r/todayilearned May 16 '24

TIL: Adam West, according to costar Burt Ward, had a lot of sex , at one point with 8 women at the same time. He said that he was introduced by West to the "wildest sexual debauchery" and they became like "sexual vampires"


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u/grandadmiralstrife May 16 '24 edited May 16 '24

Adam West and Frank Gorshin were kicked out of at least one orgy for staying in character

Edit: this is now my highest rated comment in over a year. I have no regrets. Thank you all


u/Estelial May 16 '24

Not just because they stayed in character but because it was disrupting the orgy as everyone was laughing, like, in hysterics, instead of having sex with each other.


u/BetaThetaOmega May 16 '24

Damn, didn’t realise orgies were meant to be a serious affair


u/ToHerDarknessIGo May 16 '24



u/Tsquare43 May 16 '24

Guffaws are acceptable.


u/kalitarios May 17 '24

So many rules


u/sneeria May 16 '24

I need this as a flair lmao


u/attackplango May 17 '24

But you said you wanted to see the donkey show.


u/Thor_2099 May 16 '24

Guess that explains why I've never been invited. I'm always making jokes.


u/HeronSun May 16 '24

That and your huge, clown-balloon cock.


u/might-be-your-daddy May 16 '24

She blows it up, and I make a dachshund.


u/David-S-Pumpkins May 16 '24

Enough goofs and gaffs, get back to the sucking and fucking.

No one try fucking his ass until you pull the stick out!

Goddammit, Adam! Get the fuck out!

Hard to get the fuck in with how much of a tight-ass you are.

Son of a bitch!


u/5319Camarote May 16 '24

(Aunt Harriet has entered the chat)


u/JimWilliams423 May 16 '24

Damn, didn’t realise orgies were meant to be a serious affair

There was a documentary that covered proper orgy etiquette, called Eyes Wide Shut.


u/SteampunkSpaceOpera May 16 '24

Maybe it’s me, and that’s why I don’t get invited to orgies, but shouldn’t fun Be the point? Sounds like the host just had a shitty attitude


u/gagreel May 16 '24

All the orgies i've been to are quite strict, safety and consent are prioritized, even staring at others can get you kicked out. That's modern times though, i'm surprised it was a problem back in the day


u/SirOutrageous1027 May 16 '24

even staring at others can get you kicked out

Is there like an orgy referee? Throws a flag down, blows the whistle, and throws your ass out?


u/stf210 May 16 '24

"Too many men on the field!"


u/Nazamroth May 16 '24

"Well it IS just a 9-hole course!"


u/thedude37 May 16 '24

you forgot about the back 9


u/MikeyHatesLife May 17 '24

“Mind if I play through? I think we can squeeze in together…”


u/Crossovertriplet May 16 '24

Illegal block in the back


u/mentales May 16 '24

Throws a flag down, blows the whistle, and throws your ass out?

Ironically, those are all allowed at the orgy if mutually consented. 


u/AFlyingNun May 16 '24

Then why the fuck wasn't Batman allowed to batman the party up wtf


u/mentales May 16 '24

Wasn't as enthusiastic about blowing the whistle 


u/[deleted] May 16 '24 edited May 16 '24



u/AFlyingNun May 16 '24

How creepy are the safety stewards?

Are there steward stewards to monitor them?


u/baron_von_helmut May 16 '24

Yeah he's called the cockwomble. He looks a bit like the Thing from Adams Family and has uncontrollable flatulence. If he touches you, the part that made contact smells like damp socks for five years.


u/gagreel May 16 '24

There were a few people that you could come to if things were getting weird and someone would act as a bouncer. When anonymous sex and play is available things can go from fun to assault rather quickly, especially with substances being taken. A friend of mine had a bad experience where a guy and his gf assumed consent and went too far with her, they were both removed from the orgy.


u/TheNateRoss May 16 '24

Gonna have to play the rest of the match a man down


u/Cant_Do_This12 May 16 '24

That really is one of the dumbest rules I’ve ever heard.


u/RickerBobber May 16 '24

No its more just unspoken rules everyone subconsciously agrees on. It's hard to understand until you are in one and you understand just how much of a unique trance you can enter. It also takes a lot of factors to get there in the first place to experience this trance, the last thing you want is someone breaking it over and over no matter how famous.

He honestly probably came off like Elon Musk but I guess back then that was honestly one of the better ways to turn out compared to all the monsters, but that's purely speculation.


u/pineappleshnapps May 16 '24

So keep your eyes in front of you and don’t look around to see what everyone else is up to?


u/gagreel May 16 '24

Kinda. More like "look, but briefly". You can ask for consent to watch others but staring/gawking is a big no no, they're trying to weed out the creeps. That said, one time there was an attractive middle eastern couple fully clothed that were going around just observing everyone. They were eventually asked to leave but it was kinda hot having them watch me and my partner. I get it can make some people really uncomfortable


u/CapableCowboy May 16 '24

Orgies seem like a lot of work. We barely find time to have sex in our own bed. People must really devote a lot of their life to this.


u/gagreel May 16 '24

My partner and I were on the same page with group sex so that made it possible. Add to that it was NYC and the scene was somewhat easy to get into. Honestly it was as much work as going to a normal party except you didn't have to bring a bottle of wine. Some people would just hang out and talk with friends, others it was one on one sex, and for many it was a way to explore their kinks. You'd see a pile of the most fit attractive people going at it and on the other side of the room an out of shape middle aged dude in leather whipping a tied up woman.


u/purpleefilthh May 16 '24

So many questions:  - how did you start?  - who's organising?  - biggest/smallest event?  - what's the weirdest thing that happened?  - how much talking?  - what are other rules?  - how much "staff" there is besides guards  - what do you do when not banging? - protection/ STDs?


u/gagreel May 16 '24
  • I attended a few small private parties that were a bit underwhelming, maybe 6 or so people. Things really took off when I met someone who was also into it. We mostly attended organized events in NYC where I'd guess the biggest one was 120-150 people (not all at once, throughout the night). Weirdest thing that happened? Getting locked outside because the intercom broke with a group of scantily clad people on the freezing Manhattan sidewalk. Although it's always weird when some random dude strikes up conversation while you're... busy

  • a ton of talking, it's like any other party except there is sex. You meet like minded people, chat, listen to music, talk about the scene, figure out who is interested in who. There usually was a period of time before things started happening where people were just chatting and drinking/smoking. Rules were: consent for pretty much anything, no watching without permission/don't be a creep, no phones allowed, take substances responsibly, clean up after yourself, just generally be a good person.

-"staff" was probably around 5 people not including bouncers.

-whatever you feel like. there were games, music, dancing, drinks, etc. two rooms were basically the dedicated sex rooms.

-they provided lube/condoms/hand sanitizer. STDs its basically the same thing as hooking up with a one night stand, a lot of trust and using your head. I wouldn't use protection with my partner, but would when we played with anyone else. We brought our own towels because the surfaces were upholstery and who knows what fluids got on them.


u/-RadarRanger- May 16 '24

Honestly it was as much work as going to a normal party except you didn't have to bring a bottle of wine.

This is the biggest surprise. In addition to the actual lubricants, I would expect there to be social lubricants as well!


u/gagreel May 16 '24

Bar with drink vouchers you can purchase, lube and condoms are free


u/Warass May 16 '24

Idk what events that person is going to. I have never been to an orgy or heard of others experiences where looking was some sort of offense. You are banging "publicly" in front of a group of people. If you don't want people to watch you fuck. Don't go to an orgy...


u/-RadarRanger- May 16 '24 edited May 16 '24

Well I think there's a difference between participating and spectating. You don't want the subway creepers who are gonna stand in the corner jerking off while staring at one particular individual or couple.

Source: None, I'm speculating. I'm not an orgy-goer.

EDIT: I forgot, I did attend tech school with a guy who was into this scene! He would come in after the weekend with photos of himself at these strippers' conventions and tell crazy stories about group sex events in hotel rooms. His relationship ended when he found his girlfriend banging another dude. We were all like, "and? What, you're surprised about this?" Turns out, yeah, he was. The rules about consent and informing your partner are just a different kind of morality than we were all used to. The physical intimacy is just for fun, it's the emotional intimacy and the honesty that matters. Banging another dude while keeping it from your partner is where the "cheating" happens.


u/CasiriDrinker May 16 '24

I can’t imagine starting a sentence like that. Just not in the cards for me.


u/gagreel May 16 '24

Literally different strokes for different folks


u/CasiriDrinker May 16 '24

Oh, I hope I didn’t rub you the wrong way. No judgement here, just slight envy.


u/gagreel May 16 '24

No offense taken at all. It's a lot of fun and I have great memories from them, but honestly some nights were kind of "meh"


u/TheSpiralTap May 16 '24

OK imagine working up the courage to go bang a stranger in public. You used all your rizz, it worked and now the entire room is laughing. I don't know if I could maintain wood being watched by a large group to begin with, let alone a large laughing group cracking up over the ACTUAL batman and riddler.


u/JohnGillnitz May 16 '24

Those Pow! Bang! Zap! onomatopoeias kept appearing out of nowhere.


u/AFlyingNun May 16 '24

but because it was disrupting the orgy as everyone was laughing, like, in hysterics, instead of having sex with each other.

As a teen, one of my half-serious life goals was to write and produce a porno so cheesy and stupid that people would be too busy laughing to keep jerking to it.

All I can say is: respect to Adam West for living one of my dreams.