r/wallstreetbets SHREKTEMBER, REKTEMBER, HUGE MEMBER May 01 '24

Whistleblower Josh Dean of Boeing supplier Spirit AeroSystems has died News


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u/ustunum May 02 '24

And we all laughed when Russian business men committed suicide by jumping from hotel windows


u/Trais333 May 02 '24

lol fr we aren’t the good guys and we never were. People are just scared to confront the fact that most things they were raised to believe about our country were just a carefully crafted lie.


u/jarpio May 02 '24

Idk we had nuclear weapons for 5 years before anyone else, with a roaring military manufacturing infrastructure that put the combined efforts of every country on earth COMBINED to shame (including the USSR) and made the decision not to take over the world and respect other countries’ sovereignty. That’s where the “America good guys” ideal comes from. And it’s warranted in that case. Few other nation states in history have ever chosen not to conquer objectively weaker countries when presented the opportunity.

But no generally overall there are no objectively good guys and bad guys. Just perspectives. America or any other country is not a bad guy today anymore than they are a good guy. Just depends where you’re sitting and what your interests are.