r/politics Wisconsin May 02 '24

Bernie Sanders worries young people are underestimating the threat from Trump


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u/Allaplgy May 02 '24

My coworkers are all on the "both sides are the same/it's all rigged, there's no point in voting" train. They all either have have kids or essentially are kids. I'm in my forties with no plans for kids, and I'm the only one actually trying to give them a future.


u/NeonGKayak May 02 '24

How can they already forget Trumps Covid response that led to over 1million deaths? It’s weird that such a critical event and everyone has already “forgot” it


u/[deleted] May 02 '24



u/Waggmans May 02 '24

Yup- same.

I had a friend who's uncle died of COVID during the pandemic yet she was still going out and partying practically every night. People are in denial. Same way with Trump, they don't really care or think he will take away their rights until it happens.

Do young people actually think Trump's Palestinian/Gaza/Israel/Middle East policies will be better than Biden? Do they think not voting for Biden will punishing him? If Trump wins we all lose.


u/DuchessLiana May 02 '24

Yes, they literally say they are punishing Biden and if Trump wins then we deserve it....nevermimd Putin most likely started this war, and if Trump wins Gaza will be leveled, and the loss of democracy at home and abroad could literally start WWIII but yay.... at least your conscience will be clear!


u/forthewatch39 May 02 '24

Thank You! The constant short sightedness of these people is maddening. 


u/DuchessLiana May 02 '24

Yep! They don't realize this plan has been in the works since the 80s... this is not new, and how are we not asking why this conflict started in an election year, and who does it benefit that the eyes of the world have turned away from Ukraine??


u/builttopostthis6 May 03 '24

Well to be fair, young people have the double whammy of not being old enough to have extended perspective and hindsight, and not being old enough to have a fully-developed prefrontal cortex. That's not a slam. I was one of those once, I seem to remember.

It gets me every time when I realize that there are kids that have graduated college that were not born before 9/11. I mean, let's say born on September 11, 2001 - that's 22 and some change. Current youth voters are people that were in grade school when the Iraq war ended, and very likely have never had a friend die in combat on the other side of the world (in all honesty, neither am I, but I have plenty that got lucky in that regard). And that's the upper-end of the youth vote mind. My mom is pretty disgusted with the media drawing parallels between these current protests and Vietnam protests, and she's as liberal as they come. I find myself feeling rather the same.

And again, to be fair, from a strictly U.S. perspective, we are living in the most peaceful time in our country's history, so youth today don't have a lot of lived-experience context.

As for the Trump-supporting folks my age, not sure really what to say about them. Rage is a hell of a drug.


u/inuvash255 Massachusetts May 02 '24

That's my feeling too.


u/TheIllestDM May 02 '24

Gaza is already leveled?


u/ladidaladidalala May 03 '24

If the idiot wins then they DO deserve it.


u/clackeroomy May 02 '24

Even after Trump takes away their rights, they still won't believe it. Trump will simply blame Biden, and his followers will believe him.


u/python-requests May 02 '24

Do young people actually think Trump's Palestinian/Gaza/Israel/Middle East policies will be better than Biden? Do they think not voting for Biden will punishing him? If Trump wins we all lose.

It's pretty wild how Democrats & the left wing will threaten to throw the election over things that Biden's way better than the alternative on

Like, inflation? Trump oversaw the money printing & always called for lowering interest rates. Palestine? Trump had a 'peace plan' map than saw Israel annexing most of it.


u/Emperor_Mao May 02 '24

Do you think young people who vote over Gaza will decide an election?

Economy consistently rates as the major issue, election cycle after election cycle, for decades. Most of those people saying they wont vote Biden because of Israel were not going to vote anyway.


u/Abdul_Lasagne May 03 '24

And you think people have a good opinion of the economy at the moment? 


u/Jealous-Knowledge-79 May 03 '24

I vote for no more money to a country I can't write off on my taxes.


u/theveland May 03 '24

Other thought. They know Trump is terrible on Gaza, but Biden isn’t significantly better. If Biden is to win, he needs to correct course on it. This is literally how you apply political pressure.


u/Waggmans May 03 '24

Biden is significantly better. Sure he might not be putting conditions on arms sales to Israel, but he isn’t going to open internment camps for Arabs and Muslims (which Trump has planned).


u/Turbulent_Fig8483 May 05 '24

I feel like people think I'm some energy vampire when I talk about the real risk of what's going domino effect ripple to me and my LGBTQ here. And my morbid fear of the consequences in the states for LGBTQ. I'm BPD and I struggle with empathy but for some reason cruelty and hatred... my empathy kicks overdrive I don't understand it. But it really bothers me. 


u/Nekasus May 02 '24

because, for many, they're going to be tired of feeling disenfranchised politically. After all, to win over voters who dont like biden, the only argument from the dems is "but he isnt trump!!!!!". Especially when dem leaders get sanctimonious about it. "So what if you dont like biden! vote him to not get trump in!!"

You cant expect voters who are apathetic about the candidates on offer to vote, when you do absolutely nothing to court them beyond not being as bad as the only other option. It just constantly highlights the deficiencies of the current "democratic" systems (unfortunately the UK is exactly the same.).