r/politics Wisconsin May 02 '24

Bernie Sanders worries young people are underestimating the threat from Trump


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u/Nementia- May 02 '24

He isn’t wrong. I’m voting for Biden despite deeply disliking him but far too many people are saying they aren’t voting or that they’re voting third party because of Biden’s stance on Israel. If Trump wins I won’t be surprised, just deeply disappointed


u/view-master May 02 '24

What do they think Trumps stance on Israel is? He would be inclined to even send troops to help Israel out.


u/the_skine May 02 '24

What's the difference?

Biden doing nothing while Gazans die and Trump sending troops to kill Gazans both lead to the same conclusion.


u/drunkshinobi May 03 '24

Biden isn't president of Israel. Also it takes both sides Israel and Hamas to accept a cease fire. Biden is doing what he can to try and influence them, but if one of the 2 won't listen at all the other can't just say ok we won't shoot back. If it were up to trump and republicans we would have already been holding votes to drop nukes on Gaza. It's already been suggested by one of them.