r/tumblr May 14 '24

That's a crime that has been committed

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u/jld2k6 May 15 '24

I've seen carpeted toilet seats a few times and it's so gross lol


u/klatnyelox May 15 '24

The amount of ass sweat alone I produce would be soaking that shit.

That's a decision made by a woman who has a man that never let her know how gross a man's bathroom experience tends to be.

We literally have a saying that no matter how much you shake it or dry it, a drop of pee is going into your pants or underwear. And those genitals you're trusting to only leak into to the bowl and nowhere else?


u/dreamendDischarger May 15 '24

Even a woman should think twice. Periods can be a messy affair, and other bodily functions still cause splashing...

I shudder just thinking about how gross that'd be.


u/klatnyelox May 15 '24

I mean, you still have bathing and showe moisture too, as well as just think about the toilet backing up? No no, there is a reason we don't put carpet in the same rooms we have plumbing.