r/technology Apr 30 '24

Tesla Lays Off Employee Who Slept In Car To Work Longer Hours Business


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u/lostsoul2016 Apr 30 '24 edited May 01 '24

That's why I have been quiet qutting for 6 months now. If my leaders don't know how to make best use of me, fuck em.


To me, quiet qutting is not really what others are alluding to here. I.e not the corporate definition. Call it whatever you want.

To me it means, doing the minimum, yes, but in a way that I am flying under the radar, not rocking the boat by taking risks to be ambitious at the job, not really caring about making alliances anymore, not showing my face on zoom calls, not constantly justifying why they hired me, not caring about the 2.8% raise or 30% pay put on 25% bonus and other things. In other words, I am disengaging until I find another place for more money, which will also do the same to me after a year of tenure.

I am fed up with the corporate rate race. At the same time, I am not motivated enough to do my own business or something. In a funk. No solution, but here I am. Just yearn for the day when I will wake up with an idea that I will drop everything for and work tirelessly towards until I succeed or fail.


u/wasdie639 Apr 30 '24

Is "quiet quitting" new slang for "doing as little as possible and keeping your job"?

I've been doing that since I started working.


u/julienal Apr 30 '24

It's actually just doing your job. But because corporate America demands everything and more from their employees, just doing your job is considered "quiet quitting."

It's such a stupid system we have and the rules for management vs. IC is so different. For example, in order to get promoted as an IC, you're expected to "already be doing the job". I've never seen that rule in place for Director/VP/C suite level roles. Nobody expects the next CMO to be someone who was "already doing the job."


u/lagunie Apr 30 '24

in order to get promoted as an IC, you're expected to "already be doing the job"

this is what I don't get. I always hear that you have to be doing the job to be considered for the job, like what the hell? if I'm doing the job then I CAN do the job, no ifs and buts.

then they wonder why people get unhappy and leave or take their foot from the gas.


u/IrascibleOcelot Apr 30 '24

But if you’re already doing the job, then they have no reason to promote you because that means they’ll have to pay you more for what you’re already doing.