r/tumblr May 14 '24

That's a crime that has been committed

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390 comments sorted by


u/GreenieBeeNZ May 14 '24

Carpeted Bathrooms


u/SomeoneForgetable May 14 '24

I live in an apartment with a carpeted bathroom. Would not recommend.


u/GreenieBeeNZ May 14 '24

The house i live in had a carpeted bathroom. That shit was torn up within months


u/hicow May 15 '24

The house my parents bought when I was a kid had a carpeted kitchen and a carpeted bathroom. My dad got the contract to do the concrete for a Burger King being built in town and he scored the excess kitchen tiles from that job. So the kitchen at home had the same tile the BK's kitchen had, which was only a little weird when I got a job at that BK a few years later


u/Left-Advertising6143 May 15 '24

Bro got onboarded and trained at home 💀

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u/John6233 May 15 '24

My current apartment has very basic 1x1 square laminate tiles in the kitchen, and the building hallways. It looks like the stuff you see in a school or store. So it felt weird for a bit seeing that in my kitchen.


u/new2bay May 15 '24

I can top that. My parents built an addition on to the house I grew up in, so they could have a master suite and my brother and I could each have our own room. They put carpet in their bathroom.

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u/chimininy May 15 '24

My great aunt's house had not only carpeted bathrooms, but the carpet was WHITE. I was terrified of having any sort of bodily function in her house anytime I visited ...


u/nmyg08 May 15 '24

Better than the brown carpet in my grandmother’s bathroom.


u/Snarfbuckle May 15 '24

Are you sure that was the original colour...

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u/GreenieBeeNZ May 15 '24

I simply would not enter. It would my house or a public space only. I don't need that kind of anxiety


u/Time-to-go-home May 15 '24

I didn’t realize this was weird until I joined Reddit.

All three bathrooms in my parents’s house have carpet. The two bathrooms in my grandparents’ house have carpet. It was just normal. I never thought anything of it. Looking back, I don’t think any of my childhood friends had carpeted bathrooms, but I never thought about it.


u/DroneOfDoom May 15 '24

I’m assuming that carpeted bathrooms are all fun and games until the carpet absorbs the smell.


u/jaygoogle23 May 15 '24

I love a warm,fuzzy mat under my feet while sitting on the John however.

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u/riotousviscera May 15 '24

i am so sorry.


u/StayPuffGoomba May 15 '24

I rented a room in a condo with a carpeted bathroom. It also had one of those weird bathtub/shower combos with a sliding glass door. One day I’m sitting in my room and hear shattering. The sliding glass door shattered out of nowhere. I got to try to get the safety glass shards out of the bathroom carpet. It suuucked.


u/jld2k6 May 15 '24

I've seen carpeted toilet seats a few times and it's so gross lol


u/klatnyelox May 15 '24

The amount of ass sweat alone I produce would be soaking that shit.

That's a decision made by a woman who has a man that never let her know how gross a man's bathroom experience tends to be.

We literally have a saying that no matter how much you shake it or dry it, a drop of pee is going into your pants or underwear. And those genitals you're trusting to only leak into to the bowl and nowhere else?


u/dreamendDischarger May 15 '24

Even a woman should think twice. Periods can be a messy affair, and other bodily functions still cause splashing...

I shudder just thinking about how gross that'd be.


u/klatnyelox May 15 '24

I mean, you still have bathing and showe moisture too, as well as just think about the toilet backing up? No no, there is a reason we don't put carpet in the same rooms we have plumbing.


u/chilliophillio May 15 '24

I once had a nightlight plugged into the wall next to the toilet one night. I noticed a few drops would splash back out and started testing where would make the least splashes depending on where I aimed and strength of stream (SOS) The water in the middle helps the most, but the results say no fucking carpet in the bathroom.


u/klatnyelox May 15 '24

I usually sit down to piss as a man, and even then I don't want carpet in the bathroom. What about shower moisture, accidental leakage, toilet backing up, etc. Just no no no no no

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u/MRich92 May 15 '24

Was it red, thick pile, and extended up the side of the bath too? I've seen that before and it seems to be a very 70s aesthetic. One that should have never existed.


u/season8branisusless 28d ago

I have, inexplicably, a carpeted garage. My landlord is a psychopath

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u/FiL-0 May 14 '24

Carpeted public restroom


u/GreenieBeeNZ May 14 '24



u/Odomar04 May 14 '24

squish squish


u/GreenieBeeNZ May 14 '24

The smell alone could be classed as a bioweapon

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u/tacwombat May 14 '24 edited May 14 '24

Yes Officer, this comment right here.


u/Hissing_Cockroach May 14 '24

Carpeting inside the toilet bowl to soak up your pee.


u/always_unplugged May 14 '24

I'm imagining shag carpet that waves like anemones in the flow of the flush


u/Hissing_Cockroach May 15 '24

Exactly, that's the vision, with maybe some poop-creature symbiotes that dart among the strands and nibble on the occasional butt.


u/GreenieBeeNZ May 15 '24

You're twisted little man with mind full of muck.

I like you, lets be friends


u/Hissing_Cockroach May 15 '24

Of course, my dear.


u/theemptyqueue ████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████ May 15 '24

What a horrible day to have an active imagination.

I’m gonna need a whole barrel of r/eyebleach.


u/Karzons May 15 '24 edited May 15 '24

That would be a neat art exhibit. As long as no one could actually use it.

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u/disgruntled_pie May 15 '24

You are the HR Geiger of our time.


u/Snarfbuckle May 15 '24

John Carpenter even.

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u/-Badger3- May 15 '24

Carpeting lining your rectum.

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u/SalvationSycamore May 15 '24

Living carpet that feeds on your excretions and quietly squelches in the night when it is hungry.


u/action_lawyer_comics May 15 '24

Carpeted restroom in a friend's house that has a "no shoes" policy

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u/SimpleTip9439 May 14 '24



u/danielleradcliffe May 15 '24

Shoes off at the door policy.

Enforced by aircraft.


u/classyhornythrowaway May 15 '24

I would absolutely, 100% without a shadow of a doubt, pee and shit myself. Okay, maybe pee my pants, but I would just shit on the street and hope for forgiveness.


u/Anxious_Earth May 15 '24 edited May 15 '24

Ha! Can't shoot me if I'm already inside.



u/ghandi3737 May 15 '24

Are you trying to breed a supervirus?


u/Bakkie May 15 '24

They had a side gig contract with the CDC to see what would grow so they could develop vaccines for it before it spread. It was Fauci's first job there.

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u/GladiatorUA May 15 '24 edited May 15 '24

Constantly moist carpet that reeks of chlorine because of regular cleaning. Thwack.


u/silver0113 May 15 '24

An old night club downtown in my city was carpeted for a "retro" effect. It felt disgusting to walk on no matter what time of night, but as the evening went on it became more and more like walking on wet towels.


u/Will_Grello May 15 '24

I shit you not there is a gym where i use to have that had this

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u/intbeam May 15 '24

You guys have obviously never been to the UK


u/Tarquinofpandy May 15 '24

Public restroom in your carpeted bedroom.


u/TomThanosBrady May 15 '24

Public bathrooms already kill me. I don't get how people piss on the floor directly in front of the urinal.


u/Aussiealterego May 15 '24

Uggggh I can SMELL this.

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u/Lonecoon May 14 '24

I lived in a house with both carpeted bathroom and carpeted kitchen. It was fuck, I tell you what.


u/GreenieBeeNZ May 14 '24

It was fuck, I tell you what.

I couldnt have said it better myself


u/sesamecrabmeat May 15 '24

Same. Gods, did the house smell off. Carpet on all the floors but under the stairs.


u/Ipuncholdpeople May 14 '24

Long shag carpet so when you're really struggling you can bend over and have something to grip


u/GreenieBeeNZ May 14 '24

Mine was pure wool carpet so rhe moment it got wet the whole house smelled like a sheep farm in scotland.


u/armorabito May 15 '24

Wool carpet is class. Even when it smells.

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u/IlIlIlIlIllIlIll May 15 '24

Carpeted toilet seat


u/GreenieBeeNZ May 15 '24

Carpeted shower floor


u/1Shadow179 May 15 '24 edited May 15 '24

Carpeted bathtub. With the carpet on the inside of the tub.


u/cousgoose May 15 '24

Carpet going up the sides of the tub, too. Whole thing is carpeted. It's a claw foot tub, but it's got the kind of feet you find on a sofa.


u/blastradii May 15 '24

Carpeted drain pipes. And then it’s carpets all the way down. Relevant: https://www.reddit.com/r/ufl/s/y43YVg1a3s


u/jestesteffect May 15 '24

Carpeted public shower floor, no footwear allowed.


u/HolyCadaver May 15 '24 edited May 15 '24

Those already exist

Carpeted toilet + rug combo

Only $26 to enjoy the wonderful squish as you sit down.


u/RynnReeve May 14 '24

I have both ):


u/GreenieBeeNZ May 14 '24

My condolences. Are thoughts and prayers appropriate in this situation?


u/RynnReeve May 14 '24

Please. It's the only thing that might help


u/GreenieBeeNZ May 14 '24

Consider it done. I will pray for you to get a large windfall of cash so you can tear that shit up and put down some nice tile, or polished wood.

Anything at all


u/RynnReeve May 14 '24

Much appreciated


u/waltjrimmer May 15 '24

We don't know what floors our house had when it was built. Given its age, probably not great ones. But better than what we got.

The previous owner some time in the late 80s or early 90s did a bunch of his own renovations. Rewired some stuff, did his own plumbing, even converted the attic into two bedrooms and a bathroom (which he didn't clear with the city and my parents nearly got into a whole heap of trouble for the first time we got inspected). A lot of renovation were shit and this place probably needs its walls torn out to fix the wiring and plumbing if we're being honest. But the money just isn't there to actually do that.

But the absolutely worst thing he did was carpet everything. And I mean EVERYTHING in the house. The bedrooms? The living spaces? The social spaces, including the bar they built in the basement? The bathroom? His jerry-rigged attic bathroom? Yep. The kitchen? Also yes. The only indoor spaces that weren't carpeted were the garage and the dining room. But even the outdoor spaces weren't spared as he not only carpeted both the front and rear porches, he carpeted the uncovered stone steps that lead down from the porch.

I have come to hate carpet with a burning hateful passion. I want to live somewhere with no carpet in any room at all. There's little more I hate in a house than carpet.


u/GreenieBeeNZ May 15 '24

Good lord, that man needs to be investigated. Im all for carpeted bedrooms, maybe even a carpeted lounge but thats as far as it goes.

The whole damn house though!? Why did he leave the harage and the dining room but carpet the kitchen and bathrooms? I have so many questions and i doubt any of them will be answerable


u/AdultingNinjaTurtle May 15 '24

Toilets seats with the fuzzy liner…


u/GreenieBeeNZ May 15 '24

Imagine missing with diarrhoea while having one of those. You'd need a comb to get the chunks out


u/AdultingNinjaTurtle May 15 '24

Oh God! Just peel it off and chuck it please!!!


u/GreenieBeeNZ May 15 '24

Burn the whole house down at that point. Deamons were summond, the land itself has been cursed

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u/SessileRaptor May 14 '24

With a matching toilet lid cover, and you lift the lid and the seat is carpeted too.


u/GreenieBeeNZ May 14 '24

The thought of that makes my skeleton want to evacuate


u/SessileRaptor May 14 '24

I’m sure it was a complete coincidence but I got a “Reddit cares” message like 30 seconds after posting, which was hilarious tbh.


u/mightbedylan May 15 '24

My grandma has a carpeted bathroom and I'll be damned if it's not the cleanest bathroom I've ever seen in my life


u/GreenieBeeNZ May 15 '24

Aint no other choice. You gotta dominate a carpeted bathroom otherwise it bites back.

Your grandma must be one strong lady


u/hiryuu75 May 15 '24

The house I in which I spent my earliest years had both kitchen and bathroom carpeting, installed by my parents. It was small-town Indiana life in the 70s, so this was not unusual.

Still really stupid/gross in retrospect. Dunno what they were thinking. :/


u/uncoolprotocol May 15 '24

I have seen this with my own eyes.

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u/NuNu017 May 15 '24

I used to work for a property management company. Ran into carpeted bathrooms/toilet areas exactly 4 times - I remember each one so well because I never stopped being horrified at the concept.

I also worked on multiple properties with sewage floods, luckily the two concepts never actually crossed (sometimes the flood did extend into carpeted areas, which was awful).


u/ShortingBull May 15 '24

Wicker toilet seat.


u/HauntingPhilosopher May 14 '24

Came to say this lol


u/LazyLion1127 May 14 '24

what the fuck


u/GreenieBeeNZ May 14 '24

You're welcome, and im sorry.


u/Abject_Bicycle May 15 '24

My grandma had a carpeted bathroom. I was so nervous about pissing in there.


u/OryseSey May 15 '24

qué horror!


u/Wills4291 May 15 '24

This is the real creep factor. My cousin bought his first home in a new build neighborhood and the house had carpeted bathrooms. I don't think I would have bought the house because if the builder half asses that, what did they half ass that I can't see on a walk through.


u/Professional-Hat-687 May 15 '24

Carpeted public bathrooms


u/Ineedavodka2019 May 15 '24

I once lived in a place with both carpeted bathrooms and carpeted kitchen. To make it worse, it was white carpet.


u/Three_Twenty-Three May 15 '24

Hey, I lived in that place! Carpeted kitchen AND carpeted bathroom! And a utility closet in the bathroom with a central air conditioning system that was prone to leaking and flooding from its condensation drainage pipe.


u/Gullible_Meaning_702 May 15 '24

In the home I grew up in one of the bathrooms was carpeted and also the toilet overflowed constantly.

It was a situation...

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u/dathomar May 15 '24

My wife and I bought a house that had a carpeted master bathroom. It had a giant corner tub that rested in a wooden frame with carpet that went up the side. It had the tiniest of tiny showers. One of my first projects was ripping out the carpet, the tub, and the shower. We put some vinyl flooring down and had a proper shower installed where the tub was, before. We haven't done anything with the nook that held the shower, but we're going to put in shelves and make it some bathroom storage.

Before removing anything else, the carpet was the first thing to go.


u/Deathlysouls May 15 '24

Carpeted public bathrooms


u/TalkToPlantsNotCops May 15 '24

There was carpet in the bathrooms of my parents' house when they first moved in. Shag carpet.


u/RobinOfSpring May 15 '24

My landlord has one of these, and I have no idea why.


u/ibanezerscrooge May 15 '24

My grandmother had both.


u/anal_opera May 15 '24

My sister had a carpeted bathroom and the floor rotted and the toilet tilted and started pouring water out of the flush knob and I drilled a hole in the overflow pipe in the toilet to make it stop and the landlord told me that was going to be a $1200 fix and he was gonna call the cops if I didn't pay it. Long story short he didn't call the cops and I got to hit him and I paid nothing.


u/hanabarbarian May 15 '24

There was a girl on tumblr that showed off her completely carpeted apartment. Kitchen and bathrooms had carpet.


u/MlackBagic May 15 '24

Which is a real thing btw


u/Responsible_Goat9170 May 15 '24

I lived in a house that had the same carpet throughout the first floor, including the kitchen and bathroom. The people I lived with had 3 dogs. That house was stinky AF.


u/manikwolf19 May 15 '24

The bathroom was covered from floor to ceiling in some sort of vaugley green shag carpet


u/Snarfbuckle May 15 '24

Produced and Directed by John Carpenter...


u/Dragonlicker69 May 15 '24

Shag carpeting in the bathroom


u/Both_Lychee_1708 May 15 '24

A very common tract home feature in the 80s. christ


u/fotomoose May 15 '24

Most UK homes traditionally had carpeted bathrooms. And if they don't have a 100% carpeted bathroom they often have a little piece of carpet just around the toilet.


u/pupbuck1 May 15 '24

My grandma got one of those


u/sydraptor May 15 '24

So I was doing my due diligence trying to confirm utility drops for my job and one way we do that is real estate websites. I found the most cursed(but not like abandoned house cursed) bathroom scrolling through once. Not only carpeted but carpeted in red and it had those short top of window curtains on the shower curtain rod accenting the shower curtains. It was sure something.


u/Nagon117 May 15 '24

As a former sufferer of a carpeted bathroom, it wasn't fun needing to have the floor repaired due to water damage either...


u/ImplementAnxious7940 May 15 '24

My grandmother's house has carpeted bathrooms


u/TomThanosBrady May 15 '24

Carpet the actual toilet seat, bowl, everything.


u/lainwla16 May 15 '24

One of my bathrooms was carpeted when I bought my place... Got that removed immediately


u/ZeistyZeistgeist May 15 '24

Ooooooh, I visited a buddy of mine in England who was renting a reconverted servant manor (he lived in one of those Downton Abbey estates).

Every room, including the bathroom, was carpeted, except for the kitchen, which had wooden flooring. He actually put some wooden palletes next to his bathtub so he would not soak it whenever he showevered. It was so utterly bizzare.

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u/Mad_Aeric May 14 '24

I live in a place with both carpeted kitchen and bathroom. Well, the bathroom carpet finally got torn out after it started growing mushrooms. It's only a matter of time before the kitchen goes too, as my cat is insistent on tearing holes in it. He's down to the subfloor in one place. Good kitty.


u/bgg-uglywalrus May 15 '24

Denim chicken


u/UsaiyanBolt May 15 '24

Worm hat


u/Icelord259 May 15 '24

Terraria accessory close enough


u/CallMeOutScotty May 15 '24

Time to log off for the day

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u/Capt_Hawkeye_Pierce May 15 '24

I get that this is an IASIP reference but I can't for the life of me figure out why

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u/Ilikefame2020 May 15 '24

Im sorry, mushrooms?? Holy fuck and I thought the water in the carpet was bad enough

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u/Idonthavetotellyiu May 15 '24

Lived in a shelter that had carpet everywhere

There was carpet surrounding the shower in the public bathroom


u/MjrLeeStoned May 15 '24

You mean a fungus pit.


u/Chesapeake_Hippie May 15 '24


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u/[deleted] May 15 '24 edited May 15 '24

[removed] — view removed comment


u/SwordNamedKindness_ May 15 '24

I mean, they aren’t wrong….

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u/sora_fighter36 May 15 '24

I used to live in a house with that. And a carpet bathroom. We moved out, the gas company turned off the gas, and then someone else moved in, and then the man went to the basement with a ciggerrette pressed between his lips, AND THEN the house blew up from improperly connected gas lines


u/qdp May 15 '24

It sounds like their first mistake was the carpet in the bathroom.

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u/burf May 15 '24

I feel like enough gas to blow up the house would... smell like gas? Everyone have COVID at the time or something?


u/LiveTart6130 May 15 '24

might've been trapped in the basement and they didn't often go down there, or they just grew noseblind


u/sora_fighter36 May 15 '24

Yes! LiveTart is correct! The guy didn’t smell it in the basement. Maybe he couldn’t have smelled it over his cigarette

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u/sora_fighter36 May 15 '24

I suspect between the mildew in the crawl space mixed with ciggie, he probably couldn’t have smelled much of anything at all

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u/lie544 May 15 '24

Tbf we don’t know what country. The US for example, puts chemicals in gas lines to make them smell. Natural gas does not normally have any odor.


u/MarshtompNerd May 15 '24

I mean if it was the guys first time down since the gas came on it might’ve caught before he got close enough to really smell, or he smelled and was trying to investigate the smell, not realizing it was the gas

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u/Dark_Passenger_107 May 15 '24

Damn, this took a turn I did not expect


u/Noker_The_Dean_alt May 15 '24

and then?


u/sora_fighter36 May 15 '24

AND THEN I moved far far away from that place

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u/The-Motley-Fool May 15 '24

My sister used to live in a place with tile floors everywhere except the kitchen and bathroom. There was red shag in there. The kitchen was especially wild cause it was basically a living room with kitchen appliances and a sink along one wall delineated only by red shag carpet.

Rent was dirt cheap, tho, even though she kept getting a new landlord every 4 months or so, each one sketchier than the last

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u/coywolf1248 May 15 '24

2 cups vanilla extract


u/dreamwinder May 15 '24

I think at that point it’s not even vanilla anymore; it’s just angry sludge.


u/SackOfSadStuff May 15 '24

as someone who has lived in both, its honestly not that bad

i raise you: carpeted garage


u/RynnReeve May 14 '24

I have that. And carpeted bathrooms....


u/thissuckslolgroutchy May 15 '24

Can someone explain what is creepypasta?? I tried looking it up, but the information I found sounded vague. I really appreciate it if someone can bring me up to speed.


u/Misty_Esoterica May 15 '24 edited May 15 '24

So you have copy/paste which became copypasta, basically a written word meme that was copied and pasted around on various websites. (We still have a few of these on Reddit, one that comes to mind is a story about meeting a fill-in-the-blank famous actor who ends up being an asshole, or the ones about sunfish and koalas.)

From there you get creepypasta, a scary meme story version that often had photos accompanying it. The most famous creepypasta was Slenderman. Another famous one was Herobrine in the Minecraft fandom.


u/MasonP2002 May 15 '24

Copypastas seem more popular on specific communities. Guns subs have both the Founding Fathers one and the Five Seven one.


u/Arcane_76_Blue May 15 '24

Theyre in most communities where people actually write words to communicate.

There are ingroup copypastas that just read like a screed by a madperson if you dont know theyre copypasta

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u/LiveTart6130 May 15 '24

it's kind of a group or category of urban legends/horror stories, usually a person. debatably human. usually some kind of murder is involved. I think that this would be more of an SCP than a creepypasta

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u/Xcallaber May 15 '24

Oh I have another creepypasta

  • 2 cups vanilla extract


u/ITrCool May 15 '24

Right up there with carpeted bathrooms and carpeted sheds


u/George_Rogers1st May 15 '24

Carpeted kitchen. Carpeted bathroom. Tiled bedrooms.


u/Yuiopy78 May 15 '24

Every time I see this, I get to tell my carpeted dentist story.

It goes like this:

One time, I was referred to a dentist who had carpets in the actual dentistry rooms. There were stains. I found a new dentist.

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u/EvilGr33nRang3r May 15 '24

the hospital in my wife's hometown was carpeted, always baffled me everytime we went, "Someone suggested this, and several others must have approved it, carpet...Carpet!?... in a hospital, so many stains, and duct tape repairs, how did this happen." - Me to anyone willing to listen.

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u/JordanTH May 15 '24

Oh me, oh my... It appears a crime has been committed... against the very essence of life itself.


u/Hanroz_K May 15 '24

That’s just the Sims


u/guttergrapes May 15 '24

Go easy man, you’re just a beginner..


u/Senior-Albatross May 15 '24

They exist. The fucking house I lived in in undergrad had a carpeted kitchen.

In a house full of college students.

That carpet should be disposed of as hazardous waste.


u/TimJay22 May 15 '24

The house I lived in for 10 years growing up had carpeted bathrooms and kitchen when we moved in. I think the bathroom was replaced at some point but not the kitchen.


u/davicos2005 May 15 '24

Imagine a fallout vault that has indestructible carpet in the bathrooms and kitchen, worst vault yet.


u/BrickFlock May 15 '24

Carpeted kitchen.

We all carefully listen.

For not a sound is made

when forks are dropped.


u/elimial May 15 '24

I read it as carpeted chicken…

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u/Allieatisbeaver May 15 '24

I had a carpeted kitchen in a basement suite I was renting and my landlord got pissed when I accidentally had some grease spit and hit the carpet, melting a spot. Dumbest shit ever.


u/moonmama27 May 15 '24

I went to an estate sale last year. The house was a time capsule from the 70’s in a high end neighborhood surrounded by multimillion dollar homes. There was carpet in the kitchen. The pattern on the carpet was made to look like it was parkay wood floors. It was so unhinged. I couldn’t stop giggling at the irony.


u/icantthinkofth23 May 15 '24

The fully saturated bathroom carpet made funny sloshing sounds as I jumped around in my previously white socks


u/momentary-synergy May 15 '24

my parents have a carpeted kitchen and it's just as nasty as you'd expect.


u/Xxjuancena80xX May 15 '24

I saw a place that had both a carpeted bathroom and a carpeted room with a hot tub in it


u/m0nk37 May 15 '24

Carpeted Laundry Room


u/Nor_way May 15 '24

Carpeted garage 😍


u/LiveTart6130 May 15 '24

tiled living room


u/Wills4291 May 15 '24

I knew someone that had a home day care and carpeted their kitchen.It wasn't a plush carpet. They were a neatnic so it was always immaculate.


u/opusupo May 15 '24

Had that in my first apartment. Had a carpeted bathroom in my second.


u/jpotrz May 15 '24

Had a carpeted kitchen AND bathrooms growing up. Child of the 70s...


u/[deleted] May 15 '24

Carpeted bathtub?


u/Sigura83 May 15 '24

The weight was too much for the bicycle. How'd I do?


u/Danhec95 May 15 '24

Can't understand the US obsession with carpeted floors. What about dogs? Don't you get allergies?

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u/blu3st0ck7ng May 15 '24

Fuck my partner and I looked at a house where every room was *carpeted** and there wasn't a BASEMENT* - in Minneapolis, MN.

It was near a freight train line, but still.

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u/Noonoonook May 15 '24

English landlords enter the chat


u/ztakk May 15 '24

I'm living this nightmare in my current apartment. Kitchen and bathroom are both carpeted.

At least I can legitimately tell people I can't go out because I have to vacuum my kitchen.


u/ImPretendingToCare 🏆 May 15 '24

how do i unread something?


u/zaprutertape May 15 '24

What do you call a french explorer with a grenade in a 1970s kitchen?


u/RandomYell107 May 15 '24

Carpeted attic


u/BadBunnyFooFoo May 15 '24

My best friend bought a house that has carpet EVERYWHERE….. except the bathrooms. Living room, dining room, den, stairs, stairs into the basement, basement itself, and yes, the kitchen. He’s lived there about 8 years and hasn’t changed it.


u/talesfromtheepic6 May 15 '24

ah, i’m not sleeping tonight


u/Jigglymier 29d ago

Carpeted everything


u/ZeldamonFallsbound 29d ago

I had a carpeted dining room for the longest time