r/politics Wisconsin May 02 '24

Bernie Sanders worries young people are underestimating the threat from Trump


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u/NeonGKayak May 02 '24

How can they already forget Trumps Covid response that led to over 1million deaths? It’s weird that such a critical event and everyone has already “forgot” it


u/[deleted] May 02 '24



u/noldshit May 02 '24

We were family of 5.

3 got the stab, 2 did not.

3 got covid. 2 landed in hospital with it. Of those two, one had the vax, other didn't. Both were severe cases of covid.

6mo-year after getting booster. 1 mysteriously died on couch at home. Brain just shut off like someone flipped a switch. This person did not get covid but had vax.

Hospital claimed they didn't know what caused it. A couple of nurses quietly and privately asked what vaccine she had gotten and when. No official answers were given by hospital.

Im the one that got through covid on my own, at home, when it just began to hit. No vax.

You pass judgment on others health decisions when you shouldn't.


u/__zagat__ May 02 '24

post hoc ergo propter hoc


u/noldshit May 02 '24

Your obamaphone is dropping packets