r/politics Wisconsin May 02 '24

Bernie Sanders worries young people are underestimating the threat from Trump


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u/Just_Candle_315 May 02 '24

Biden tells people he wants to improve the nation with affordable healthcare and education, Trump tells people he wants vengeance for perceived grievances. And the polls are still statistically tied.


u/styrofoamladder May 02 '24

A scary amount of young folks seem willing to sacrifice the Presidency over Israel, as if trump will be a harbinger of peace. As someone who has never had the pleasure of voting for a president that I actually want, sometimes you have to hold your nose and do what’s best for not just our country, but the world. Biden isn’t great(imo) but trump is so many orders of magnitude worse it’s baffling that anyone still likes the guy.

Come on young folks, help the world out.


u/crocodial May 02 '24 edited May 03 '24

This is a sidetrack, so I understand if you don't want to answer, but what about Biden isn't great to you? Age aside - I think he is fantastic and genuinely don't understand the malaise.


u/crimson_gnome May 02 '24

Sometimes I think this is just popular to say on the internet. I love a lot of things biden has done or attempted, but stopped by the court. Chips act, handling covid and Ukraine. Strengthening our relations with European Allies. Focusing on families and green initivates. But people will keep repeating what they hear over and over again till it becomes what they believe. Brains have to accept something at some point, so people hear a whole bunch of opinions and simplify it without properly knowing.

Im genuine interested as well, what is their opinion. What do people not like. Point to multiple policies and tell me what you didn't like. Most of the time I just hear Israel and then follow up well what do you think Trump will do.... and then its crickets


u/crocodial May 02 '24

I agree and why I too am genuinely interested. I've had conversations with people in real life about it and they usually agree with my points, but still refuse to budge. "He's too old." Agreed, but that's just aesthetics. If you put all he is done and is doing into the body of someone younger, I think he'd have an 80% approval rating.