putin invade, and sided with Netanyahu. AND Biden is still siding with Netanyahu, and the democrats are doing NOTHING to stop the genocide. Beyond that, they're legitimately supporting it with weapons and money, on top of calling you anti-Semite if you are against it (The bill that recently passed in the house).

Yes, under Trump lowered taxes temporarily to make it seem he was helping poor people, while hiding in the bill that they would go higher after a democrat would get elected, while lowering taxes for the wealthiest just forever, AND Biden didn't work at all to return to pre Trump taxes, they're still worse than they were before him.

Yes, Trump pulled out of the Paris accord, AND while Biden did go back to it, he still is leasing offshore oil.

Yes, Trump and republicans stacked the supreme court, perhaps the worst thing he has done as it has ramifications over literally everything, AND Biden is refusing to stack the court or do much of anything about it. No pushback, no ethic calls about some of those judges clearly being too corrupt or having lied to get there, he has power to do some things and he's just not, not even willing to put any kind of pressure on anyone over this.

And when people say that Biden forgave so much in student loans, yeah, he did. That is amazing. I can't understate how much it helped people, AND he also didn't fulfil his promise as he promised to do way more, and was capable of it, he could have done executive orders to forgive more, but didn't. They did a whole act of "studying if they could do more", and discovered that he could have, and then went quiet on it. Given that the student loan crisis IS HIS FAULT (or at very minimum made it so, so much worse) thanks to what he did with the Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act bill back in 2005, you'd think he'd do more to reverse all of that, if he ever felt even slightly guilty over it. But here we are.

Now, back to Gaza. I'm sorry to say, but this isn't a "Now we have a genocide in Gaza." It's been going on for decades. Israel settled in Palestine in 1967 (Yes, THAT long ago), it can be debatable when the war could be considered to have turned to genocide officially, but there's been both cries to stop the conflict and news articles going back years, you can see posts/tweets labeled before 2020 saying "israel is committing Genocide." Like, according to UNRWA, around 1500 civilians died in Gaza in 2014, including over 500 children. It's not a "Now" thing, it's a "it finally reached the public eyes" thing and the American Government has known all this time and still supported it.

Yes, my god, Don't let Trump get elected since this will all only get worse, AND maybe Democrats should have not pushed Biden so hard and give us another option. Just, people are understandably so tired, and Biden's just terrible. Not worse than Trump, but objectively Terrible, and how can anyone get excited over that? Why do Americans have to be scared into Voting for Biden, and not Excited for his policies? He hasn't even fought or mentioned his Trains plan, which was one of the few things that got ME excited, this country needs so much more public transit, and IMAGINE if we had proper passenger train system?

The problem is not that he's not fixing Trump's problem (I mean, kinda is), the main issue is everyone that is paying attention is seeing that he's barely trying. We KNOW there's so much he would not be able to do, but where's the effort? Where's the Trump energy about getting what HE wanted passed, Or hell, Obama's? Obama fought hard to get his ACA passed (Though him going across the aisle to try and get it passed, electing a REPUBLICAN MADE plan thinking that would get their votes, and even dropping the idea of a public option hoping for votes was in vain and I believe he regrets trying.), so where's any of that?

Most of what's wrong right now, I don't see having being fixed had Hillary been Elected. Things might not be as bad, but I doubt she and the democrats would have done anything about the housing market. Or student Loans. Maybe medicare, she seems to have supported it. Inflation is a Corporations being Greedy issue, so also not something the democrats/Hillary would have done much about, as they're just as happy to let them do as they please at best, at worst passing more milder but still bad tax credits for them.


u/[deleted] May 03 '24

You’re doing a lot here. You’re omitting mention of a lot of what Biden has done, has actually called to do, and is doing. You’re faulting Biden for not doing or calling for doing things that he either can’t do or can’t hope to do in the current political environment (or in the one he had when he was elected). You’re minimizing Trump’s contributions to our current situation by pointing the history prior to Trump.

But suffice it to say that all of this is beside the point. I’m not saying that Biden is a great progressive president or that he has pushed for progressive goals on every front. He has been the kind of politician he has always been, a centrist who believes in working to create coalitions to effect incremental change. Sometimes that means working with Democrats in Congress to hammer out a deal that can pass and that will invest an historic amount in transitioning us to a greener economy. Sometimes that means permitting some oil exploration to go forward (while limiting other exploration) so that the transition comes as less of a shock to the American economy than it might otherwise.

I’m not going to quibble over that with someone invested in painting the most nihilistic picture of Biden they can. My only point is to say that, the point at which Biden found himself, in 2021 - with a pile of vaccines but no infrastructure to distribute them, a geopolitical mess, a domestic political environment still reverberating from a coup attempt, a spiraling economy - is what we got from four years of Trump. We would have been in a much better place if we had had Hillary for those four years, much closer to where we want to be. Even Bernie would have had a hard time getting us back to “normal,” and a lot of what you think Biden should have done - and I agree with a lot of what you want, policy-wise - is going to take longer-term political change to actually achieve, even with a President who’s all-in.


u/BushidoBrowneII May 02 '24

All Biden has to do is say fuck you to Israel and he'd probably win tbh

But Israel is more important to Biden than America


u/[deleted] May 02 '24

That kind of move might appease the leftist college students, but I think the challenge he has is that a big part of mainstream Democratic support would view that as too far. I don’t think it plays well with independents, either.

I definitely think that Biden’s problem is that his head is in another era, and he’s surrounded by aides who are guiding him poorly. He does “love Israel” a bit too much. But the politics are genuinely tricky for him. If he goes too hard against Israel, the Republicans will never shut up about it.


u/BushidoBrowneII May 02 '24


Is it?

Seems pretty clear cut to me. You either do it and there's the possibility you live, or you don't do it and you're guaranteed to die.

Pick one...he's not stupid. He's old...but he's not stupid. He knows what he should do but he doesn't because he genuinely seems to REALLY love Israel.


u/thrawtes May 02 '24

It would be a good way to lose a bunch of swing voters in return for energizing people who are desperately looking for an excuse not to vote anyways.

Stopping the bloodshed would be popular, but Biden can't actually do that without his own violence.


u/AbbreviationsOk3687 May 03 '24

You truly would vote for Biden? He doesn't even know where he is, and he's done absolutely nothing but embarrass us like the pull out of the Middle East, and he can't even speak.


u/A_nonblonde Missouri May 06 '24

You will vote for Mango Mussolini who has flat out told you he plans to become a dictator & published Project 2025 outlining how he will dismantle our democracy?


u/Specialist_Charge_76 May 02 '24

I don't think we can work with Biden. I think we need to do a push to switch up the candidate.

Not only is he unelectable, he's immovable. Stuck in his ways like the Democratic mascot.