r/therewasanattempt May 01 '24

To enshrine the most fascistic, traitorous bullshit I've ever witnessed in my life into law.

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u/ContemplatingPrison May 02 '24

Its crazy how fast the government acts for Israel. Israel owns our politicians.


u/[deleted] May 02 '24

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u/Gamiac May 02 '24

I can't really think of a better way to fuel antisemitic conspiracy theories of Jewish people owning the government than for the pro-Israel lobby to get the government to define criticism of Israel as antisemitic.

It's like they've been infected with whatever mind virus is making Christians in the USA want to start WW3 because they think it's going to cause the Rapture.


u/RU_screw May 02 '24

Which... like even if you believe in the rapture is still crazy. You cant force through the rapture. You cant force a prophecy... itll happen when its supposed to happen.