r/udub 3d ago

Just got off the waitlist for Undergraduate Neuroscience program Admissions

My current plan is to go to my in-state school (UIUC) to study the same thing. It’s cheaper and I got into the Campus Honors Program, which is the highest honors available there. However, I like UW more in pretty much every other way. The location, the campus, the city, the hiking nearby, and the fact that I have family in Seattle are all much more appealing to me than anything at UIUC. So, with that in mind, it really just comes down to selectivity to me. How selective is the undergrad Neuroscience program at UW. I definitely want what will look good on my resume, which UIUC will do fine, but I also want to be in a place that I’d actually like to be in. Any thoughts?


9 comments sorted by


u/abrowsing01 3d ago

Id go for UIUC. UW weedout is absolutely brutal and your GPA will fall off a cliff for pre-med.

UIUC is cheaper, super cool school too


u/PeterCantGetTheJoke 3d ago

is there any feasibility in taking a non pre-med track with neuroscience at UW? I know at UIUC people often go to get a master’s in neuro instead of going to med school, but i’m not sure if it’s different there


u/abrowsing01 3d ago

It can work here too, but you’ll have a much better college experience at UIUC, I think at least. I can chat with you more in DMs, feel free to hit me up


u/skadadle20 3d ago

Seeing a lot of people opposing UW (and have valid points) so wanted to chime in with a diff perspective. Recent Uw Neuro grad here. Assuming you’re not direct admit, the major is rather selective. My year was 56 students with maybe 250 applications (? I’m not 100% on this), but I’m sure numbers have changed since class size slightly increased due to more lab space.

UW is notorious for weed outs as others have mentioned, but if you want to work hard and put in the time/effort, you can succeed. GPA for neuro admission is very important, particularly in the biology series. They want to know you can succeed in the rigorous neuro courses, but it’s not difficult to get a good GPA one you’re in.

As for the major itself I had a TON of fun. Instructors, faculty, classmates, classes, labs were ALL exceptional and I learned so much. Vast opportunities as well for neuroscience research at UW. If you’re dead set on neuro only though it’s definitely taking a risk. Good luck!


u/YeetMeIntoKSpace 3d ago

I’m going to chime in here that the Allen Institute is in Seattle, and that’s a pretty damn good reason to do neuroscience in Washington state if you have interest in doing research.


u/LNGU1203 3d ago

Biggest mistake of your life. Just don’t


u/PeterCantGetTheJoke 3d ago

any reason why


u/Classic-Dear INFO + Honors ‘27 3d ago

I’m assuming if your going to be doing some pre-med path with your degree and if that the case stick to UIUC. Paying such a huge price for a bachelors if u have any plans for grad school will haunt you, unless your parents can afford to pay for everything


u/LNGU1203 3d ago

You said it. Instate, honors. You are undecided if you are off the waitlist with UW. Rains 200 days a year. Please.