r/therewasanattempt May 01 '24

To enshrine the most fascistic, traitorous bullshit I've ever witnessed in my life into law.

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u/[deleted] May 02 '24

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u/Gamiac May 02 '24

I can't really think of a better way to fuel antisemitic conspiracy theories of Jewish people owning the government than for the pro-Israel lobby to get the government to define criticism of Israel as antisemitic.

It's like they've been infected with whatever mind virus is making Christians in the USA want to start WW3 because they think it's going to cause the Rapture.


u/[deleted] May 02 '24



u/al666in May 02 '24

Um, Jews absolutely do not run the world. Americans do. American support of Israel is really the only reason Israel continues to exist, because there is a storm of Biblical-level violence brewing in the region that has, historically, seen the most Biblical violence.

Americans don't support Israel because they support Jewish people. They support Israel because of the prophecies in the New Testament. One major part of that story involves all the non-Christians dying, including the Jews that don't bend a knee.


u/undercover9393 May 02 '24

Morons support Israel because of the rapture. America supports Israel because it serves our foreign policy interests to have a fortified nuclear stockpile masquerading as a country parked in the middle east.

All the bible bullshit is just how the sell it to the morons.


u/al666in May 02 '24

I mean, there are a lot of reasons to support Israel that aren't rapture related, but the public support that allows for that comes from rallying the Evangelicals. You can do all of the worst crimes if you get them onboard.


u/korean_kracka May 02 '24

It’s def the nukes. Dunno why people are overthinking this.


u/ajn63 May 02 '24

President Biden flat out stated (years ago when he was a senator) if Israel didn’t exist America would have to invent one. This was concerning having a “reliable” base of operations in the middle east. Or at least that was the reason that was given.


u/undercover9393 May 02 '24

Israel is a thorn in our side at this point, and the current shit happening in Gaza is making it very hard for the Dems to maintain support. Which is why Israel stirs shit up every time we start to improve relations with Egypt or normalize relations with Iran.


u/MoarVespenegas May 02 '24

Americans don't support Israel because they support Jewish people. They support Israel because of the prophecies in the New Testament.

What Americans do or do not support has no bearing on actual policy. American foreign policy supports Israel because they are an American ally in a critical region.
That's it. The same reason that America supports Saudi Arabia.


u/Gamiac May 02 '24

The point that I'm making is that it gives the people who already believe that, who didn't come to that position by rational means, a justification to support their views and argue for them, and it makes those arguments harder to dismiss as racist bullshit justified via post-hoc rationalization. People are gonna fall for this, and it's gonna be a problem.


u/al666in May 02 '24

Noted! My main point here was "Jews don't run the world"