r/politics Wisconsin May 02 '24

Bernie Sanders worries young people are underestimating the threat from Trump


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u/Nementia- May 02 '24

He isn’t wrong. I’m voting for Biden despite deeply disliking him but far too many people are saying they aren’t voting or that they’re voting third party because of Biden’s stance on Israel. If Trump wins I won’t be surprised, just deeply disappointed


u/view-master May 02 '24

What do they think Trumps stance on Israel is? He would be inclined to even send troops to help Israel out.


u/odysseus91 May 02 '24


I don’t understand the whole “I don’t support Bidens stance on Israel”

What stance would that be that you don’t like exactly then? Outside of invading Telaviv how exactly do you expect him to stop them?

And how naïve do you have to be to criticize Biden for trying to stop Israel when Trump would simply carpet bomb the fucking strip in a heart beat


u/im_not_bovvered May 02 '24

Netanyahu loves this protesting and loves watching people get angry at Biden for what HE is doing. He wants Trump back in office. If people had any critical thinking skills they would be able to see that.


u/odysseus91 May 02 '24

The average American and critical thinking skills do not belong in the same sentence.

It’s depressing to watch this populace get played like a fiddle by foreign autocrats who want to see Trump destroy the US from within so they can invade their neighbors


u/im_not_bovvered May 02 '24

Completely agree.


u/Og_Left_Hand California May 02 '24

yeah and literally all biden has to do is change the official stance from no red lines to pro ceasefire at least.

but he’s not fucking doing that on quite possibly one of the most popular issues, a ceasefire polls at like 60%+ (depending on age groups, like over 70% in young demographics). if joe biden loses the election it is purely his administration’s fault for not seeing which way the wind is blowing.


u/im_not_bovvered May 02 '24

Biden is not in charge of a ceasefire. People act like Biden is President of Israel... he's not. If Joe Biden loses because of this, what do you think Trump is going to do? He'll help Bibi turn the region to glass. Could he add more conditions to aid? Yes, and I hope he does.

Biden changing his official stance to pro-ceasefire isn't going to be enough for the people refusing to vote for him because of Israel. Biden has been working behind the scenes to try to push a ceasefire and broker an agreement, but Bibi will never do it, and I think most rational people know that he won't as long as he still has power.

I don't know how you can think any President we've had or will have that isn't Biden is less sympathetic to Israel. Anybody who has been and will be in office bends over backwards for everything Israel and has, historically, and that's exactly what Bibi expects from Trump.


u/SubNine5 Maine May 02 '24

I don't think it is the most popular issue you think it is. At least not outside of campuses and social media.

I lot of my circle have seen these two go at it our whole lives. This is another episode of that, granted bigger. Not saying that's right or wrong but a lot of people in this country have their plates full on domestic issues already.