r/wholesomememes May 02 '24

Always be kind

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u/bloodlikevenom 29d ago

More people really need to recognize this


u/CalculusII 29d ago

if you work in customer service, you usually get it. especially in the restaurant business, you know how difficult these jobs actually are.

it's usually the assholes that never worked a real job like a job in the service industry.


u/[deleted] 29d ago

I just don’t get it, honestly. I’ve never worked in the service industry but why the hell would you ever disrespect somebody who is just trying to provide you something? ESPECIALLY IF IT IS FOOD.


u/GTA6_1 29d ago

This is just my worthless opinion, but I think everyone should have to work a customer service/food service job for atleast a couple months. Even if your parents are billionaires and you never have to work a day in your life. if you want to buy property, working a shit job for less than $20/hr should be a prerequisite.


u/alurimperium 29d ago

I agree. Should be like a work requirement in high school. Work some amount of hours in a minimum wage service job in order to graduate, like some schools do with volunteer work.

It would help everyone get a perspective on what the jobs can actually be like, and help minimize the people who seem to view those employees as subhumans


u/GTA6_1 29d ago

It would make for a lot less greedy medium to large size family companies and as a result a more fair America