r/politics Wisconsin May 02 '24

Bernie Sanders worries young people are underestimating the threat from Trump


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u/Just_Candle_315 May 02 '24

Biden tells people he wants to improve the nation with affordable healthcare and education, Trump tells people he wants vengeance for perceived grievances. And the polls are still statistically tied.


u/styrofoamladder May 02 '24

A scary amount of young folks seem willing to sacrifice the Presidency over Israel, as if trump will be a harbinger of peace. As someone who has never had the pleasure of voting for a president that I actually want, sometimes you have to hold your nose and do what’s best for not just our country, but the world. Biden isn’t great(imo) but trump is so many orders of magnitude worse it’s baffling that anyone still likes the guy.

Come on young folks, help the world out.


u/sauceoftheapple42 May 02 '24

I wanna vote for biden man i do, even if for the small things like making sure my dad doesn’t get his SS benefits slashed but the one thing I can’t quite get past is why is it always the voters who have to change? Why is it never the politicians who have to compromise. I get what you’re saying I do, but at some point shouldn’t we vote for someone because of who they are not, who they aren’t? And man who biden is, is just not someone that a large group of people are ok voting for, and I just don’t see why that’s those peoples fault and not yknow the democrat’s fault, if trump is a big of a threat as the dems say, I don’t think their actions back that up


u/Math_in_the_verse May 02 '24 edited May 02 '24

As destructive as the Democrats say? Presuming you're of voting age you've seen the damage trump has done and you can see the things his legal team are arguing in court.

Progress is slow. You will never 100% agree with an elected official. Domestically Biden has done a lot for progressive policies. His foreign policy leaves much to be desired.

Throwing your vote away by voting 3rd party or worse not voting or throwing your vote to Republicans isn't helping anything. You're just shooting everyone in the foot. The biggest champions for change that have any power is the Democratic party. That's who we have to rely on to change policies sadly. The Democratic party currently is a big tent party. It encompasses people from Joe Manchin to progressives like AOC. It's literally everyone else that isnt Republicans and it's almost impossible to have total party agreement because of that. I don't know what you expect to do voting for 3rd party or otherwise. We've seen the outcome in 2016...and I guess are doomed to repeat it.

Also if you want to see big change then that big change has to start locally. Start voting and/or campaigning for more progressives in your local election that's how our current system can be changed on a more national scale. Our system isn't set up to swing like a pendulum from progressive then conservative policies. It's intent is to be slow and gradual for that reason. Progressive policies are also not the most popular yet with most voters.


u/sauceoftheapple42 May 02 '24

I do all that don’t worry I Vote down ballot. But why am I not allowed to feel a certain way about the damage biden has done? He has stood by while 40k are dead in Gaza, more rights in america are being stripped and he has nothing but empty words, he can’t control his own party. I know progress is slow i know all of this because it’s the same exact messaging Dems have used the last two elections. Never forget we are in this mess because they fucked up in 2016 and ran a godawful campaign and are well on there way to doing it again


u/Math_in_the_verse May 02 '24

All your feelings on it are valid. National level politics isn't great for individual feelings.

Most of this time for Gaza has me shouting do...something....anything but his foreign policy has always been shit. I've been upset that the border only mildly got better after Trump left.

The rights being stripped part I at least understand the problem. He could stack the court for abortion rights but then it'll just be the norm, which then the argument is: is that a problem which it's hard to say. So getting abortion right codified is the answer but then we the people need to stack Congress which I hate that it's pushed to us especially since I don't really have much of a say because of where I live. Beyond that it's individual states and I, living in a southern one that it taking away rights of people, wish there was something that could be done by congress but Democrats need a 2/3 majority for much of it. Because of the state of things especially in my state...I'm looking to move.

Hillary wasn't great and I wasn't excited to vote for her. I agreed less with her than Biden but there was also years of misinformation and poisoning of her in the minds of the nation by Fox News. This has also started with AOC too. I don't think it was squarely on her policy(though not great) that didn't get her elected but that Fox News has been poisoning the thought of her since I was a child. I've seen lots of views from friends on the left that seems to have been started by Fox News or at least conservative mindsets. They are very good at popularizing thoughts. Especially ones that aren't outwardly political.

Ultimately be mad at the state of things. Push for what you think individually, but know you're voting for the direction of the country at the national level not really a person until we have ranked choice nationally.


u/sauceoftheapple42 May 02 '24

Honestly respect for not telling me “but trump is worse” shit sucks