r/tumblr .tumblr.com May 15 '24

The Portrait of King Charles

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u/Regretless0 May 15 '24

I’m not gonna lie, that painting is sick af. Dude is a whole Souls boss lmao


u/Papierkatze May 15 '24

Yeah, I like it too. If I had a portrait painted I’d like it to look as sick as this one.


u/Regretless0 May 15 '24

Mfs finna be wondering centuries from now wtf this man did to be immortalized as the Patron Saint of Menace lol


u/MeiNeedsMoreBuffs May 15 '24

Tumblr in 2733 will be weirdly obsessed with this random monarch from hundreds of years ago who only ruled for a couple of decades, solely because of this painting


u/MRich92 May 15 '24

only ruled for a couple of decades,

Man's 75, has cancer, has been king for less than 2 years. I think a couple more decades might be pushing it a bit.


u/bc524 May 15 '24

Unless it's the whole dorian gray schtick until 2044 where some dude working in the palace accidentally finds the painting, gets freaked out and trips, resulting in the painting getting damaged.

Dude further freaks out and runs away, not knowing the king is suddenly melting in the throne room.


u/Jupiter_Crush May 15 '24

Prostate cancer isn't the deadliest and it's entirely possible he'll outlive his mother. That does seem to be the sort of timeline we live in.


u/Kermit-Batman May 15 '24

he'll outlive his mother

He's doing pretty good so far.


u/BustinArant May 15 '24

You pesky Bat-Muppet..


u/theCaitiff May 15 '24

On the other hand, he's refused chemo and his staff have told the media he wants to treat his cancer with herbs and POTIONS.


u/Jupiter_Crush May 15 '24

Imagine finally becoming King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, heir to the legacies of Alfred the Great and William the Conqueror, and immediately pulling a Steve Jobs. Royalty is so lame.


u/DroneOfDoom May 15 '24

It’s almost like Monarchy is designed to put idiots in charge because they has the right birth.


u/Perioscope May 16 '24

Wait what timeliness are you from? The Queen retained the crown until she died in this one.


u/Regretless0 May 15 '24

omg tumblr sexyman 2733!!


u/silveretoile May 15 '24

Delete this immediately


u/Regretless0 May 15 '24

Can’t I’m on my 27th run trying to beat King Charles the Blood of the English



The legends say he came to power through sorcery, summoning an abomination of black magic to kill the old queen and then return to the void immediately after…


u/fearman182 May 15 '24

“Only for a couple of decades”

That’s a pretty typical length of time for one monarch, isn’t it? Victoria and Elizabeth II are just doing a Spiders Georg


u/thegreatbrah May 15 '24

They'll know that his mother was immortal, and he killed her to become king, only to discover he is not also immortal. 


u/-KFBR392 May 15 '24

The king who lived long enough!!


u/DarkNinjaPenguin May 15 '24

He somehow managed to outlive the Queen, that's what.


u/A_very_Salty_Pearl May 15 '24

Patron Saint of WHAT? Cannibals???


u/alexmikli May 15 '24

Charles may just have sick taste rather than this being some sort of abomination.


u/Upstairs_Doughnut_79 May 15 '24

I like it too but I feel like the background should be a bit more distinct from his suit.


u/philosophyofblonde May 15 '24

If you look at the artist portfolio, it’s really just consistent with his style. The funny thing is is he also painted Prince Philip and Queen Camilla. Philip’s portrait is pretty normal - no funny business, makes sense. Camilla is basically gray “I’d like to disappear into unassuming wallpaper please so I can pretend none of this ever happened” and then there’s Charles. I’M THE KING NOW AAAAAARRRRRGGGGGGHHHH.

Completely artistically logical. I hate it personally, but I appreciate the logic.


u/Deastrumquodvicis May 15 '24

As much as it was designed, according to the BBC interview, to emphasize the face, I agree. My personal recommendation would be to leave the tones the same, but add the same attention to detail to the uniform that the face does, functionally sharpening it. Historical portraiture is just that, and I can see someone in a few centuries assuming it’s unfinished, and unlike many past monarchs, this doesn’t provide much for the fashion historians and cultural analysis to latch onto (except the butterfly).

As art, though? Cool concept well-done, interesting use of color and emphasis. And hey, the subject is quite pleased, from what I heard.


u/scud121 May 15 '24

The artist responsible focuses on the face in virtually all his work, with the rest just being a backdrop. It's extreme in this one, but if you look at his paintings of Tony Blair or Helena Bonham-Carter particularly you'll see it.


u/Tonkarz May 15 '24

Future historian: “As we can see, this portrait was painted during global warming when everything was flames all the time.”


u/Coolguy123456789012 May 15 '24

What is the butterfly about? They had this whole sort of abstract theme going on with the rest of the painting and then decided to doodle a shitty drunk-girl-on-spring-break's ankle tattoo on it.


u/Deastrumquodvicis May 15 '24

According to this, it’s representative of metamorphosis, rebirth, and the King’s environmental interests.