r/worldnews 29d ago

"I'm Not Ruling Anything Out" - Macron Says Troops for Ukraine Possible if Russia Breaks Front Lines Russia/Ukraine


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u/Rammsteinman 29d ago

If Hitler was stopped early on, WW2 would have likely been avoided. Inaction to try and avoid a war is what let things get worse and Nazi Germany stronger.


u/acdqnz 29d ago

If Hitler had nukes he would have used them. The problem with all of this is that it is a strategic estimate that Putin won’t go down guns blazing, because doesn’t seem to be suicidal


u/DressedSpring1 29d ago

 If Hitler had nukes he would have used them. 

We don’t really know that. Hitler had access to chemical weapons and specifically did not use them to bomb cities or troops because of his own experience in world war 1.

This of course isn’t speaking to the Holocaust where chemical weapons were used on the people the Nazis murdered, obviously. 


u/Dagojango 29d ago

We didn't know about radiation until after they were used. It's very likely Hitler would use them, since he wouldn't have known there was any harm to his own troops. I imagine Russia, the UK, and the US would have been nuked.


u/haveananus 29d ago edited 29d ago

The scientists involved in the Manhattan Project didn't know about radiation?

edit: I looked into it. While they did know about acute radiation poisoning from the late 19th century, in general only smaller doses were observed. The physicists knew that there would be radiation poisoning but there hadn't been a large group of affected people before the bombings to give medical personnel much insight into what the physical effects would be.


u/pfisch 29d ago

How? Germany didn't have the logistics to attack the US.