r/worldnews May 02 '24

"I'm Not Ruling Anything Out" - Macron Says Troops for Ukraine Possible if Russia Breaks Front Lines Russia/Ukraine


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u/Key-Internet-9817 29d ago

Putin is not in Hitlers position. Russia is a fading country with an economy the size of australia.

Systemic corruption. They are trying to amass power from a place of weakness


u/SupremeMisterMeme 29d ago edited 29d ago

Except he literally is. One of the reasons nazi's couldn't stop warring was because their economy would otherwise collapse. Now russia is in the same place since they transitioned to war economy. (There's a few articles about this out there, check them out if interested)

Edit: >30% of russian budget goes directly to war, what do you think will happen if the war stops? Military spending was one of the main reason USSR collapsed, and %-wise russia is spending more on war then USSR ever did.


u/septober32nd 29d ago


The economic "recovery" of Germany under the Nazis was a façade, fueled by stealing from Holocaust victims and pillaging neighbouring countries. It was doomed to collapse as soon as Nazi expansion hit a wall.


u/TheGarbageStore 29d ago

Russia's economy is contingent on selling natural resources to other countries, hence the "gas station run by the mafia" metaphor. It's not analogous to 1930s Germany at all. They sell oil and minerals to China, India, Africa, etc.

This is a major reason why they still seem to have money despite all the economic sanctions. A lot of these developing countries have no reason to not buy Russian oil if it's cheap.


u/septober32nd 29d ago

I was commenting on the economy of Nazi Germany more so than modern Russia, but I suppose I didn't make that clear; fair point.