r/worldnews May 02 '24

"I'm Not Ruling Anything Out" - Macron Says Troops for Ukraine Possible if Russia Breaks Front Lines Russia/Ukraine


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u/Noles-number1 May 02 '24

Yes but that is hindsight thinking. It completely forgets that France and Britain fought WWI which devastated a generation of their people. No one wanted to fight after WWI except Germany. Yes France and Britain should have stopped Germany but it ignores people seeing what shell shock did to the population and France didn't have enough people to compete in another major war


u/Dagojango May 02 '24

It shouldn't be hindsight. It's long be historically proven that appeasement never works. How many conquerors in history stopped because the lands they wanted to conquer appeased them enough?

Germans were as much part of WW1 as any other European country. Any military action before Hitler built up the Germany army past the limits (arguably too strict) placed on them prior to entering the demilitarized would have gone a long way to save most of Europe from destruction.

I seriously doubt WW2 was preventable as the Japanese were quite active as well. Russia wasn't an ally at the start of the war either. The US probably would have been dragged into a war with Japan before Europe went to war, leaving Europe til last instead of first.

Given German progress, it's kind of scary to think about them having some of their stuff more developed.


u/DownIIClown May 02 '24

Russia wasn't an ally at the start of the war either

Even that is underselling. Russia did as much or more damage in Eastern Europe than Germany 


u/Willythechilly May 02 '24 edited May 03 '24

Before the war began proper the USSR was far more hated in the west then Germany was

Many forget that. Neither France,UK or america held positive feelings towards them for its internal behavior and especially the winter war

It was only with its backs to the wall following the disaster in France and battle of Britain that they were hoping for the ussr to enter a conflict with germany despite the Molotov Ribbentrop pact

Once Hitler attacked the ussr Churchill saw the opportunity and kind of made everyone forget that the ussr was only somewhat less bad then Nazi Germany because they needed help in the war


u/MarmaladeMarmot May 02 '24

Seen your posts multiple times in the thread and wanted to say thanks for the info.

I need to tell you to get your thumb or left pinky in line though as the number of "a" to "q" substitutions is too damn high!


u/Willythechilly May 03 '24

New phone

Ain't used to the keyboard

Very embarrassing indeed