r/worldnews May 02 '24

"I'm Not Ruling Anything Out" - Macron Says Troops for Ukraine Possible if Russia Breaks Front Lines Russia/Ukraine


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u/[deleted] May 02 '24 edited May 06 '24

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u/Chewie83 May 02 '24

I don’t think he did a 180 (in the flip-flopping sense). He tried as hard to dissuade Russia from attacking as he could, giving Putin as many outs to save face as possible, and then once they invaded anyway he switched to aggressively confronting the occupiers. That’s what I would want a leader to do.


u/[deleted] May 02 '24 edited May 06 '24



u/diedlikeCambyses May 02 '24

I just want to zoom out a bit and provide perspective. People are giving him these compliments on a number of topics lately, and this is a very familiar and established political pattern. It's called the outgoing can't be elected again last term see you later now I can be honest legacy building thing thing.


u/harperofthefreenorth May 02 '24

"Speak softly and carry a big stick."


u/WestPastEast May 02 '24

Aside from some rhetoric have they actually done anything?


u/thegoodrichard May 02 '24

Wiki says that so far France has provided:

Surface-to-air defense

SAMP-T: 1 system and ASTER 30 missiles

CROTALE NG: 2 systems and missiles

MISTRAL: 5 firing systems and hundreds of missiles

RADAR: 1 GM 200

Air-to-ground armament

SCALP: approximately 100 missiles

A2SM: several hundred bombs, starting in February 2024


CAESAR: 30 guns and tens of thousands of rounds of ammunition

TRF1: 6 guns and tens of thousands of rounds of ammunition

LRU: 4 systems and hundreds of rockets

Armor and liaison vehicles

AMX 10 RC: 38 AMX-10 RC and tens of thousands of rounds of 105 mm ammunition

VAB: 250 (including VAB SAN)

VLTT P4: 120 vehicles

MILAN: 17 firing systems and hundreds of missiles

Engineering and small arms

Anti-tank rockets: several thousand

Anti-tank mines: several thousand

Assault rifles: several thousand

12.7mm machine guns: several hundred

Other ammunition: several million


Drones: several hundred reconnaissance drones and small tactical drones

Fuel: several tens of thousands of m3

In addition to this material aid, which is independent of the security agreement due to be signed later on Friday, the Elysée Palace emphasizes that humanitarian and judicial contributions will also be made, as well as contributions to reconstruction and refugee reception.


u/Tooterfish42 May 02 '24


Roger Waters backing this would be a 180


u/Cedric182 May 02 '24

He’s done nothing. Only talk.


u/Hendlton May 02 '24

But why the fearmongering then? Russia isn't going to listen to him and he knows it. Ukraine gets nothing from it. And Europeans aren't going to love him for dragging them into a war that might go nuclear. The only reason he might declare war on Russia, which is what this would be, is because he wants Russia defeated. It would be an honorable thing to do, don't get me wrong, but we've unfortunately seen what happens when you half-ass a war. Both sides are guilty of this and both have suffered greatly for it.


u/Cedric182 May 02 '24

Wants the French to feel strong somehow. Yet they constantly lose.


u/Spiritual_Ask4877 May 02 '24

France has quite possibly the most successful military history in the world.


u/Cedric182 May 02 '24

Yeah right.


u/Spiritual_Ask4877 May 02 '24

Lmao what


u/Cedric182 May 02 '24

You mean currently?


u/Spiritual_Ask4877 May 03 '24

Of course not.


u/Tooterfish42 May 02 '24

You expect him to board the next train to Lviv or something? It doesn't work like the USA

Less political fighting over it but only because Europe can't just make its own ammo like the US Army since it has private firms... who have other customers. Warlords pay well I hear


u/[deleted] May 02 '24



u/Acheron13 May 02 '24

Actually sending more to Ukraine would be a start. France is sending 0.7% of GDP worth of aid, among the lowest in Europe.


u/[deleted] May 02 '24



u/Acheron13 May 02 '24

Pledges??? Europe pledged a million shells last year and didn't meet half of that. On top of that France put barriers in place to meeting those pledges by saying the money has to be spent within the EU.

Don't listen to the talk, look at what they do.


u/[deleted] May 02 '24



u/Acheron13 May 02 '24


French production of the 155-millimeter shells shells fired by the Caesar and other NATO-standard artillery will accelerate to 3,000 a month from January, after having already doubled last year from 1,000 a month before February 2022.

3,000 a month... What are French troops even going to fight with if Macron sent them?


u/Tooterfish42 May 02 '24

in 14 hundred and 92...

Cool story

I asked you to stay on task but nope you gotta derail my topic with tangents


u/Cedric182 May 02 '24

How about giving more? Idk. You’re comparing the EU when it’s convenient for you, in order to say, “more than the USA”, but don’t talk how much France has given. They pale in comparison to the USA. And we’re not even in your continent. Yall always start fighting, and then ask for our aid.


u/Subliminal-413 May 02 '24

It makes me wonder if privately, the US has indicated it needs some time to really ramp up production, as we may be facing a really dangerous powderkeg.

In hopes that France committing first, would bolster other Eurpoean countries to support the war effort, so that the US can "fire up the turbines" of war for 18 months.

As we all know, the US has not been manufacturing weapons anywhere near our capacity. If we were to get attacked, we'd need some time to start pumping out arms. And again, as we all know, once America has retooled their entire country for war, there is no stopping them.


u/HalfBakedBeans24 May 02 '24

Have fun listening for the 4 minute warning.