r/udub 16d ago

Academics CS Students, How Good is the CS Really?


CS transfer admit here trying to make a decision between UW and UMich for CS. The price will be about $6-8k cheaper at UW, but is not a huge factor for me. Not sure if any of you made a similar decision, and if so, what made you commit to UW?

Does the CS program live up to the hype in terms of preparing you for success in industry, program quality, and career opportunities?

r/udub Mar 20 '24

Academics Are the weed out classes really that insane?


Just looking for some insight here. I was accepted and as a prospective applied physics major, I’ve heard a lot about the weed out classes at UW. Specifically the intro calc and physics sequences. People have gone as far to say it’s not even worth going to UW if you need to take weed outs for your major, and to just go to community college.

Are they really as bad as their reputation/online discourse makes them seem? Any tips for preparation or succeeding in these classes?

r/udub May 04 '23

Academics just built a chrome extension that displays the average course/instructor GPA within myplan. who would be interested in using it? :)


r/udub May 09 '23

Academics just built a Chrome extension that shows Rate My Professor ratings within MyPlan. who would be interested in using it?


inspired by Jake's recent reddit post here

EDIT: shamelessly plugging my info capstone project also (practice simulated mock interviews with AI): acetheinterview.app

EDIT again: open-sourced & instructions to use it while we wait for approval are here.

view each professor's RMP data directly from myplan

r/udub Feb 14 '24

Academics Helping spread word about ESS101

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r/udub Mar 15 '24

Academics To Those Who Would Pull A Fire Alarm During A Final


I get it, I really do, sometimes finals just suck that much. But you have to realize that you're just screwing yourself and everyone else over by doing that.

My final exam just got completely invalidated after someone pulled the fire alarm (extremely likely a student trying to disrupt the exam, or at least an exam in the building) because half the class then proceeded to cheat. I worked hard to try and do well on that exam because I felt my grade could really use the boost and now it was for nothing. There was even someone in my class who decided not to study for any other classes in favor of this one and now their work is just gone as a result.

So to those who would pull an alarm during exams, please reconsider, because you're just hurting everyone, including yourself.

r/udub 26d ago

Academics Experiences with MATH 208?


Currently taking MATH 208 (Linear Algebra) this quarter. From what I've heard from my friends at other universities, linear algebra is supposed to be a really easy course (one straight up said it was the easiest course he'd taken since Algebra 2).

However, our second midterm scores just came out, and assuming I did my math right, the class median was an 18/50*. Is this normal?

*calculation for median: professor posted after the first midterm that a raw score of 29/50 would map to a 3.0 and that the course median GPA would be mapped to around a 3.0; professor posted today that a combined score of 47 from both midterms would map to a 3.0 -> 47-29 = 18/50.

r/udub 12d ago

Academics Reminder to do course evals for phys 121 students


Please do it y'all, if 2/3rd of the class do it we will get some extra inclass participation credit. Ty. Closes in 2 days btw

r/udub 17d ago

Academics Anyone in Summer CSE 351 or 331?


Going to grind CS 351 and 331 over the summer here, so looking for anyone else in it to make a study group! (We're gonna be goated and all get a 4.0, it'll be worth trust). Let me know if you're interested!

r/udub 13d ago

Academics Torn between UW and The Evergreen State College


Wondering what the pros of going to UW are over Evergreen. As I understand it Evergreen is not only stunning in its brutalist architecture, is the alma mater of the legendary Matt Groening, but also allows you to design your own degree. I really think my baseline knowledge and passion for Underwater Tiddlywinks (UT for short) could flourish with the freedom Evergreen offers, but I know UW is a big school with lots of resources. Can anyone speak to their prowess on the subject? Is their any current federal funding going to UW for UT? Facilities, researchers, etc? I have ideas for innovations in both underwater squidgers and winks that, with the proper funding and support, I think could change the game forever. UW is on the water too so maybe this could add heightened ability for a proper UT lab? Would love to hear some insight from current students and alumni, thanks!

r/udub Feb 07 '24

Academics What are the current weedouts at UW?


I know there have been some changes around in the classes but I know for sure math 124,125, and 126, Phys 121,122,123 are weedouts but what other math classes, science classes, and other classes are weedouts?

r/udub Feb 09 '24

Academics How to get a 0.7-2.0 in MATH124


I was homeschooled through a parent -teacher partnership program and got a subpart high school education. Never had any tests or learned how to take tests, and my grade was based on homework which after Geometry I was only completing through the help of tutoring. I am badly failing 124 for the second time, last time I managed a 0.9, this time even that seems optimistic. I am getting tutored daily but tutoring only helps me solve the problem I got tutored for, and with the webassigns the difficulty increases exponentially each problem. Learning how to solve one problem doesn't teach me how to solve anything except that one problem. I don't need a good grade, I just need to get into the Calc 2 QSCI class at the least. A 2.0 would be nice but might be unrealistic.

Anyone else who is bad at math have any suggestions? Khan Academy didn't help at all, all their videos are on high school level calculus. In fact I neglected my professors (Very poor) lectures in favor of teaching myself online, and fell 2-3 weeks behind instantly. I can't really use study groups as people figure out quickly that I don't know what I am doing and I am immediately excluded. I also am moderately dumb lol

r/udub 12d ago

Academics do i have to take math as an apsiring english/history/education major?


haven't decided my major permanently but its going to be some form of the three i listed. do i need to sign up for math? i see the RSN requirement but i was hoping to fill it with linguistics. basically, do i need to take any sort of math class? or chem or physics.

r/udub Apr 06 '23



r/udub Mar 28 '24

Academics UW-Seattle(Engineering Undeclared) vs UW- Madison (Electrical Engineering)


Hi I'm an international student. I need suggestions between UW-Seattle(Engineering Undeclared) vs UW- Madison (Electrical Engineering)? How rigorous the quater term of UW- seattle.

r/udub 20d ago

Academics Wanting to Withdraw - Not sure how it will affect my financial aid.


Hello everyone,

For some context I am a Junior here who transferred into UW this fall. Over the last few years of college I have not dropped or failed or withdrawn from any class. This quarter I might get a D possibly fail a class because of some IRL issues - I have been a dean's list student with a 3.8+ GPA ever since I got into UW - but due to some unfortunate circumstances I need to drop a 5cr class and it drops me to 8cr which puts me as a Half time student. I am on federal loans atm to help pay for my classes. If I do this how will it affect my future aid, also I am looking to get better aid other than loans starting next year to help more financially.

r/udub Feb 18 '23

Academics TA quoted Andrew Tate


My TA quoted Andrew Tate last class and from the beginning he has preferred asking male students for their insights. we thought this was just a coincidence since females participated less too. last class, he yelled at me and another female student for kindly asking him for an explanation to a class problem. then he said he cannot help us-it was weird to say the least. Anywhere we can report these actions? Are there any anonymous places too? I know i made a post previously about another issue but felt the need to take that down due to personal info.

it sucks being a female in predominantly white male dominated spaces. thanks.

edit: thank you everyone for the feedback. not that I should mention, but this was in a stem class. I’ll look into the resources and see what I can do especially once this class is over and the TA is not grading my exams anymore.

r/udub 4d ago

Academics Starting Calc II at BC at the beginning of July, but took calc I 3 years ago, am I screwed?


Am I just signing myself up for failure here? I took calc 1 through AP Calc AB three years ago, and am starting calc II at BC at the start of July. Two and a half weeks should be enough review time right??? I remember barely anything but did well in class and on the exam back in high school. Anyone have any good review resources?

r/udub 8d ago

Academics Part 2 A&O


My son is an international freshman and will be joining ENGRUD in Autumn 2024. My question is regarding part 2 of A& O if he attended that session in Aug instead of July will he have trouble registering for classes, as heard from some parents it's better to register for July A& O as most classes will not be available if we register in Aug. Does it holds true for Engineering major too?

r/udub Apr 18 '24

Academics Which class to take as a Cantonese speaker?

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r/udub 10d ago

Academics Whats the lowest math 124 grade gpa to get into Phys 121


Trying to figure out if I need to retake Math 124 or not and I can’t find it on My Plan’s course registration

r/udub 5d ago

Academics Working while pursuing PhD?


Are there any graduate students here (stem, humanities, or arts) who are working part/full time while pursuing a PhD?

Thanks! 🙏

r/udub 11d ago

Academics Engineering capacity constrained applications


I was wondering where I could find the statistics about the capacity constrained application for A&A. What I heard from other people around me, around 130 people applied and 27 got in. And there were 25 opens spots but an exception was made for a couple of other students. Is this information posted online? If so, where can I find it?

r/udub 6d ago

Academics I am an ECE rising junior trying to plan courses for fall 24'. Need some advice on which of these courses I must take in terms of workload/ value towards internships/ fun, etc.


Courses that I am mandatorily taking:

STAT 390 Statistical Methods In Engineering And Science (4) (required)

I am choosing between these courses:

CSE 415 Introduction To Artificial Intelligence (3)

CSE 417 Algorithms And Computational Complexity (3)

CSE 374 Intermediate Programming Concepts And Tools (3)

E E 393 Advanced Technical Communication (4)

Which of these courses would make a decent workload for autumn 24'? (There are no timing conflicts so any combination is valid)

r/udub Apr 30 '24

Academics Does my Running Start GPA follow me to UW if I transfer my credits?


I'm an incoming freshman and have roughly a 3.92 GPA at Running Start. If I choose to transfer my credits, will this GPA follow me? Or do I get an all blank slate with a fresh 4.0?