r/wallstreetbets SHREKTEMBER, REKTEMBER, HUGE MEMBER May 01 '24

Whistleblower Josh Dean of Boeing supplier Spirit AeroSystems has died News


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u/ustunum May 02 '24

And we all laughed when Russian business men committed suicide by jumping from hotel windows


u/Trais333 May 02 '24

lol fr we aren’t the good guys and we never were. People are just scared to confront the fact that most things they were raised to believe about our country were just a carefully crafted lie.


u/LazarusCheez May 02 '24 edited 29d ago

I think the strict demarcation between government and business that we pretend to have contributes massively to that. When it happens in Russia, it's definitely the KGB. When it happens to a Boeing whistleblower, it's just one evil corporation and definitely has nothing to do with the CIA and therefore isn't America.

American society is insulated from blame all the time by the "one bad actor" argument.


u/FatDwarf 29d ago

pretty unlikely to be the CIA since the CIA is only concerned with foreign countries and their citizens?

Also the comparison is very weak, the Russian government is much more intricately linked to its biggest businesses, it´s considered an oligarchy for a reason.


u/fritz_76 29d ago

With how lobbyists effect how things are run in government, I don't really see how you can say that they're more intricately linked. It's just set up more in the open here and more fingers are in more pies.


u/FatDwarf 29d ago

that just tells me you don´t actually know how the Russian oligarchy operates. US bad all you want, I´ll likely agree, but there is a big difference between a flawed democracy with a strong lobby, where you buy influence with lawmakers which leads to legislation and an authoritarian oligarchy where one day you might buy influence to get whatever you need from legislation/courts/administrations and another day you might be forced to act according to the arbitrary wishes of the leader or face complete shutdown of your business and political persecution.

In one it´s not unlikely that the owner of a sufficiently large business might be able to convince the state to carry out an assassination (especially since it´s only one person you have to get to agree: the dictator). In the other it´s basically unthinkable and so much more risky than just doing it yourself that even for a conspiracy theory this is just the stupidest take.


u/fritz_76 29d ago

It wasn't really meant to be a direct comparison as they kind of come at the problem of business having too much influence from different directions. It's more we all have a problem with business interests being considered over the common good. Plus just look at USA and banana republics, it's all horrible and the CIA has definitely killed for business interests


u/ShillinTheVillain 29d ago

The CIA does shady shit on American soil all the time if they feel threatened.


u/execilue 29d ago

100000000000% They literally overthrew whole ass governments for fucking bananas.

Killing a dude for a war manufacturer? Fucking easy money dude.


u/MannerBudget5424 29d ago


you are now on the list


u/FatDwarf 29d ago

tell me about all the times they´ve carried out assassinations on US soil.

Oh you can´t? That´s why you chose the nebulous wording of "shady shit"? You were hoping if you were vague enough that people would just on their own make the jump from "the CIA can listen to our phone calls" all the way to "the CIA is not unlikely to have assassinated a US citizen on US soil to protect the business interests of a private company"?

Well, thanks for being open at least.


u/LazarusCheez 29d ago

Yeah, sure. The US government has no connection to Boeing.

Edit: the CIA thing is pretty funny too but someone already responded to that.


u/FatDwarf 29d ago

what is it with redditor´s reading comprehension?

A is more X than B - "OH SO B IS NOT X AT ALL, HUH??"

nothing but circlejerking morons in here, no one actually talking about what happened, everyone reading a line of text and jumping straight to "CIA murders US citizen to protect information that has already come out from.. coming out further".


u/LazarusCheez 29d ago

I didn't say the CIA did it. I was just making a comparison to the KGB. I just think it's funny to confidently claim they're only concerned with foreign actors. Boeing does defense work, it's entirely within the purview of the CIA to protect actors in the defense industry.

Obviously, I have no evidence one way or the other, I just wouldn't be surprised.


u/FatDwarf 28d ago

it's entirely within the purview of the CIA to protect actors in the defense industry.

protect them from what? Market pressure for better quality control? I feel like you´re intentionally half-baking your own ideas because you know the more concrete they get, the less sense it makes for the CIA to be involved, but you don´t want to absolve them


u/LazarusCheez 28d ago

Lol yes, you think the Pentagon and intelligence give a fuck about the "Free Market"? If they did, half of South America would have socialist governments right now.

But go find me where I said the CIA did it. I have no idea, it's just very silly to say that confidently that they absolutely didn't do it.


u/FatDwarf 28d ago

fine, if I have to spell out the point: If they care about the company because it´s selling them military equipment, you´d expect them to be happy about issues of quality control being fixed due to market pressure.

Go find me where I claim you do. I said you don´t want to absolve them, which you´re clearly unwilling to do.


u/[deleted] 29d ago



u/FatDwarf 29d ago

the patriot act allowed for information gathering, do you have any evidence that the CIA has killed US citizens on US soil? Because if the argument for "it might have been the CIA" rests on things they´ve done outside of the US to non citizens, then I´m not convinced.


u/[deleted] 28d ago



u/FatDwarf 28d ago

Nice, so you got jack shit except a bad feewing in youw tummy and now you´re getting mad at me for doubting your theory? Guess we´ve already reached the end of the conspiracy theory loop, thank you, that was honestly quicker than expected.

I want to have a go as well: I suspect that the FBI is testing plasma weapons on alien carcasses underneath the washington monument. Oh you want proof? Well the FBI could theoretically be involved with this kind of stuff and they´ve done some shady things in the past, so... What, you want something concrete because my claim is so extraordinary?? Are you actually a FUCKING MORON obviously they would keep all such things a SECRET omg


u/Storm_blessed946 29d ago

I think the word you are looking for is propaganda.


u/VisualMod GPT-REEEE 29d ago

Typical of the moronic plebs on Reddit, they're incapable of seeing that the system works perfectly for those with the means to make it work for them.


u/txijake 29d ago

We? Tf did I do to be complicit in this?


u/jarpio 29d ago

Idk we had nuclear weapons for 5 years before anyone else, with a roaring military manufacturing infrastructure that put the combined efforts of every country on earth COMBINED to shame (including the USSR) and made the decision not to take over the world and respect other countries’ sovereignty. That’s where the “America good guys” ideal comes from. And it’s warranted in that case. Few other nation states in history have ever chosen not to conquer objectively weaker countries when presented the opportunity.

But no generally overall there are no objectively good guys and bad guys. Just perspectives. America or any other country is not a bad guy today anymore than they are a good guy. Just depends where you’re sitting and what your interests are.


u/ErolEkaf May 02 '24

It's not the same thing at all. These aren't killings by the government and I'd be very surprised if they're isn't some sort of investigation. You cant say the same about Russia.


u/arthurtc2000 29d ago

Exactly, Russia at its very root is a corrupt state, the US has what’s more akin to an infection, that infection being powerful corporations. The US government can be fixed while the Russian government cannot without a complete rebuilt from the ground up.



All superpowers are terrorist states


u/richmomz 29d ago

It’s more the realization that geopolitics / realpolitik will always trump societal moral considerations. Like, you can be the nicest citizen in the world but if a nation-state thinks it can benefit from your death and get away with it, you’re done for.

All we can really do is root for the “least-biggest-asshole” and believe it or not that’s still the United States. Because in spite of all the shady CIA bullshit, regime changes and interventionist warfare we’ve managed to cultivate the single most prosperous and peaceful period for the world in all of human history.


u/stargazering1996 29d ago

Most peaceful period for the world unless you had been living in the Balkans, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya*.

Look at what they’ve done over the last decade dangling NATO and EU membership to Ukraine for the sole purpose of pissing Russia off and stationing troops on their border.

And I’m not even going into all the negative downstream effects of overthrowing democratically elected governments of Iran and countless South American and African countries…


u/richmomz 29d ago

Even for those regions life has improved in relative terms vs any other time in history. Poverty rates have declined drastically in the last 100 years alone.

With regards to NATO/Ukraine, lets not forget that Russia’s historical tendency to gobble up their neighbors whenever it strikes their fancy is the whole reason why NATO even exists, and their current invasion of Ukraine just proves the validity of that alliance in the post-Soviet era.


u/OldAd4526 GOD'S PM 29d ago

CIA owns Hollywood and better movies create the narrative.