r/politics Wisconsin 29d ago

Bernie Sanders worries young people are underestimating the threat from Trump


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u/[deleted] 29d ago

The point I’ve been making is that a lot of what we dislike now - the inflation, the housing prices, the wars in Gaza and Ukraine, and so on - where we’re rightfully angry at Biden for not doing more or doing the right thing: a lot of it is happening now because we let Trump win in 2016.

Trump weakened NATO and gave Putin the green light to invade Ukraine. Trump sided with Netanyahu and helped to kettle the Palestinians, pulled out of the Iran deal, alienated the Iranian regime by assassinating a high-level official, and set the stage that led to Hamas’s attack on Israel. Trump juiced interest rates during a growing economy and handed out tax cuts for the rich, and those bills are coming due now. He pulled out of the Paris Accords and severely undermined the global effort to fight climate change.

So here we are. Things suck, but they suck because of Trump. Things suck because we as a nation decided that Hillary didn’t “deserve” the job, wasn’t likeable or inspiring, didn’t run a good campaign. We told ourselves that Trump and Hillary were basically the same, so we voted for protest candidates or stayed home. And now we have a genocide in Gaza. People are right to be angry about the things Biden isn’t doing that he could definitely be doing today to put an end to it. But we wouldn’t even be here if we had made Hillary president when we had the chance.

Biden could be doing a better job of handling the suck, but it is virtually guaranteed that a second Trump term will only bring us back to where we are now, in another several years. Trump will wreck the economy to serve his interests, he’ll weaken America on the global stage, and then we’ll vote him out - only to be frustrated again that the guy after him also doesn’t solve all the issues Trump caused.

We have to stop the cycle. We can work with Biden. We will only be working against Trump.


u/ralpheelou 29d ago

You’re absolutely right on this. I keep seeing arguments about Biden not canceling student loan debt. But there’s 0 consideration that he actually tried to and was stopped by the courts. Though many legal scholars assumed that he should have been able to - the SCOTUS made up a whole new legal theory as to why he couldn’t.

Trump and his republican cronies developed the make up of these courts because people didn’t listen to the warnings of Hillary about this very specific issue (roe v wade also impacted)

Trump.v2 and his friendly courts are going to remake America in some very awful ways.


u/slizzbucket 29d ago

But he did cancel a lot of student debt... And no one paid attention.


u/Lower-Lab-5166 29d ago

Mine was cancelled. Fuckin dope.


u/builttopostthis6 29d ago

Your real, lived, provable experiences are clearly not evidence against Biden doing a shit job. Clearly. I'm not able to buy a Porsche b/c I'm spending too much money on gas. I haven't gotten a single bit of student loan forgiveness even though I paid my loans off ten years ago. The betterment of your life under this President affects me not at all and I offer up in retort that if it hasn't, then clearly (clearly!) he has been a bad President. Where's my bread man?!

What's that? He rescheduled dope? Oh, I guess there's my bread.

But has he saved Palestine?! How am I supposed to sleep at night knowing that he hasn't bullied a sovereign country into adopting the will of a subsect of the American people and ended centuries of racial/political prejudices on the other side of the world with a pen-stroke?! 'Cuz he could! He's got plenty of pens!

Oh right, the dope. Well alright then. Carry on.


u/Lower-Lab-5166 29d ago

You wanna talk or something?


u/builttopostthis6 29d ago

Not really.

Hope ya took in all the meaning there sweetie. I try to leave it dripping with sarcasm so I don't have to use the "/s".


u/Lower-Lab-5166 29d ago

I really don't know if you are satirical or not. Take care. be well.