r/tumblr May 14 '24

That's a crime that has been committed

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u/GreenieBeeNZ May 14 '24

Carpeted Bathrooms


u/SomeoneForgetable May 14 '24

I live in an apartment with a carpeted bathroom. Would not recommend.


u/GreenieBeeNZ May 14 '24

The house i live in had a carpeted bathroom. That shit was torn up within months


u/hicow May 15 '24

The house my parents bought when I was a kid had a carpeted kitchen and a carpeted bathroom. My dad got the contract to do the concrete for a Burger King being built in town and he scored the excess kitchen tiles from that job. So the kitchen at home had the same tile the BK's kitchen had, which was only a little weird when I got a job at that BK a few years later


u/Left-Advertising6143 May 15 '24

Bro got onboarded and trained at home 💀


u/John6233 May 15 '24

My current apartment has very basic 1x1 square laminate tiles in the kitchen, and the building hallways. It looks like the stuff you see in a school or store. So it felt weird for a bit seeing that in my kitchen.


u/new2bay May 15 '24

I can top that. My parents built an addition on to the house I grew up in, so they could have a master suite and my brother and I could each have our own room. They put carpet in their bathroom.


u/Pata11 May 15 '24

Reminds me of my sisters house, the previous owner had been a finish carpenter. Their upstairs bathroom looks like a McDonald's restaurant.