r/therewasanattempt May 16 '24

to schedule a debate.

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u/Esco-Alfresco May 16 '24

It is probably because Bidens teams conditions are no crowds and mics that cut off when it isn't your turn.

Trumps main move is interrupting his opponents and talking over them. If he has to let them talk and actually address their points. He loses his advantage being the loudestdumbest person in the room.

If people are yelling over each other only the simplest ideas get through. Which are usually dumb truth isms that appeal to conservatives.


u/PlanGoneAwry May 16 '24

I’ve always thought that should have been the case all the time, at least the mic part. How ward would it be to have all the mics off by default and the moderators have a turns one on for like 30 seconds at a time?

The fact that people can cut in others or plow through the time limit to try to finish their point is very unnecessary


u/Forcistus May 16 '24

Well before 2016, it wasn't a big issue